
Sunday 5 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 9: Mixia's Mega Ring

My playlist: The Next Dawn (下一个天亮)

I know the Fighting Gym is easy enough. By the way, Mixia got her own Mega Ring! And expect another photo bomb.

"She hears the wind blows; I hear the spirits whisper."

While exploring Shalour, Trevor and Tierno runs after her. They discussed about the location of the Mega Evolution Guru. However, Mixia only thinks of the Gym she is going to. "I bet this is going to be a piece of cake for me," thought Mixia.

When she arrived at the Gym, she is informed that Korrina is not available yet. So she goes to the Tower of Mastery instead.

"Mimi, check this out!" Tierno said.

"Let me guess, one of your new dances?" asked Mixia.

Tierno shows a somewhat Intriguing Stone from some random stone collector he spoke to The Intriguing Stone looks like it could be something to do with Mega Evolution.
"Looking up, and you'll see the Tower of Mastery."
Inside the Tower of Mastery, a giant figure of a Lucario, which appeared different from other Lucario. Beneath the statue is the room of the Mega Evolution Guru, Gurkinn.

Mixia is greeted by Gurkinn. "Nice to meet you, Guru." she greeted.

"Oh, but the Mega Evolution Guru isn't my real name, of course. Now, come here for a moment, will you?" said Gurkinn. Then, Trevor and Tierno show up.

When Mixia is asked about the Intriguing Stone, Tierno tried to cover up whom gave the stone. However, the Stone is just an ordinary rock. Mixia looked confused.

Outside Gurkinn's room, Calem and Shauna showed up.

"Mimi! How has been your Pokemon?" asked Shauna.

"I'm fine. My career as a Ghost trainer is doing well." said Mixia.

"It feels like it's has been some time since our whole group has gathered in one place." said Trevor.

"Yeah, I think it's been since we met up on Route 7." said Tierno.

"Those were the memories. Remember when I simply defeated Shauna's Froakie and Tierno's Corphish with my..."

"I believe it's not important now." said Calem, halting Mixia's lines.

The group is given a lecture about the process of Mega Evolution. Unfortunately, only one Mega Ring was crafted, so Shauna, Trevor and Tierno leaves the final decision between Mixia and Calem: a Pokemon battle. In the end, Mixia wins.

"I wish I could make up for Calem. I mean, it's not like every fully-evolved Ghost-type is capable of Mega Evolution." thought Mixia.

Tierno, Trevor and Calem heads off to get the third Badge while Mixia gets her Pokemon healed. She then sympathises with her Pokemon.

"Vision, I know that the first time you heard Mega Evolution you were excited for it, weren't you? But I'm afraid you can't Mega Evolve at this moment..." said Mixia.

"Sable-Sableye." Vision is saying that it's okay for it, even it doesn't have some wonderful gem or Mega Stone.

"And Nincada, I am eager to know how you evolve." said Mixia.

"Nin-nin!" the Bug Pokemon is always anticipate to evolve.

"Alright, now I should get my sports attire ready. I should have worn shorts..." said Mixia. The sports attire is actually her outfit during her search for Sableye. The one wore back at Cyllage was the same as now but with different pants.
"Here's the photo of me before I got my Mega Ring."
For a Ghost Trainer like her, this Gym is a blast. Vision did the attacking. Manitou evolved into Drifblim.
"I just gave up on letting it learn Shadow Ball. So how about Thunder Wave Hex?"
Then, Korrina shows up at the center of the Gym. "Time for Lady Korrina's big appearance!" she shouted.

"Ha-ha!, I'm just messing around with you! I know, you're rollin' in the aisles, right? I already know you're a strong trainer. So let get this show on the road!" said Korrina.

"I'd be glad to battle with someone as cute as me." Mixia replied.

Korrina sends out Mienfoo while Mixia make Vision take the lead. Knowing that Vision will take it out, Korrina switches in the muscular humanoid Machoke, much to Vision and Mixia's dismay as the Sableye is about to Fake it out.

Machoke then throws Rocks to slow Vision down, however, Vision is already considered slow, thanks to Stall, then Vision proceeds to unleash Aerial Ace. Before it can unleash a Shadow Sneak, Korrina sprayed a Hyper Potion onto Machoke. The muscular Pokemon creates a Leer, then the Darkness Pokemon Aces again. Again, a Hyper Potion is sprayed, which annoys Mixia into switching in Manitou, letting it blow Machoke away with a Gust.

The Mienfoo is sent out again, it tries to Fake Manitou out, but to no prevail, blown away by a Gust.

Korrina sends out Hawlucha, an avian creature with Herculean strength. Just as the Hawlucha is done using Hone Claws, Manitou defeats the Fighting bird with two Gusts.

"Ghost-types for the win!" Mixia cheered. This is the first time Mixia looked very happy, jumping up and down.

"How could it be?" said Korrina in shock.

"Ahem, what about the third Badge?" asked Mixia.

Mixia is given the Rumble Badge, a badge shaped like two fists hitting each other. She is also given another TM, containing Power-up Punch.

"Finally! Something extremely useful for Wally." thought Mixia.

