
Saturday 4 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 6: Cave raiding

Look out for a long Author's note.


A day before Mixia rushed to the Fossil Lab, she heard of a Super-sized Pumpkaboo for this year's Halloween while exploring Ambrette. Mixia signed up for it.

A day later, Mixia receives her first gift Pokemon. She is very excited to receive the Pumpkaboo.

"Yay! A Ghost-type! Plus it is gifted!" cheered Mixia.

"But this thing's level is rather too high. I'm afraid to won't move a budge..." Mixia realised that the Pumpkaboo's levels is too high for her to handle.

"Mimi, are you ready to visit the Fossil Lab?" shouted Calem.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" replied Mixia, looked annoyed.

The two visit the lab. Although Mixia wanted to introduce herself but Calem cut her lines and leaves the introduction to himself, which annoys the girl. At least she does know a single thing about Fossil Pokemon.

"You are heading to the Glittering Cave, Mimi?" asked Calem.

Mixia simply runs out of the lab, heading to Route 9.

"Well, I guess that's a yes. Sure Mimi thinks that I'm annoying and bad, but she will be used to it. I know it." thought the lovestruck Calem.

Making use of her experience of Rhyhorn riding during her childhood years, Mixia rides the Rhyhorn. During her ride, annoying things happened to her. This includes getting Spectre hit by Sandile, and having her Ghosts yawned to sleep by Hippopotas. Fortunately, she got Spiney and Fletchinder as backup.

Having her Pokemon healed by a Ranger in a pit stop, which is located near the entrance of the Glittering Cave, Mixia quickly rushed into the cave, just she can find the Fossil researcher's assistant as soon as possible.

Deep within the cave, the spirits' voices whispered again.

"Here you will encounter the minions of the evil," the spirits whispered.

"Will they be Dark-types? If so, then I'll be ready for them. Rock Smash guides our path!" she said.

"Not just Pokemon." these are the spirits' last words before Mixia finds another entrance to the excavation area.

Upon entering, she finds a suspicious orange-haired man, dressed in orange.

"What's THIS?" the man shouted.

This man worked for Team Flare, some suspicious group Mixia never heard of. She believes that the Team Flare grunt is a minion of the evil.

"Listen, don't you know NOT to play with fire?" asked the Grunt meanly.

"I'll never play with fire, even the fire of a Litwick or Chandelure." replied Mixia.

"Then GET OUT!!!!!!" the Grunt scolded.

Mixia goes out of the excavation area and makes use of Super Training, to ensure that her Ghosts are prepared to face the 'minions' of the evil.

"Had you saw that? You encountered a minion of the evil. There will be more inside this cave. As long that you make those minions perish, this cave will be free of the evil's presence." the spirits whispered again.

"I think I am... done. Alright, may the spirits protect me." said Mixia after finishing some Super Training Regimens with her Pokemon.

This time, Mixia tries to evade the Grunt. However, she got caught off-guard.

"Know this: Don't you know NOT to pick up fights?" intimidated the Grunt.

"I repeat, no. But what if my answer if a yes to your last question, how will you feel?" Mixia steadily holds her Poke Ball.

"Then be it! Houndour, kill her!" the Grunt sends out a black, Dark and Fire-type canine Pokemon, which face intimidated like a minion of the evil.

"Hit it! Spiney!" the Quilladin Mixia sends out proceeds to unleash a Rollout, which instantly knocked down the Houndour. A Zubat then appears.

"Show them justice, Spectre!" Mixia's Honedge proceeds to slash the Zubat.

The Grunt is defeated, and Mixia runs away. Spectre intimidates at the Grunt: "Honedgggeeee..."

Mixia is then caught off guard by a woman, who is also a Team Flare Grunt. The Grunt sends out a Gulpin.

"Ugh, never liked encountering this thing in Hordes. Spectre shall do the slaying." thought Mixia as she sends her Quilladin back.

"Honedge!!!!" Spectre moaned like calling out a war cry in a banshee's voice.

However, after a Swords Dance, Spectre is yawned to sleep "Wake up, Spectre! Ghosts are not supposed to sleep!" said Mixia, trying to wake the Sword up.

"What a fool is she." the Grunt thought.

As the Pounds by the Gulpin is rendered useless despite in Spectre's sleep, the Sword instantly slashed the blob-like creature. An Electrike, a green monster with electrical energy, is summoned, but is slashed by the Sword.

Mixia escapes once again. When she is about to face another two Grunts, Calem shows up.

"You won't harm my Mimi this time!" taunted Calem.

