
Sunday 28 September 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 3: To Lumiose we go

To Lumiose we go!

Before Mixia left Santalune, she was given the Exp. Share by journalist Alexa. Mixia had been waiting for this.

"C'mon guys, lets go!" Mixia told to her 3 elemental monkeys.

Mixia traversed around the gardens of Route 4 in search of loot, which is more than jars of Honey. Making use of Spiney to let it practice taking down Corphish plus getting knocked out by the bird Pokemon of Roller Skaters, Mixia is anxious if the Chespin is going to evolve.

As she is heading towards the Lumiose Gate, she is greeted by the professor's assistants, Sina and Dexio. She was told about the Fairy flower Pokemon, Flabebe.

"Flabebe? I've never heard of such a thing. I'll try to look around for it before entering Lumiose." said Mixia.

Mixia then stumbled across a yellow flower, with a pixie holding on it. It was Flabebe. But Spiney knocked it anyway. "Flabebe reminds me of the flowers that my idol puts on her head," thought Mixia.

Before heading to Lumiose, she was given the TM for Return by Dexio. Mixia use the TM on Spiney, just to measure its friendliness.

Sina and Dexio give direction to the Professor's lab. However, Mixia insisted on traveling Lumiose instead.

While Mixia decided to travel around Lumiose, she is often given warnings by Workers about the Blackout of Lumiose.

"Why is there a blackout? This place seems to be working fine." Mixia said to herself.

"It's an omen that evil is reincarnated once again." the spirits whispered.

"What evil? I don't see any evil," Mixia replied to the spirits. The spirits tell the tale of this 'evil':

"Long time ago, an primal creature, known as the True Evil, appeared and started killing the denizens of the Spirit World. However, with the power of the ancient Ghost Pokemon, this evil was vanquished. But now, this evil is reincarnated, this time through the mortal realm, attempting to destroy the Pokemon that destroyed it."

"Why a blackout in Lumiose is an omen for this 'evil'?" ask Mixia silently.

"If you know who caused the blackout, you will know who is the evil." the spirits replied.

"I should better stop talking, or else people think I'm crazy here." said Mixia.

"I'm hungry right now. Maybe I should visit that one star restaurant there," thought Mixia. Her stomach is grumbling.

Mixia had her lunch at Le Nah, and using her Fletchling and Spiney to battle the elemental monkeys. Both of these Pokemon evolved. Suprisingly, she got a perfect score in timing and performance, and praised for the talents such of Siebold, part of the Kalos Elite Four.

Mixia checked around the Professor's laboratory and greeted by the Kalosian Professor, Augustine Sycamore. It is then followed up by Calem and Shauna.

"Greetings, Professor." greeted Mixia. She is then asked for a Pokemon Battle with Sycamore. On Sycamore's team consisted of Kanto starters, while Mixia's consisted of elemental monkeys. Leafy was having a hard time taking down Squirtle because it kept using Tail Whip and Withdraw, forcing Mixia switching it to Spiney.

After the battle, Mixia was deciding on which Kanto starter she should take. In the end, she picked Squitle, but didn't name it. This was then followed by Trevor and Tierno coming in. "You guys aren't late," said Mixia. The five were told about Mega Evolution.

"Excuse me Professor, do you know any Ghost-types that are capable of Mega Evolving?" asked Mixia.

"If I remembered correctly, I believe it's Gengar and Banette, plus Sableye from Hoenn. Steven Stone, the champion of the Hoenn League, is currently researching the Mega Stone for Sableye." answered Sycamore.

"Alright. Off I go then!" Mixia then headed down to the ground floor. Suddenly, she eavesdropped about the conversation between Sina and the mysterious, orange-haired man.

The man is Lysandre. He wanted to create a brighter, more beautiful and cleaner future. This is his goal.

However, the spirits suspected something wrong with Lysandre. As Lysandre left the lab, the voices started to whisper to Mixia again.

"There's something wrong with this 'Lysandre', we believe he is the evil the Pokemon fought against," whispered the spirits, in an enigmatic expression.

"Him? He doesn't look evil to me," said Mixia.

"Because you did not see his soul. You only know how to communicate with the Spirit World and befriending Ghosts, but never see the souls of evil." the spirits whispered again.

"I'm no psychic, or psychic-Pokemon obsessed like my childhood friend is. He may be freaky about Psychic-types if he wants to, but seeing souls or reading minds are madness." thought Mixia, with deep silence and anger.

"Mixia, whom are you talking to?" said Sina.

"N-n-n-no one! Nothing happened!" replied Mixia. The conversation with the spirits is paused.

Mixia is then followed up by the remaining four. Shauna wants to take her to the PR Video Studio, while Calem insisted on meeting her at Cafe Soleil.

As she entered Soleil, she meets Lysandre again, this time talking to Diantha, the famous Kalosian superstar dressed in the purest form of white. Mixia and Calem were introduced to Diantha, but Calem cut Mixia's line, instead letting him introduce the girl trainer as an attempt to impress Mixia.

