
Thursday 2 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 4: The Honedge

My playlist: Laurel Tree Goddess (月桂女神)

The title has changed because a different idea appears. Sorry!

The sun is setting and the evening is near. Mixia bring out Spiney and her elemental monkeys.

She then headed to Shabboneau Castle, and Shauna is trying to catch up with her.
They ask the owner about Mega Evolution, but it seems that the owner doesn’t know a single thing about it.

Suddenly, one of the citizens of Camphrier alerted the owner about a sleeping Snorlax, blocking the bridge of Route 7. The only way to wake up the Snorlax is to use the Poke Flute to awaken it. However, the Poke Flute is under the possession of the owner of Parfum Palace, so Mixia and Shauna visit the Palace to obtain the Flute.

"Alright, time to head for the Palace, but first I have to check for Ghosts." thought Mixia.

She runs into taller grass, and finds a sword-like Pokemon, containing spiritual energy.

"Yay! My first Ghost-type! I'd better ensure that thing doesn't move a pinch!" said Mixia.

However, Spiney ended up defeating the Ghost-type instead.

"Dang it, I forgot that I had Quick Balls with me!" she mumbled.

She then stumbled across Nincada. She realised about Viola's lecture back in Santalune and thought of Shedinja. So then Mixia caught it with a Net Ball.

Mixia then starts for her relentless search for the sword Pokemon. After fruitless searching, she finally stumbled across one. Instead relying on her Pokemon, she tried to surprise it by provoking the Sword through holding its hilt.

The Sword becomes enraged and proceeds to drain away the girl's soul through its blue, spectral cloth. However, a spectral force bursts from Mixia's body, and the attempt to drain the soul is reflected back to the Sword, confusing it. Mixia then proceeds to capture it with the Quick Ball.

"Done! I'll call you Spectre!" said Mixia in a happy way. "Now, that was something odd about what happened to me..."

Mixia then meets Shauna at the Palace's entrance. Both are told by the gatekeeper to pay a not-so-hefty-as-it-looks fee of 1000. "There goes my funds for my outift..." thought Mixia.

"Honedge?" Spectre looks confused about its trainer's expression.
"Next time, when I got myself a fancy Ghost Trainer outfit, I shall take another selfie of myself at there."
She meets the owner of the Palace, who is looking for his Fufrou.

Mixia first decided to take a look around the Palace, and found a book in the Palace's library about a 'Transforming Pokemon', which made Mixia realised about the Mega Evolution that Sycamore was talking about.

While enjoying herself by navigating through the Palace gardens, Mixia found a Furfrou, which could be the one the owner is looking for.

"Honedge!" Spectre alerted its trainer.

"C'mon, Shauna! Let's get this thing back to where it should belong!" Ensuring that the Furfrou leads to a dead end, the two and the Honedge managed to catch it. The owner found his Furfrou, and asked the girls to see some fireworks.

"Look, I know how much you loved your Furfrou, but please don't use the term 'wonderfrou', try using some terms that are more royal, because we are in a royal place, okay?" said Mixia. The owner then proceeds to prepare the fireworks.

"You'd probably know the feeling when you lost your Pokemon, right?" asked Shauna.

"If I were to lost one of my Pokemon with me now, that would be my Honedge, because I took a very hard time finding it to be my first ghastly partner," answered Mixia, as she send out Spectre.

 "H-h-h-Honedge...? Run for your lives, Mixia!!!" screamed Shauna.

"Why be afraid of it? I mean, it looks harmless," said Mixia.

"G-g-ghosts drain our lives... What's worse... They give up nightmares!" said Shauna, in a timid way.

"Oh, so that explains why you didn't like the idea of me being a Ghost trainer. You are just panicked of Dream Eaters and other Amorphous stuff. Nevertheless, this thing is neutralized so it will no longer do any harm when its hilt is held. Try touching it!" cheered Mixia.

Shauna touched the sword Pokemon's hilt, however, Spectre did nothing.

"Honedge..." Spectre sounded in a gentle way, like a Glameow being purred by its trainer.

"See? It's harmless. This is one of the reasons why you shouldn't be afraid of Ghost-types. You just misunderstood them, but now you embraced one, and Spectre seems friendly to you. Now, why not we meet at the Palace's balcony?" Mixia then left Shauna, leaving the phobic girl confused.

Mixia heard about an ancient war that took place in the entire Kalos, known as the Great Kalos War. "May the spirits of those who had perished in the Great War rest in peace..." mourned Mixia silently.

"Honedge..." the sword Pokemon also mourned, by closing itself on its sheath.

Upon reaching the balcony, she saw a wall of mirrors and she compared her looks. "I'm cute!" she thought, "But this outfit never suits my cuteness. Maybe if I had done working on my Ghost trainer outfit, and when I walk back to there I can see a major increase of my cuteness?' she continued thinking.

"Honedge...?" once again, Spectre does not know what was Mixia thinking.

"Mimi! The fireworks show is about to begin!" shouted Shauna, standing on the balcony, facing towards the gardens.

