
Wednesday 22 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 23: Death by Lysandre

Preparing for the final showdown... in a frail-looking outfit?!

Mixia takes off the pink flower pin on her cycling cap, and replaces it with a blue coloured one from Anistar.

With no one around except the Aegislash and the Chandelure, she quickly takes off her trenchcoat, revealing the blue-coloured halter top Mixia bought back from Cyllage. She also puts on the satin skirt she bought back at Laverre.

She has been secretly wearing her halter top under her trenchcoat, ever since her Gym challenge back in Anistar, so Team Flare will not notice her body being frail like a Gardevoir, and weak like a Magikarp because of how she looked in such an outfit.
"This will be the last time I put on this outfit..."
"Why are you putting on such clothes? You look highly unprotected, plus you loo like you are not ready to face the True Evil itself." advised Spectre

"I... wanted to wear this all the time... that trenchcoat was just a cover to hide my actual outfit, which is what I'm wearing right now..." said Mixia.

"You... actually wear this?!" shocked Spectre and Pyras.

"I know. I am actually that frail. Too much of my skin, especially my tummy, is exposed. At any minute, anything that is lethal will pierce my skin and kill me..." lamented Mixia.

"Nevertheless, I have to show how much I dedicated for the sake of the Spirit World." added Mixia.

"Aaaaauh!!" a voice suddenly came from nowhere.

"The spirits are on the rise... They started to go on a rampage on those Team Flare members!" said Mixia.

The ground rises with thousands of blue wisps, surrounding Mixia and the Tree as the frail girl backs off, revealing themselves as the spirits.

"We had no choice... We had to siphon out every soul of the minions of the True Evil before we perish... The Spirit World is collapsing... The ultimate weapon is about to activate... All spirits will die... We... must... retaliate! We have to use up our energy to awaken the Aspect of Life!"

As the spirits surrounded the Tree, a blue energy emits out of it. The tree is glowing with light, more spirits are surrounding it, the tree starts to shake, the cries of the spirits are growing louder... Imagine hearing such cries for a long period will cause both your ears and your soul to be permanently deaf. However, Mixia is not bothered by such cries.

The Tree starts to morph. The barks on it morphed into anthers like a Sawsbuck changing its appearance of its horn in the seasons of Unova, the trunk of the tree morphed into the body that of a Sawsbuck, and the roots becomes the legs of a Stantler. Unlike these deer Pokemon, the deer that came out from the Tree has a blue head and a black body and legs.

Xerneas, the Aspect of Life, has reawakened.

"The spirits... they have called upon me..." said the Aspect of Life as he stretches out his body.

Using the power created by the spirits, Xerneas destroys the generator that held it in its slumber. Mixia tries to back off, with the Aegislash and Chandelure immediately position themselves in front of the Aspect of Life.

"Who is the human that stands in front of me?" asked Xerneas.

"She comes to warn you about the reincarnation of the True Evil! She was the shaman 3000 years ago!" said Pyras.

"I sense a spiritual trance within you, mortal... It seems that the spirits has reacted to your presence, and Arceus has chosen you to take the battle to the True Evil, Helsros. If you are to prove yourself worthy to take on Helsros, then face a trial with me."

"I, Achiron, shall be ready to take on the trial." replied Spectre

"Careful, Spectre. Don't hit It too hard." advised Mixia. Her heart cannot stop beating, as she panicked at the sight of the Aspect of Life.

Xerneas increased the gravity in the chamber, a power that is so strong that even causes the spirits, inclusing Achiron and Incinis to lower themselves. Achiron, the warrior spirit, carefully marks the Sacred Sword onto Xerneas.

Understanding how much power the Pokemon it possessed has to defeat Xerneas, Achiron unleashes a Shadow Sneak, and the Aspect of Life charged on it with a Megahorn. While attempting to charge at the possessed Royal Sword Pokemon, Aciron analyzed on how much power left, and he marks another Sacred Sword.

"It's time for now! Mixia, quickly capture it!" shouted Achiron.

The girl holds a Heal Ball, with a lose grip on its hands because she is scared that Xerneas will hurt her. "It's fine now, use this object to capture me so I can join you in your battle!" announced Xerneas.

Mixia instantly throws the Heal Ball at Xerneas. It somewhat worked, causing the gravity to turn back to normal, and the spirits rise again. As the Aspect of Life is caught, Mixia fainted.

Shauna and Calem soon comes back to the chamber, discovering the pale girl lying on the floor, with the spirits surrounding the girl to wake her up.

"Mimi... are you dead yet? Hold on, isn't this shirt of hers is the one she wore back at Laverre?" said Shauna.

Just looking at the face, the outfit and the body of this girl will leave you in awe. In addition of the kindhearted spirits that supports her, you can say that she is chosen by Arceus Itself. That is what Calem thought of Mixia, when he sees his crush dressed such a revealing outfit.

The girl starts to wake up from her trauma, revealing the sapphire-blue eyes she was naturally born with.