Mixia then quickly run off. Before she left Lumiose, she took a haircut and chose Bobbed styling, because she can't decide on what style she should go for. She picked up a brochure about the boutiques around Kalos.

"Wow! With many clothing options I could mix and match with from various stores, I could create an outfit that is fitting for a Ghost Trainer like me, or dress like my idol!" Mixia thought.

She was denied access to Boutique Couture because 'not stylish enough'. "It's alright. I was just taking a look." Mixia thought to herself.

Then, she got a Holo Clip from Tierno about 'swarming Pokemon'. Mixia decided to check out. As she is about to leave Lumiose, she is greeted by a man in pink, whose name is unknown but everyone calls him Mr. Bonding. While Mixia was given O-Powers, the spirits whispered about Mr. Bonding.

"You could be right. There is something odd about this man..." said Mixia.

She then meets a Lucario heading towards her, sensing like she has something within her sleeves. It belongs to Korrina, the Shalour Gym Leader, then mentions something about an aura surrounding the young trainer.

 "Aura? I believe it's the spirits' presence." thought Mixia.

When Mixia accidentally stumbled into the tall grass, a horde of Gulpin swarmed.

"Aghhh!!! Spiney, you're not good at taking them down! Firey, save me!" shouted Mixia.

The Fire monkey shoots an arc of fireballs, incinerating anything they touch. Firey managed to burn out the Poison-types.

"I'd wish I did not run into this chaos again..." thought Mixia. Then she found Trevor and Tierno.

"What you had seen was a Horde Encounter. It's like a Pokemon dance team!" said Tierno.

"You think that's cool?! I was nearly killed by those things!" shouted Mixia angrily.

"Calm, Mimi. There are things you have to be serious about, but there are some you shouldn't. For example, you should be concerned about your Pokemon's performance levels, not the dancing part of what Tierno said, but you shouldn't be serious about Horde Encounters, unless your Pokemon don't have any multi-strike moves." advised Trevor.

"By the way, how about you battle my Swords Dance Corphish? I taught it this dance with a TM I got from Lumiose!" asked Tierno.

Mixia reluctantly accepts the challenge. However, Spiney simply Vine Whipped Corphish before it could use Swords Dance.

"Swords Dance? I don't remember seeing your Corphish does it." taunted Mixia. Then she left off.

Mixia then arrived at Camphrier. She deposited her Fletchinder and Squirtle into the Storage System. "I'm sorry guys, but I should be going for something... more of a Ghost. Don't worry Fletchinder, I'll may have use of you, and perhaps giving you a name." said Mixia.

Then she noticed a book on the Pokemon Center's table which appeared to be unfinished writing by its author. The title of the book says:

'Wizzy's Beginner and Advanced Trainer's guide
Follow these 100 rules and you shall be a great trainer in no time!'

"What the heck! Of all the crazy things he did other than becoming a Psychic trainer is writing a useless guide?! He's going to be..." Mixia outraged.

"Shut your mouth up!' said a passerby trainer, who is not the author of the book.

"Chill yourself, this guide can be somewhat more complete than Calem's useless 'Friend Guide'..." Mixia told herself. She flipped the book which contains some useful rules:

"Training Rule #2- Check the nature of the Pokemon before training so. A wrong nature means it will have less potential, so if you are hunting a Pokemon with a suitable nature make use of a Pokemon with Synchronize like Ralts and Abra."

"Battle Rule #1- Always understand type matchups. If possible, use a move of a type that is super effective against the type that is super effective against the Pokemon."

"Fashion Rule #1- If you are going to be a trainer specializing your favourite type, put up the outfit that matches your type specialty."

"Maybe his guide is not useless after all. Let's hope he's not around..." Mixia then steals the book away and run out of the Pokemon Center as soon as possible, like a Shadow Sneak.

A cute, blonde boy who looked 2 years older than Mixia soon appears and shouted, "Who had stolen my guide?! I haven't finished writing it yet! Oh well, looks like I have to write another one..."

Next chapter: Sunset at Parfum Palace

This is getting not ghastly...

Spiney (Quilladin)
Level 20, Lonely
Bite, Leech Seed, Pin Missile, Rollout

Level 20, Naughty
Ember, Agility, Quick Attack, Peck

Leafy (Pansage)
Level 14, Timid
Vine Whip, Fury Swipes, Leer, Lick

Watery (Panpour)
Level 14, Serious
Water Gun, Fury Swipes, Leer, Lick

Firey (Pansear)
Level 14, Brave
Incinerate, Fury Swipes, Leer, Lick

Loca (Dunsparce)
Level 11, Gentle
Pursuit, Defense Curl, Rollout, Spite

Level 14, Hardy
Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble, Withdraw

Author's note

I always been thinking about writing a guide from my Y trainer Wizzy's point of view. I could give a reason why you shouldn't visit Inver (spoiler) before you complete the game.

Horde Encounters. Never liked them at the start of the game, even in my Y playthrough.

This is such a long write-up. Let's hope that I didn't give out any spoilers...

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