Mixia and Shauna watched the fireworks together. Spectre also watched.

Soon, they thought about Snorlax and the Poke Flute. The palace owner then ordered the Butler to give the Flute to the two. "Let's head back to the bridge quickly to wake that sloth, I mean, Snorlax up!" said Mixia.

At the bridge, Mixia handed the Flute to the Castle's owner. A song that was mystical to the ears, even to the spirits, is played, and the Snorlax woke up, as it seems very angry about waking up its naptime.

"Oh no, this thing is going on a rampage!" said the owner.

"Spectre! Let's hit that thing!" said Mixia.

After performing a Swords Dance, the Honedge proceeds to unleash Fury Cutters on it. However, the Snorlax licked the blade, much to Mixia's disgust.

"Bad Snorlax! BAD Snorlax!" scolded Mixia.

She then sprayed a Super Potion onto Spectre. When Snorlax started to have scars on it, Mixia proceeds to catching it.

"I've never seen you that aggressive, Mimi," said Shauna.

"Because that thing nearly brought Spectre down," replied Mixia as as she uses the spare cloth she brought along in her bag to clean Spectre.

The Palace's owner decided to let the Castle's owner to keep the Poke Flute, and the two left. Wondering what Mixia can do at Route 7, Trevor and Tierno suggested her to visit and place some of her Pokemon at the Daycare, but she decided that she will do it later.

On the tall grass, Trevor is looking on Dunsparce's Pokedex info.

"What? You caught Dunsparce? I'm so jealous!" Trevor said in shock.

Mixia, Trevor and Tierno meet up with Calem near the Battle Chateau. "I and Mimi versus you guys. Are you ready?" he asked Trevor and Tierno. The three accepted the challenge.

"Let's show them what you're capable of, Spectre!" shouted Mixia.

"Honedge!" the blade Pokemon looked ready.

"This time, Mimi will definitely love my battling skills!" thought Calem.

However, Calem's Espurr and Braixen did not do well as they kept getting hit by Tierno's Corphish. After a Swords Dance, Spectre proceeds to unleash Fury Cutter. It did finish off the Corphish as well.

"Once again, Spectre outran your Swords Dance." said Mixia to Tierno.

"Hey, it's getting late right now. Why not we go back to Camphrier's Pokemon Center to rest for a night? By the way Mixia, you can share a room with me," said Calem.

"No thank you, I don't sleep with boys," said Mixia

"And the next night I shall take you for a visit to the Battle Chateau," added Calem.

"But I don't have a fancy outfit yet!" added Mixia.

"C'mon, we can be Baron and Baroness, just for a period! It'll be fun!" added Calem again.

"No thank you again! Now if you excuse me, I should be leaving now." said Mixia angrily. She left the three and headed to the Connecting Cave.

Got out of the Cave, Mixia saw a view of Cyllage City. "Cyllage... I heard there's something that boosts my status as a Ghost Trainer. But I'll think of that someday." she thought.

She then meets up Sina and Dexio again, this time having her Pokedex updated with the Coastal Kalos section. "I heard Drifloon is in this area, and it is also a Ghost-type. Feel free to catch it if you want to!" advised Sina. The duo then left.

Mixia decided to look around Route 8's cliffs in order to find a Drifloon. When she encountered a Mienfoo, the spirits started to whisper to her again, about Mienfoo:

"The Mustelid. One of the four aspects of the True Evil. It represents the wrath that the evil unleashes."

"Mienfoo? I don't see any evil within it," said Mixia confusedly.

"You will find out about it, under the evil, soon..." the spirits whispered, then the voices fade.

After fruitless searching, Mixia finally stumbled onto a Drifloon, and proceeds to catch it with another Quick Ball. She then named it Manitou.

"It's really going to hit midnight soon. I should better be back at Camphrier for a rest." thought Mixia. She and Spectre headed back to Camphrier.

Before she goes back to Camphrier, she is asked by a farmer to look after his berry field. Mixia reluctantly accepts, and planted her first Oran and Pecha Berries. Spectre looks excited for the upcoming harvest as Mixia headed back to the Pokemon Center.

Next chapter: A visit to the Chateau

The new Ghost team

Spectre (Honedge)
Level 19, Hasty
Pursuit, Swords Dance, Fury Cutter, Protect

Nincada that I haven't decided a name
Level 16, Sassy
Hone Claws, Fury Swipes, Leech Life, Sand Attack

Manitou (Drifloon)
Level 15, Rash
Minimize, Astonish, Gust, Focus Energy

Author's note

I originally put Primrose (樱花草) as this chapter's song, but I decided to replace it with this song. The music video is Greek-mythological themed, which suits Honedge's theme as being fantasy-based.

Ironically, this Honedge has the same fate as my Aegislash back in Y. Both of them are male and are Hasty in nature. Do you think that nature works well?

And yeah, the way Mixia caught her Honedge, that is not supposed to happen, but this is a story, and I can make what's not exciting into something exciting. But that will depend on the situation. And I may add in some dialogues for Mixia.

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