"Look, I do have to apologize. You'll have to make it up to the top of the Tower of Mastery if you want the Mega Ring. I'm sorry for sending you this way and that. I'm not giving you the runaround!" said Korrina.

"It's alright. I'm good at roller skating like you." said Mixia. She is asked for another battle, on top of the Tower.

"Wait, a Mega Evolution battle? I can't wait to get a Banette going." she thought.

After leaving the Gym to get her Pokemon healed, Mixia took selfies of herself in the clothing she bought at Cyllage before heading to the Tower.
"This is my alternatively-coloured, or shiny outift, in progress. I'm such a cutie."
Upon reaching the top of the Tower, Korrina is standing there, looking towards Shalour and the rest of Kalos.

"I really love this place! When I'm here with my Pokemon, looking at the wide-open sky above, all my worries disappear, and I feel like I can do anything!" Korrina thought.

"Korrina? Oh, I'm sorry for interrupting your meditation, or whatever it is." said Mixia.

"Thanks for coming all the way up here. It was decided that this must be the place where the Mega Ring is handed over. Something about making sure we never forget to set our sights as high as the sky..." greeted Korrina.

She then handed a black, bracelet-like item, holding a stone with a symbol of Mega Evolution, over to Mixia. "Here it is, your very own Mega Ring! It's in the shape of the bracelet, so it's super easy to wear!" she said. Mixia then put on the Mega Ring.
The Ghost Trainer. Pale, blue-eyed, cute.
"I thought it will ruin my looks, but I never realised with this on, my cuteness is preserved." said Mixia.

"Of course it won't ruin you! Wait, isn't that the same outfit you worn when you battled with me back at the Gym?" said Korrina.

"Indeed. I'm looking forward to get a Banette. Oh, and I'm sorry for making everything gone out of topic." said Mixia.

"It's alright. Good thing you know Banette Mega Evolves. But there's no sign of it right now..." replied Korrina.

"Oh, and how the Mega Ring works?" asked Mixia.

"Simple! Give your Pokemon the right Mega Stone, and try battling with it! You Pokemon will surely answer the call of the Mega Ring!" replied Korrina.

One of her Lucario is asking its trainer to let it be on Mixia's side

"I don't know what to say... I'm a bit shocked that some traveling trainer seems to have a stronger bond with you than I do..." said Korrina.

"I've told that Lucario that it is sensing the wrong aura! Stop getting near to me!" warned Mixia, backing off the Lucario.

"Well, she must be something special..." Korrina thought.

"Okay, one battle with them, and I shall be leaving. Alright?" asked Mixia. Korrina gleefully accepts.

The girls take a deep breath.

"She hears the wind blows; I hear the spirits whisper." Mixia meditated.

"Ready Lucario?" asked Korrina to her canine-esque humanoid Pokemon.

"Let's give it all we've got!" shouted Korrina.

Mixia took a deep breath, and touches the Mega Ring. The Mega Ring glows with a mysterious power, heading towards Lucario. The Lucario is surrounded by a transforming shield, drastically changing the Lucario's appearance. Korrina's Lucario also did the same too.

Mixia's Lucario charged towards the other one, but it missed. The other Lucario then hits it with an off-guard Power-up Punch. Sensing the other Lucario behind it, it then marks the blow with an empowered Power-up Punch.

"That was fast." said Mixia.

"What an incredible bond you have! What amazing power! What an explosive battle! I could tell that both Mega Lucario didn't hold anything back!" congratulated Korrina.

The Lucario seems wanting to go with Mixia, and she accepts. "Alright, once I am done getting 8 Badges, I could train it for some while.

"As long as Pokemon and trainers have the kindness to care for each other and give each other courage, the world will be full of smiles!" quoted Korrina.

"I agree. Farewell, Korrina..." said Mixia.
"I got my Mega Ring!"
After leaving the Tower of Mastery and getting her clothes changed, Calem walked towards her.

"So yeah, uh... Mimi, you have been a superior trainer. So, what about we spend a night together a Coumarine? Oh, if you have to reach there, you might need Surf." asked Calem.

"Not accepting your invitation, but thanks for the congrats and the HM."replied Mixia.

"Sigh... How can I get her close to me?" thought Calem.

Next chapter: A night a Coumarine!

Ghost-type for the win!

Vision (Sableye)
Level 30, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Aerial Ace, Fake Out, Protect

Manitou (Drifblim)
Level 37, Rash
Thunder Wave, Gust, Hex, Focus Energy

Spectre (Honedge)
Level 38, Hasty
Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Aerial Ace, Night Slash

Nincada is almost ready to evolve
Level 34, Sassy
Hone Claws, Aerial Ace, Leech Life, Dig

Wally (Golett)
Level 36, Bold
Strength, Shadow Punch, Iron Defense, Rock Tomb

Author's note

Ghost team in Fighting-type Gym. In a nutshell, such a good feeling.

Seriously, look at the picture when Mixia puts on her Mega Ring. So cute!

Describing a battle between two Mega Evolutions is a daunting task for me. Also, copying dialogues is not my specialty.

Also, this post took me a day to finish!

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