"Oh my... She's... just like an angel! Her eyes... her looks... plus the outfit she is wearing... She's too cute and hot for words! I can't stand looking at Mimi! You're right Shauna, she was planning to dress that outfit all along!" said Calem.

"Perhaps you have put much of your heart to describe your love for this girl, who is the Whisperer of the Spirit World." said Achiron

"Yeah... I kind of liked... no! Loved her very much  ever since I met her." said Calem, blushing.

"What do you mean, the whisperer?" asked Shauna.

"Do you notice the spirits around the chamber? It is a delicate sight, isn't it?" replied Incinis.

"Wow... I'm already mesmerized by these floating blue lights... Mixia, you are amazing!" praised Shauna.

"Also, I have the Legendary Pokemon, Xerneas." said Mixia.

"Great! Now Team Flare can't use the ultimate weapon anymore." said Calem.

"Or as you believe." a voice appears.

It's Lysandre. This time, he is equipped with a metallic bracer, a machine attatched onto his back, controlling three robotic 'flies' and, as every Team Flare member does, wears a pair of goggles, making him look more demonic, as demonic as Helsros.

"Mixia, of all the people I have met, I can't believe my eyes that you are the strangest one I had ever met. I can't believe that you took off your own coat in the Legendary Pokemon's chamber." said Lysandre.

"However, by taking off that coat, you have shed off your own shell and revealed your soft, frail nature. What I have meant is not a Shelmet evolving into an Accelgor. So, I consider you the weakest one ever. Now, calling yourself the chosen one of your 'spirits'? Wearing this?" he added.

"Then you shall not touch her. If you are going against my sweet Mixia, then you have to go through me first." said Calem.

Achiron and Incinis positioned to the front. "Or, feel the wrath of the spirits, and my fires, of course!" said the Chandelure.

"Should we all fail to do so, let Arceus release its Judgement on thou that wishes to annihilate humanity. The spirits have surrounded you, Helsros, you have no veil to hide yourself." said the Aegislash.

"For me, victory is using the ultimate weapon! I do NOT believe in Arceus! And I care not of what It knows of the ultimate weapon!" shouted Lysandre.

The Heal Ball shakes and releases Xerneas.

"You cannot use the ultimate weapon. Arceus prohibits you." said Xerneas.

"Why, I can't free the world from the crimes of humanity?!" angered Lysandre.

"Arceus has known the ultimate weapon ever since Dialga, Palkia, Reshiram and Zekrom had saw the light unleashed from it and redirected back to its origin, and reported It about the destruction. Because of this, Lugia was sent to guard the two lands that are connected to each other, Rayquaza had to remain in the land with the seas, Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion were summoned to watch over the land of wealth, and the Lake Guardians were formed to guard the northern land.

After I was abused for channeling the ultimate weapon, I appointed Girantina to search for the chosen one, one who understands the sympathy of the spirits, when I sensed Helsros invading the Spirit World. I prayed for myself that I will never to be used again in the hands of evil, but now, the True Evil is reborn, and the Spirit World is about to be destroyed."

"You desire help from people? YOU desire help from a human?" scolded Lysandre.

"I'm afraid so. Groudon, Kyogre, Jirachi, Dialga, Palkia, Reshiram, Zekrom and even Kyurem itself had shared the same fate that I am onto, but however, they were freed by young mortals, or so they called them, the chosen ones."

"How does Xerneas knows that much..." whispered Shauna.

"Enough of this! You shall be sent back to power the ultimate weapon! And this time, I won't lose. I, too, shall use the Mega Ring and the Mega Stone that you researched during your travels." announced Lysandre.

"But it seems you are too weak to possess a Mega Stone on any of your Pokemon. So I am taking back Xerneas now." he added, referring to Mixia's lack of a Mega Stone on her Pokemon.

"No, and I will ensure that you and your pathetic minions shall be..."

"Calm, Achiron. Let myself to battle the True Evil and the Greater Demons." said Xerneas.

"O' the spirits shall give your power to the mortal so she, and myself, shall defeat the True Evil once and for all!" the spirits gives energy to the Aspect of Life and the girl that controlled Xerneas.

Mienshao and Xerneas builds up their own power. While Xerneas relies on patience to unleash its focus, the Mustelid Demon throws a High Jump Kick immediately. Xerneas then glows with a mysterious fairy light, releasing the spirits that are providing the energy within. The Aspect of Life decimates the Mustelid Demon with a blast of pure moonlight.

The Crow Demon Honckrow is sent out to slay Xerneas with a Steel Wing, whereas Fairy is weak to Steel. However, the Crow is slain by the Moonblast, vanishing into darkness.

Lysandre summons the Lion Demon Pyroar. "Beware, Xerneas. It nearly outsmarted me once!" warned Achiron. The Lion Demon somehow is able to withstand a Moonblast, however, it managed to weaken the Lion's Fire Blast, allowing the Aspect of Life to unleash another Moonblast. The Lion then banishes into fire, extinguishing itself into nothing.

