
Sunday 5 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 8: Where's my Sableye?

So as the title says. By the way, prepare for another photo bomb.


"Alright, up and ready to go!" Mixia said.

She heads to Route 10. At there, the obelisks are the graves of Pokemon who died in the Great Kalos War, so she can hear the spirits very clearly.

"This is where we are, after the War. When we are mortals we despised each other brutally, but after the trigger of a mysterious monolith we have decided it's time for peace for all." the spirits whispered.

"But you had unrest because of the evil you spoke of until the Ghosts brought it down?" asked Mixia.

"Indeed. But now, the True Evil has returned once again, this time destroying the mortal realm. Do not worry, child, when it's the time to face the evil we will unleash our power to you." the spirits whispered again.

"Beware, the minions of the evil are coming!" one of the spirits alerted.

Mixia stumbles the Team Flare Grunt she has defeated before.

"You again?! I'll have my revenge!" the Grunt intimidated.

"Not on my watch, the spirits curse you!" Mixia taunted.

That same Houndour is quickly brought low by Wally, despite being paralyzed after a battle with a Tourist from Johto. Although it tries to make up against the Grunt's Golbat, it kept hitting itself because of the Confuse Ray, forcing Mixia to switch to Spectre. The Honedge defeats it like how it defeated the Grunt's Zubat back in the Glittering Cave.

"I'll lose with style no matter how many times you blast me off!!" said the Grunt. He then receives a call from the Holo Caster.

"...Roger that! You gotta love the Holo Caster. Whoever invented this must be really stylish!" said the Grunt.

"I don't care whether that Scientist has style or not, but get out of here before the spirits find you!" shouted Mixia.

The Grunt runs off.

Mixia then runs into another Grunt. The Grunt send out her Electrike while criticising Mixia for interrupting Team Flare's goal. Knowing that the Electrike will be instantly brought down by the Golett, she switched to her Croagunk. But the Croagunk is still Shadow Punched, as well as the Electrike.

Mixia runs into a psychic, gaining the energy from the obelisks. The power is interrupted when Mixia's Ghosts kept hitting the Psychic Pokemon.

Mixia runs into another Grunt. "You inspect the stones. I inspect YOU!" taunted the Grunt. The Grunt sends out a Gulpin.

Nothing beats Wally as the Grunt's Gulpin is rendered useless. "You maybe strong against me, but you will never wear that stylish Team Flare suit." the Grunt taunted.

"I don't care about this lousy suit. The spirits curse you!" said Mixia.

Upon reaching Geosenge, she finds a Grunt at the town square. The Grunt notices her and runs off. Then, Calem shows up.

"Have you seen a Team Flare Grunt somewhere?" he asked.

"I remember I saw him heading... this way." said Mixia, pointing to her right.

"But that leads to a dead end. Come on, just forget about him. What's important now that we should head to Shalour." he said. He then leaves Mixia.

"I know that Grunt ran to there. There must be something fishy going on here. Perhaps I should find out by myself." she thought.

At the dead end, it is just a monolith. "Hmm... Calem's right. It's just an ancient artifact." she thought.
In the meantime, she takes photos of herself standing in front of a monolith.
"This is me standing in front of some strange group of monoliths. Plus I'm wearing new pants."
"Me again, same outfit, but shirtless. You really need the Dowsing Machine."
She is also given a lecture about the obelisks in Route 10 by a Ranger.

"The energy from these obelisks drain the energy of Pokemon to power the ultimate weapon? I can't believe spirits are used to activate such a weapon..." Mixia thought, after listening to the lecture.

Before she leaves Geosenge, Korrina and her Lucario show up.

"Listen Lucario, you're sensing the wrong aura. It's the energy of the spirits, not aura, understand?" said Mixia.

"I wonder why Lucario keeps running to you... Anyway, how about a battle with my Lucario duo?" Korrina asked.

"Of course, I will take pleasure from it." Mixia replied.

It's indeed pleasure, because the Lucario could do anything to hit Wally. "What? My Lucario duo cannot defeat you?" Korrina said, suprised.

"That was quick. Anyway, see you at the Gym!" said Mixia, bidding Korrina farewell.

While running through Route 11, Mixia runs into another psychic, attempting to use everything he had in himself to unleash his powers. Mixia deactivated his powers, however.

Skipping the other trainers, she quickly rushed to the Reflection Cave. In the Cave, Mixia can hear the voices of the spirits coming from the mirrors.

"In here, some undeath feeds on the gemstones within the Cave. You must neutralize them!" the spirits said.

"These things Grant talked about... I'm ready for anything." said Mixia

While searching for it, Tierno is running to her, advising her to use Flash.

"I know you're not used to battling lots of wild Pokemon, but now I'm looking for some Ghost-type here." said Mixia.

"You meant Sableye? I remembered I saw three of them chasing after Carbink, but they have seems to vanished to nowhere..." said Tierno.

