
Friday 10 October 2014

Mixia's Ghost Guides: Stall Sableye

So there's a Halloween Ghost-themed competition going on, eh? I bet everyone is having their Pumpkaboo going, getting Gengar and practising Ghost teams. I wish I can let Mixia participate, but I haven't raised a Ghost team, so, no Ghost competition for me.

But it doesn't means I don't have good ideas for Ghost-type movesets. I have been thinking about running some creative Ghost builds rather than that popular Shadow-Gleam (Shadow Ball and Dazzling Gleam, which provides 99.9% coverage), and such. I've been thinking about running a Physical Froslass (impossible, right?), Rotom with STAB on Hex and Electro Ball, and an annoying Stall Sableye.
"You can thank me for my creativity."
This also reflects Mixia's cute creative nature. Much more creative than Wizzy.

So, let's start with the Stall Sableye.
"Yes, I know you're excited for it."


All knows that Stall is the ability that is exclusive to Sableye, but many see it as a 'disability' other than providing a good Payback. Many prefer running its Hidden ability, Prankster, while throwing Will-o-wisps, Swaggers, Confiding (not many people do that), Recovery, Taunting, creating Swaggers and Flattery, Tricks and Recover. That's how people define Sableye as great, ignoring the fact it has Stall.

But this Stall problem can be resolved with some priority increasing moves, which turns this ability from an annoyance into nothing. Yes, nothing. Doesn't bring good, Doesn't bring bad.


  • The bread and butter move.
  • Doubled power after the foe moves, plus receives STAB.
  • Excellent even against Dark, Fighting and Fairy-types, except for some certain ones.
Fake Out
  • Good for making your opponent flinch during the beginning of its turn.
Shadow Sneak
  • Provides increased priority which ignores the effects of Stall.
  • Receives STAB.
  • Good for marking the blow (meaning take down the foe when the foe has little HP left), and as last resort.
  • Since it's a Ghost-type it ignores Feint, so Protect is safe to use.
  • Good for scouting for what your foe is doing, before switching to something else.

How does it work

The first thing you do when sending out Sableye, quickly Fake Out the foe. Making use of Stall, Payback will always deal doubled damage. Imagine, 50 Dark base power with STAB plus doubled after the opponent makes it turn? That'd be about 150! But if you are facing a Dark, Fighting or Fairy-type you are still able to deal the usual 50 base damage.

Shadow Sneak is useful if you're facing a Ghost-type, plus great for marking the blow. Just watch out for Normal-types, though. If you are going to switch out because you're facing that is not supposed to, or Sableye is Foresighted or under the effcts of Odor Sleuth use Protect to scout what the foe is going to do, then switch out, since Ghost-types are immune to trapping abilities and moves as of now.


Fake Out will not work on Ghost-types, but you can still use Payback or Shadow Sneak on it. You can still get the 50 base damage when you are facing Darks, Fighting and even Fairies. The Dark-Fighting type combination has a greater resistance against Dark, so the only choice is to use Protect, then switch out.

Watch out for those with Steadfast, Inner Focus, Justified and Rattled. Inner Focus prevents flinching, Steadfast increases Speed after flinching, Justified increases Attack after being hit with one Payback and Rattled increases Speed when Shadow Sneak or Payback is used. Quickly use Protect after discovering such abilities.

Even you still get the usual 50 base power against Fairies, you still have to watch out for them. Play Rough is still fine since Sableye has good Defense, but its Attack maybe reduced. The greatest threats you have to watch out is those with Moonblast or Dazzling Gleam, plus Sableye's low Special Defense. Quickly apply Protect if you encounter one.

Suggested Nature, EVs and IVs

Since Attack is the main stat of this build, go for Adamant or Brave. Brave increases Attack but reduces Speed, since Speed isn't necessary plus you only have to rely on priority increasing moves, Stall, and most importantly, and Payback. If you are needing to boost up Sableye's weak Special Defense, you may go for Careful or Sassy.

Just put on the EVs onto HP and Attack. The remaining 6 EVs can be used to increase Sableye's weak Special Defense.

I would suggest IVs on HP and Attack, since Sableye has to take some damage before unleashing Payback. IVs on Defense and Special Defense can be necessary.


The Roseli Berry maybe necessary since Sableye's only weakness is Fairy. Beware of burns which affect the Attack stat so the Rawst Berry maybe necessary. Use the Liechi Berry if you want to cast Shadow Sneak as last resort.


The build works finely in Singles, where you have to spam Payback, Shadow Sneak and Protect. In Doubles and Triples you can use it to Fake Out some non-Ghost-types. In Rotation watch out for what your foe's doing when your foe has anything that is Normal or Ghost.

How do I feel about this build

I'm running my Sableye, Vision, using this build ingame. I wonder it could have some use when I take Vision to battle, but its Naughty nature may not cope since many Fairy attacks are Special.

I'm not sure whether this build works during the Battle Maison.

So feel free to use this build and comment feedback on how it worked well or not. I'm deciding on what items will synergize with this build. Remember, practice using this build on the Battle Spot before you are going to use it on the Ghost competition!

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