Gyarados is summoned, and this time, Lysandre activates his Mega Ring. The Gyaradosite attached to the Serpent Demon's forehead glows with a dark energy, transforming the Serpent into the true Serpent Demon, resembling how it looked when Helsros invaded the Spirit World. However, Xerneas has been notified of the Serpent's true weakness, so it unleashes a huge blast of light at the Serpent, disintegrating it.

"It's over... Fools with no vision will continue to befoul this beautiful world, they will go on until the only thing left is to squabble over the remaining scraps of hope..." lamented Lysandre after his defeat.

Mixia gasps herself as she puts her land onto her chest:
"I have finally fulfilled the spirits' duty. There's nothing stopping us now."
 "WHAUGH!!!!!!!!" yelled Lysandre about his defeat.

"See the spirits are going down to the ground? They can rest once again." said Mixia.

"Um... Know what I think? Even it's there's only a little bit of something, it's still best to share it. Even you managed to use Mega Evolution... That's because your Gyarados shared its power with you, didn't it? And not just Gyarados, but your other Pokemon, too... even though they have been perished because Mixia can saw their evil within..." said Shauna.

"You can't use Xerneas anymore. He wishes not to suffer the same guilt as he had 3000 years ago..." said Mixia.

"And you don't have to worry about the future alone... Shouldn't everyone work together to make a beautiful world?" Calem added.

"If that were possible, all wars would have ended long ago! I can only see one future!" said Lysandre.

"A future where Arceus shouldn't have created?" said Incinis.

"Indeed. A future where selfish, foolish humans think think about nothing other than themselves and steal more from one another... It's a tragic future!" quoted Lysandre.

"This is part of human nature. Do you know why Cresselia and Darkrai existed? They are not only to represent the Aspects of Dream and Nightmares respectively, but they are meant to represent the conflict between good and evil. Such traits are part of human nature." said Xerneas.

"Hmm... When the Legendary Pokemon awakened, it took back much of its energy, and its power, that had been sent to the ultimate weapon. There is not much power left, but there is enough to use once." thought Lysandre.

"Well?" asked Incinis.

"Mixia, Sycamore's pupils... Let us live forever... That's right! I shall grant you eternal life!" announced Lysandre.

"While I won't take that opportunity." Mixia chipped in.

"We live, and we die. Even though eternal life allows us stay for forever, it has greatly adverse effects. Remember AZ? He has lived for 3000 years, and I can sense much of his guilt within after contact with Xerneas' power. And also, I choose death. There's no such thing as immortality." she added.

"So, you decided not to have eternal life..." said Lysandre.

"That's it, YOU WILL DIE BEFORE THE ULTIMATE WEAPON HAS UNLEASHED ITS ENERGY! ROTOR DRILL, ACTIVATE!" one of the robots on Lysandre's machine becomes a drill as sharp as a Beedrill, and it proceeds to pierce, impale and kill Mixia on her stomach.

Although she was not completely pierced as there's ain't a wound on her back, however, the wound on her midriff is very deep, so deep yet perfectly aimed that you can't dare to look what's inside the wound.

"Why... Why must you do this to Mimi!?!?" said Calem as he attempts to wake the dead girl up.

"Because she chose to let herself die... She deserved it." Lysandre said.

"Mimi, no! You can't pass away like this!" said Shauna as she shakes the fallen whisperer.

"You... murderer... why must you let her die in such a gruesome way?! She has explained the process of the balance of life and death, and yet you decided to kill the girl." said Achiron as he changes itself into Blade Forme.

"If she refuses to have eternal life, then she receives eternal death." answered Lysandre.

"Even I have the power to bring eternal life, yet, I do not believe in immortality on humans. What had you done to this mortal is worse than the deeds of Darkrai, Helsros! Just because you wanted her to have immortality yet she refused, so you decided to kill her? You cannot force a mortal to have eternal life! I will ensure that Arceus shall casts its Judgement on you!"

"Xerneas is right, you will pay for what you have done to my Mimi!" said Calem.

"All in Kalos will be dead by dawn!" provoked Lysandre.

"Prepare to be burned, Helsros!" said Incinis as it prepares its will-o-wisps.

The spirits start to rise again, this time, they start to attack Lysandre. Their shrieks are louder than ever, the wispy faceless light on them start to form into skulls in front of Lysandre. They start to form a glowing blue pit, draging Lysandre into the underworld, never to come back again...

"This is not over, Xerneas! Are you listening now, Arceus? I will reactivate the ultimate weapon, and this time I will target the weapon against you for what has your humans have become!!" these are Lysandre's last words.

"We must get back to safety. You two, quickly! Hop onto my back! The ultimate weapon is about to activate in any moment!" warned Xerneas.

"Pick up the girl's corpse! You can't leave her alone in this... apocalypse!" said Achiron and Pyras.

"It's over, Helsros. I have decided that I will not give out eternal life upon resurrection, ever since I helped to resurrect the flower. The balance of life and death is one of the laws of Arceus, and it must be retained. You have not only wanted to destroy this majestic land... but you wanted to break the laws of Arceus..."

"Mimi... please... don't, die..." Calem cried as everyone escapes from the secret HQ.

No Team Flare member is found alive during their escape.

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