
Monday 6 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 10: A night in Coumarine

Okay, this will be short.

When Mixia received the HM, she thought, "Sigh, none of my Ghosts are capable of Surfing. The only Ghost-types that can Surf are Frillish and Jellicent. Alright, Watery, I need you!" She heads back to the Pokemon Center to get her Panpour.

Just as she is about to make use of Panpour, a Breeder wants to give her a Lapras. "What?! You don't say that I can have a free Lapras?! I've make my Panpour know Surf! Oh well, sorry Watery..." complained as she heads back to put back her Panpour, just to get a Lapras.

"Hmm... Since many of my Ghosts are capable of at least one Flying-move, I'm sure I won't have any problems at the fourth Gym. But not for you, Wally. Sorry about that." thought Mixia.

When she reached Coumarine, she gets a Holo Clip, calling from Calem, asking her to meet him at the entrance of the Gym.

Looking around at the Coumarine Market then heading to take the monorail, she sees Sycamore and Diantha, discussing about Mega Evolution. Standing with the superstar is a humanoid, Psychic Pokemon, Gardevoir.

"A Mega Ring and a Mega Stone. Now you can trigger the power of Mega Evolution!" congratulated Sycamore.

"I think I'm not ready to do it... Because I ain't got a Mega Stone for either Gengar or Banette." said Mixia.

"Don't worry, you 'll find them soon. Once you got them, and the Pokemon to use them, always make use of this opportunity." advised Sycamore.

"I will. I swear it." replied Mixia.

As Sycamore leaves, Diantha thinks about the meaning of bond, what bond does in her career, and what bond does in her Pokemon.

"What were you thinking?" asked Mixia.

"Oh, I'm just babbling about something. I hope I can get to battle with you, Mixia. Come, Gardevoir, the exit is there." replied Diantha. She and her Gardevoir left.

"Bonds... No one knows anything about spiritual bonds, which, according to what the spirits said, these bonds are formed from the person who specialises in Ghost-types. Anyway, I think Calem is waiting for me up there." thought Mixia. She then hops onto the monorail.

After getting her Pokemon healed, she waits at the entrance of the Gym. Calem then rushes up.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, Mimi. I just wanted to see how Mega Evolution works. I just met Kalos' League Champion and how did the Champion's Pokemon Mega Evolves was awesome. Anyway, have you started using Mega Evolution yet? It's okay, whether you decided to Mega Evolve yours is up to you." said Calem.

"Oh, and I remember the Squirtle and Blastoise's Mega Stone you got from the Professor. Have you started making use of it?" Calem continued.

"I'm much more interested in the Ghost-type and some of their Mega Evolution. So, nope, not making use of it yet, and I haven't touched Squirtle ever since I left Lumiose." answered Mixia.

"Okay, why not we start the battle now?" asked Calem.

Same as what happened back at Shalour, Calem's Meowstic is hit by Vision, Mixia's Ghosts keep falling one by one by his Absol, and Wally finished the mess.

"Well, that was sort of quick, so good luck at your Gym challenge! And perhaps we can hang out someday!" said Calem, leaving Mixia.

"I don't have the need to date you! And I have a schedule!" said Mixia

Mixia then takes a night's rest at the Pokemon Center. She has decided what to use for her Gym challenge tomorrow, and what to wear.

Next chapter: Let Honedge be Honedge!

Preparing the Ghost team!

Spectre (Honedge)
Level 40, Hasty
Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Aerial Ace, Night Slash

Nincada is ready to evolve
Level 37, Sassy
Hone Claws, Aerial Ace, Leech Life, Dig

Manitou (Drifblim)
Level 39, Rash
Thunder Wave, Hex, Gust, Focus Energy

Wally (Golett)
Level 38, Bold
Strength, Shadow Punch, Iron Defense, Power-up Punch

Vision (Sableye)
Level 33, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect

Author's note

Yes, I've been delaying Nincada's evolution so I can let it learn Metal Claw. You guys knew this, didn't you?

Must... let... Spectre... learn Sacred Sword...

These two quotes above show why it is better to let Pokemon not to evolve so they can learn certain moves earlier, and some Pokemon learns powerful moves at early stage, for example, Treecko learns Mega Drain while Sceptile can't.

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