
Sunday 19 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 19: The talking Aegislash

My playlist: Don't wanna grow up (不想长大)

Have some creepy music to spice up while slaying the Four Greater Demons and the Eight Lesser Demons.

As she landed on Magenta Plaza, the spirits voices start to appear.

"This is the lair of the evil lies... We have to tell you... One of your Pokemon will be reincarnated into one of our mightiest brethren..."

"You mean Spectre?" asked Mixia.

"Yes. The Sword Pokemon. When it evolves into another forme with the Dusk Stone holding it, our brethren will grant it power and one of our brethren will take over it."

"I don't think that's a good idea to possess Spectre. It will hurt itself." whispered Mixia.

"But we will grant it the power to defeat the Four Greater Demons and the Eight Lesser Demons!"

"Who are these 'demons'? Pokemon?" replied Mixia.

"They were horrible creatures, but now they are reincarnated into Pokemon under the control of the commanders of the evil. The Greater Demons are the Mustelid, the Crow, the Lion and the Serpent; the Lesser Demons are the Hyena, the Dragon, the Thunder Demon, the Bladed Demon, the Leopard, the Scorpion, the Hellhound and the Ice Demon."

"Hyena Mightyena, Thunder Manetric, Leopard Liepard and Hellhound Houndoom. I do not know what Pokemon would take upon these forms..." thought Mixia.

"You'll have to find out the rest for yourself. Now go forth and vanquish Team Flare, while we prepare ourselves for the ultimate weapon." the voices fade.

"Alright, I'll venture deep into Lysandre Cafe to see what's amok." said Mixia as she takes a deep breath.

In the cafe, she is highly unwelcome and the staff is very hostile to her. The spirits cursed the staff while Mixia battles them.
"The password is 'open sesame'!" whispered one of the spirits.

"Alright, I'll try." whispered Mixia.

The furniture cupboard vibrates, and it reveals an entrance to Lysandre's Labs.

Entering the Lab, she meets Lysandre. Spectre is staring at him angrily.

"Welcome, Mixia." greeted Lysandre.

"Alright, the spirits are suspecting you all the time that you are the True Evil, or whatever it is." said Mixia.

"The world will reach the point of no return... saving all lives is impossible..." announced Lysandre. Spectre grows highly unstable of Lysandre's speech.

"Do you want a ticket? Or do you want to stop me? Show me in battle." asked Lysandre.

"If you ask me, the spirits will vanquish you before you vanquish us." taunted Mixia.

"And also, the spirits will cease to exist once the ultimate weapon is activated..." said Lysandre.

Hearing this, Spectre immediately threw the Everstone to the ground and quickly snatched the Dusk Stone. It starts to evolve.

That was no ordinary evolution. Usually if the Pokemon is in the evolutionary stone line and has three stages of evolution, the Pokemon has to evolve naturally then expose itself to the stone. But Spectre's was different: it holds on to the Dusk Stone and the power emitting from such an evolution is almost as high as Mega Evolution. Additionally, blue wisps start to appear to the ground and starts to cover Spectre.

As a result, Spectre evolved into Aegislash, the sword-and-shield Pokemon.
"I live again!" said Spectre. That was no Aegislash... it's a talking Pokemon!

"It... speaks?!" Mixia and Lysandre are shocked.

"So, the True Evil has reappeared once again... Face me, then." said the Aegislash to Lysandre.

Lysandre sends out Mienfoo. "The Mustelid..." Mixia thought. Doing a Swords Dance then getting hit by Mienfoo's Acrobatics, Spectre creates light as scars on the Mustelid.

He then sends out Pyroar, a lion monster with fire on its mane. "The Lion..." Spectre quickly switches back into its shield forme to block Pyroar's Fire Blast, then unleashing another blade of light.

Lysandre sends out Gyarados, a huge, serpent demon. "The Serpent..." Spectre puts on King's Shield to protect itself from Gyarados' Earthquake. As it unleashes light upon the Serpent, Spectre was quickly slain by the Serpent's Earthquake.

Vision appears and throws a Payback after an Aqua Tail. Lysandre sends out Murkrow, a crow creature. The Crow throws a Foul Play before getting hit by a Payback and Shadow Sneak.

"Excellent! I can feel the fire of your convictions burning deep within your heart!" praised Lysandre.

"Looks like Spectre could use some preparations for this... Why you choose to destroy the world? Do you know that will cost the spirits' lives?" said Mixia.

"I tried to save people- and this world- with the profit from this lab. However, the world was just too vast... and too full of fools that I couldn't save through my hard work..." lamented Lysandre.

"That's why I decided the only way to save the world was to take it all for myself." Lysandre added.

"Uh, aren't you realizing that you're committing the same mistake like someone-you-mentioned-in-the-past?" asked Mixia.

"I don't expect that I will make you understand how I think and feel, Ghost Trainer..." Lysandre then leaves Mixia.

"The world is suffering because of this absurd dream..." mumbled Lysandre.

Mixia then takes Spectre to rest at the Pokemon Center.

"I'm sorry, child. It seems that I have not build up my strength to face the Greater Demons..." said Spectre.

"It's alright. I can let Vision and Wally to do the fighting for you if you want." said Mixia.

"Sableye!" Vision gives a thumbs up.

"Okay, I'll let your Ghosts do the battling. If you are going to face the Lesser Demons, then you must let me battle them." said the Aegislash.

Returning to the Labs, Spectre tells the info about the Pokemon Mixia is has and had encountered.

"I noticed that two of the Greater Demons were in disguise." said Spectre.

"You mean Mienfoo and Murkrow? They have their own evolutions, that what I heard." said Mixia.

"Indeed. But now you must take down the Lesser Demons if you want the pass that evil is talking about." said Spectre.

Next chapter: Navigating the labyrinth

Author's note

I know, Pokemon don't talk. But to make the story more interesting I have Spectre to look like it was under the control of the spirits and ready to battle Team Flare.

Actually, in the game, I evolved Spectre after battling the waiter Grunt, and evolved it upon entering Lysandre Labs, then fly to Dendemille to have King's Shield learned.

Now, I miss how Spectre was a Honedge. But King's Shield is awesome, right?

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