
Friday 24 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Epilogue: Tears of the spirits

The end of the Ghost Trainer challenge!

A few days later after Mixia's battle with Diantha, people around Kalos gathered in Lumiose to celebrate for the saviors of Kalos and celebrate the ascension of the new Champion, not an ordinary Champion, but the Ghost-type Champion.

"Here she comes, the first Ghost specialist Chamipion, Mixia!" announced Sycamore.

"You have done it, child! You've show the world that the Ghosts are not what they thought to be, as they thought they were terrifying, mistaken for the crimes they did to terrorize the mortals. But, you showed them a new light that they can be the saviors of the mortals!"

"It's good to be the Champion, but I'd like to retire from it someday..." thought Mixia as she walked up to the stage, along with Trevor, Shauna, Tierno and Calem.

The Ghost Pokemon, except Wally (because it is too tall), followed Mixia. Vision and Voody hang onto her shoulder, waving their hands at the crowd, Spectre and Pyras are seen on her sides, Spinie  waved its hands at the crowd, Manitou, Polty and Graspy are seen floating about the girl, Polty and Pumpkaboo are spinning around as they followed the girl, and Sheindja aimlessly turns to see the crowd, cheering for the girl who was once a shaman 3000 years ago, but now reincarnated into a stomach-baring, Ghost-loving girl.

Other Ghost-type Pokemon welcomed her. These are a Gastly, a Phantump, a Froslass, and a Misdreavus.

The five children bowed towards the crowd. Spectre also bowed when it changes into Blade Forme. It seems many boys are captivated by Mixia's outfit.

"What an amazing turnout! All of these people are here to celebrate your achievements." congratulated Sycamore.

"And I'd like to present you with the Honor of Kalos for the bravery you showed battling Team Flare!" he added as he presents a badge, with the symbol of Kalos and the Prism Tower at the center of the emblem.

"I'm so proud of you all! On the behalf of the entire Kalos region, I'd like to say... thank you!" he praised as Mixia puts the emblem on her left chest.

Calem then walks closer and holds Mixia's hand.

"It's good to feel that you have become the first and youngest Ghost Champion, isn't it? I'm quite even of your emblem, and the spot on your body," whispered Calem.

"I'm glad that we can be together." Mixia silently replied, grinning towards the boy.

"Actually I decided to break up with you and renew my rivalry, because I realized that we are too young to go dating. But whether you are my rival or not, you always be my sweetheart..." he whispered again.

The crowd saw in awe about the young couple. Even the Ghosts grinned.

The cheers of joy becomes silent when AZ appears.

"Shaman..." said AZ as he walks forward.

"Battle with me." he added.

"AZ... What are you doing here?" said Mixia as she left go the grip of Calem's hand.

"I want to know what a 'trainer' is." he answered.

AZ sends out Torkoal while Mixia sends out Wally. "Careful, everyone. This thing can create a Fissure!" warned Mixia. The Golurk carefully creates a minor Earthquake to strike the Torkoal.

AZ sends out another Golurk. Wally Shadow Punched it instead.

Mixia switches back Wally and calls in Spectre to battle AZ's Sigilyph. Spectre simply casts off a Shadow Sneak at the Sigilyph.

Mixia grinned cutely, which is a sight for everyone. But for AZ, it seems that he was glad that the pressure upon him is gone.

"Thank you very much for battling with me. Now I finally feel free... Free from the part of me mired in sorrow- the part of me that built the ultimate weapon..." thanked AZ.

"I'm glad that you can forget the past and move on to the future... AZ, what are you looking at?" said Mixia as AZ turned his head towards the sky.

It was a Floette, the flower that the spirits has spoken about. But that was no ordinary Floette, it's the Eternal Flower.

As the flower descended onto AZ's hands, tears start to come out from Mixia's sapphire-blue eyes.

"Floette..." said AZ as he crouched and holds gently onto the flower.

"It's been 3000 years..." AZ cried.

Mixia started crying because of the sight of such a rare and elegant Fairy. The spirits also wept in tears of joy.

"His Pokemon was waiting all the time... Waiting for him to return to the man he was. The man who loved Pokemon with all of his heart..." said Sycamore.

"Finally, the man who has found the flower can rest once again. The 3000 years of his suffering, from the guilt of him building the ultimate weapon, ceased to exist in his heart when the feelings of pain and sorrow are replaced with the joy by the fact that he can see the flower in a new dawn..."

Mixia wipes off her tears and looks at the sky.

The spirits' duty of eliminating Team Flare is fulfilled, all the people around Kalos can trust the Ghost-type, and the first Ghost specialist Champion has born.

A new dawn awaits, for the cute girl who loves the Ghost-type, and capable of listening to the spirits' whisper.

"Thank you Calem, for realizing the true purpose of loving you. Thank you Xerneas, for helping me to slay the True Evil. Thank you Arceus, for allowing me to live another life..." she thought.

These wings, once were invisible, now visible to all...