"Thanks for the tip. I remembered noticing a Carbink, Spectre communicated with the Carbink. That Carbink looked like it is asking for help." said Mixia.

A psychic is meditating in front of the mirrors of Reflection Cave. He noticed the girl, and tries to uses his meditated power to attack Mixia. Again, she deactivated it.
Mirror World Wally?
Mixia quickly runs off. After fruitless searching, she finally found a Sableye and used a Quick Ball. However, it doesn't seems to do anything to the Sableye, so she used Nincada to weaken it, they capturing it with a Dusk Ball. She named it Visili.

To her dismay, Mixia found out it Stalls, and it is Calm. So she decided to search for another one, which is more useful.

Unfortunately, she did not find any.

"My idol has a Sableye, and many Ghost-types obey her. Luckily I wore a halter top under my shirt, and the top resembled what my idol wears. So if I take out my shirt, maybe the Sableye will notice me?" she thought.

Mixia then took out her shirt, exposing her wearing nothing but the top she bought from Cyllage. "Driflooon?" Manitou looked confused. Again, it didn't work, after 30 minutes of searching.

"Hmp. Nothing. Looks like I have to put it back on... But when I look into the mirror I look nice and cute." she thought.

"Wait, I have an idea." she thought. She discussed with Spectre about making use of False Swipe to catch down the Sableye.

The two wild Sableye are actually following the girl, hidden in the form of pure darkness. Just she had put on her shirt, she is attacked by a Sableye. "Found... you! Wait, False Swipe doesn't work on Ghosts! Nincada! Do something!" she screamed. The anticipating Bug-type keeps Leech Life on the Sableye until she caught it with an Ultra Ball, and named it Visila.

Despite it being Mild, however, it Stalls. "Honedge!!" Spectre looked like it is warning the girl about something sudden.

The second Sableye then appeared, as it looks like it is telling her to let go Visila. "You won't get away this time!" provoked Mixia. Letting Nincada to do the Leeching, she finally catches the third Sableye with a Timer Ball, and named it Vision. Vasion is then sent to the Storage box, and Mixia quickly runs back to Geosenge to check it out.

"It's Naughty in nature! And it Stalls." said Mixia. She believed Vision has greater potential than the Sableye Sisters.

Mixia puts Vision and Visila on her shoulders. The Sableye are chattering something:

"Sable-Sable-eyeeeee!!" Visila complaining.

"Sableye-Sable-Sableye." Vision calmed the other Sableye.

"They look like they are the Sableye Tierno is talking about. I believe this Sableye trio isquite unhappy about me capturing them..." she thought.

Mixia then test out them in a Double Battle with a Psychic and a Black Belt. It worked decently until the Machoke Foresighted it, forcing her to switch to Wally.
Fake Out, Shadow Sneak/Claw, Payback, Protect. Best Sableye Doubles moveset ever.
That also worked quite well against a young couple rrom Sinnoh, whose team has Combee and Vespiqueen.

Desperately, Mixia finally made it to Shalour. "Phew! Made it. Reaching Shalour before anyone else." she thought.

Next chapter: Mixia's Mega Ring!

Ghost team almost complete!

Spectre (Honedge)
Level 36, Hasty
Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Aerial Ace, Night Slash

Nincada that is about to evolve
Level 32, Sassy
Hone Claws, Aerial Ace, Leech Life, Mud-Slap

Manitou (Drifloon)
Level 35, Rash
Stockpile, Hex, Gust, Focus Energy

Wally (Golett)
Level 34, Bold
Strength, Shadow Punch, Iron Defense, Rock Tomb

Vision (Sableye)
Level 26, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect

The Sableye Sisters I'm talking about

Visili  (Sableye)
Level 23, Calm
Shadow Claw, Payback, Fake Out, Detect

Visila (Sableye)
Level 26, Mild
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect

Author's note

Those Sableye. They have driven me mad because I had to look up for more than 30 minutes, running into Hordes of Mime Jr and Roggernola. I didn't have a problem with Wobbuffet because I'm using Ghost-types.

And yeah, before that, Mixia is wearing her new pants. Sigh, I can't decide which colour of pants should Mixia wear, aqua or blue.
"For some reason, I missed wearing the lighter coloured one."
The progress of the Ghost Trainer outfit Mixia is working on:
"Wore that to catch another Sableye. Not successful, though."
It's cute, but not enough cuteness to shine out.

Never liked torn pants. Even both Wizzy and Mixia are too fancy to wear such things.

I discovered why Fake Out, Protect and high-priority moves are highly necessary after Double Battles with Sableye. Fake Out prevents your opponent from doing something in the first place, Protect just in case you are Foresighted, got Odor Sleuth or Miracle Eyed, plus protecting yourself from an Explosion. Shadow Sneak, is just awesome.

The idea of Mixia's ability of silencing malevolent spirits is great. I wonder how does she silence a Spiritomb once she encounters one...

Alright, got to get that third Badge. Spectre's levels are becoming unstable...

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