Final team

Spectre (Aegislash)
Level 71, Hasty
Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Sacred Sword, King's Shield
Good endurance

Spectre... he's one of my favourites! Back when it was a Honedge I often stopped it from evolving because I wanted it to learn Sacred Sword. It often had problems when it comes to special moves, especially those dangerous Fire moves. And when I simply let it evolve it into Aegislash immediately, whoa, King's Shield is awesome, and it looked very heroic when dealing with those Team Flare scientists. Seeing Spectre battling with Wikstrom's Aegislash is somewhat exciting. Using it to battle Mega Gardevoir showed how much I like this Pokemon.

On the other note, Aegislash is my 2nd favourite Ghost-type.

Wally (Golurk)
Level 72, Bold
Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Power-up Punch, Ice Beam
Strongly defiant

I can't believe its nature is Bold when I first caught it. But hey, he can be as fast as he can. It was extremely useful when facing Clemont, but it died to a Heliolisk's Grass Knot. This thing can stall quite long when facing Valerie's team. I got rid of Strength so I can let it learn Ice Beam, and it was very useful when facing Drasna. In other words, it helped me throughout against every member of the Elite Four. Almost.

Vision (Sableye)
Level 69, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect
Likes to fight

Vision has made me realized why Fake Out is highly necessary when it comes to competitive battling, even that Pokemon has low Attack stat (like Meowstic), and also made me realized Protect is necessary (I never run Protect on my Gallade). The Stall ability had given me lots of fun when it threw up every Payback at Team Flare's cronies, except when it comes to Scraggy and Scrafty.

Graspy (Haunter)
Level 70, Hardy
Destiny Bond, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball
Likes to run

From its stats, I can tell it is a better glass cannon than Polty. While I often relied on Vision to take out Calem's team, I switched into Haunter to sweep Calem back at Anistar, and an almost complete sweep during Victory Road hiking. Dazzling Gleam is highly useful when it comes to Dark-types, I guess.

Polty (Rotom)
Level 72, Rash
Thunder Wave, Electro Ball, Hex, Will-o-wisp

I always enjoyed using this kind of moveset. It helped me to take down those Admins when Vision can't cope. It also participated every battle on the Route 19 bridge, shooting Thunder Waves, throwing will-o-wisps and hexing and throwing Electro Balls. Perhaps you should have seen Siebold's face when it hurled an Electro Ball at his Gyarados. But its rash nature caused it to suffer a lot from that Clawitzer...

Pyras (Chandelure)
Level 71, Docile
Flamethrower, Will-o-wisp, Hex, Pain Split
Highly curious

I'd say it was fun watching my foe getting hit by Pain Split. Poor Klefki getting burnt before it can throw up some Spikes at me. When it was a Litwick, it sometimes can't cope with the Ice-types at the Frost Cavern... because I have been saving its evolution for Pain Split. Nevertheless, burn Hex is something fun that you should try out.

Level 65, Sassy
Grudge, Phantom Force, Metal Claw, Dig
Likes to relax

Although I find Wonder Guard excellent, I started to not use it often after the sixth Badge. Nevertheless, Metal Claw is somewhat handy. You can say it had high difficulty dealing damage when it was a Nincada, if weren't for Hone Claws. Running Phantom Force on it is quite fun, you see.

Manitou (Drifblim)
Level 67, Rash
Thunder Wave, Hex, Fly, Focus Energy
Quick to flee

Ah, this balloony thing helped Mixia to take her to various boutiques to check out what is available for her Ghost Trainer outfit. It was fun to throw a Thunder Wave and hex it. Well, Aliana's Mightyena won't have to worry about this Drifblim anymore, but it will never forget Spectre and its sword of light.

Spinie (Trevenant)
Level 65, Lonely
Forest's Curse, Destiny Bond, Phantom Force, Horn Leech
Good endurance

Wood Hammer can be quite handy, but I prefer life regeneration more than recoil damage (I don't take risks). It was my anti-Water thing during my hike on Victory Road. On the other hand, the Trevenant I caught in the challenge are female, because when I completed this game, I could breed one for a Phantump.

So anyone has a Phantump safari? I want a shiny one!

Voody (Banette)
Level 47, Naive
Shadow Ball, Sucker Punch, Embargo, Snatch
Highly curious

I haven't try out this whiz-gizmo-thing, but I bet its Mega Evolution is awesome. Or I should try breed one with Phantom Force...

Author's note

At last, I have completed this challenge! Here's how much time I accumulated onto Pokemon X:

Game time: 42:17

Whoa, that's longer than my Y playthrough. I kind of spent most of Mixia's time on checking out boutiques, running into the Battle Chateau, picking up Berries, power-leveling and wandering throughout Lumiose. But it was all worth it. Sometimes I don't remember how many hours I play to complete these respective games.

I realized that I didn't get so much views on my posts concerning this spooky write-up of my X playthrough. Yes, you can say my story lacked horror themes. But hey, you can't force me to make Mixia creepy! I mean, she's not a Hex Maniac!

What's next, you say? I'll be breeding Haunters. And Ghosts. No, I'm not kidding

So, to commemorate the completion of the challenge, here's a song, which shows Mixia's joy and victory! And it's my all-time favourite!

My playlist: Visible Wings (有形的翅膀)

And thanks for reading the write-up of my Ghost Trainer challenge. Plus, happy Halloween!

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