He sends out his Espurr while Mixia calls Spectre to prepare for attack, feeling insulted. The Grunts summon Croagrunk, a toad-like monster, and Scraggy, a dwarf-like lizard.

Espurr did defeat the Croagrunk, much to Calem's delight. Spectre kept hitting itself while being taunted by Swagger. This is then left to Manitou to pick off Scraggy.

"Drfilooooonnn!!!!!" moaned Manitou, as, from Mixia's point of view, it's like telling Scraggy to be perished by the spirits, as a retaliation for Spectre's defeat.

"Fossils are meant for bringing back ancient Pokemon to life, not looting them for profit! And you! You not only cared about the evil you work for but also this crazy suit! What is wrong with you people?!?" angered Mixia.

Mixia found the lab assistant. When she and Calem warned the assistant about Team Flare, the assistant didn't take notice, much to Mixia's annoyance. She is then given a Jaw Fossil.

While they are leaving the cave, Mixia mumbled about reaching Cyllage

"Alright. What is left is that I have to get out of this cave so I can reach Cyllage as soon as possible!" she mumbled.

Leaving the cave and riding on the Rhyhorn together, Calem asked, "Did you say Cyllage? I'm planning to challenge the city's Gym Leader, Grant. And speaking about Cyllage, are you going to buy something that is so rev... I mean, cute from the boutique, right?"

"Don't mention it, but I have a long list of things for a new outfit." said Mixia.

"Of course you do! Judging how you handled Honedge during our battle with Trevor and Tierno, you are an excellent trainer when it comes to handling Ghost-types. I'm sure you will look like someone once you wear a..."

"I know what am I going to wear to look like my idol so don't say it, but thank you for appreciating my honed skills on the Ghost-type." Mixia halted Calem's lines.

"Drifloon..." Manitou was obvious about Calem's actions.

Reaching the entrance to Ambrette, she quickly hopped down the Rhyhorn in a hurry. "Got to go now. See ya!"

"Wait, I wonder what does that Jaw Fossil does? I should let it see what is this Pokemon before heading to Cyllage." she suddenly thought.

She asked the assistant to restore the fossil. The result is a small yet big-headed dinosaur Pokemon, Tyrunt. However, Mixia decided to keep it in the Storage box instead.

Running down around Route 8, she is given an Old Rod, which only catches Luvdisc, and is given a Dousing Machine. "I'll probably use it, just to find something buried or, littered" she thought. She is also envy of how the swimmers resembled slightly to her idol.

When she reached Cyllage, the first thing she does is to get her Pokemon healed, then simply headed off to a boutique.

From Mixia's look before entering the boutique, her face looked like she finally found something that can resemble someone.

"Floon?" Manitou had no idea about its trainer's new shirt.

"Alright, I'm taking the halter top! But I'll wear that later once I got a skirt or something, or heading to the Gym." she thought. Now that was some quick shopping.

"Honedge?" Spectre scratched its own sheath, wandering about its trainer's expression.

Mixia then headed to Route 10 to see if the Ghosts are present. After fruitless searching, she goes back to Cyllage to try out her new shirt. It somewhat worked, as she looks herself in the mirror, smiling.

"I looked like I just took off my shirt. But it makes me much cuter." she thought. Indeed, Spectre, Manitou and Nincada looked somewhat confused of the purpose of their trainer's looks.

She remembered a note from Wizzy's guide:

"Fashion Rule #2- Want to wear something that reflects your type speciality? Then find some stuff that has the possibility of reflecting your favourite type. For example, Water trainers should visit Cyllage, Fairy trainers should visit Laverre, Ice trainers should visit Snowbelle."

"He thinks I'm going to look like Misty... Nope. Just sticking to my Ghosts. And the spirits." she thought.

Running back to Route 10, once again, not a single sign but Houndour and Snubull. And at last, she found a Golett, a small creature that looks like a golem. Allowing it to take a few hits thanks to Iron Defense, Mixia attempts to catch it. The first try with the Luxury Ball doesn't seems to work, but with just a Poke Ball, it is caught, ironically. She named it Wally.

She comes across a Psychic, who is rejuvenating his powers. After a battle with his Solosis, he commented that her energy is "Over-9000".

"I bet it must be the presence of the spirits around me. And psychics are nuts. Why does he say I'm over his level he is looking for? Plus they only talk about Psychic Pokemon, and practice those esoteric things they called it. Wizzy is one of those stereotypes. Never appreciated them, even Wizzy himself. But he is not psychic, is he?" she thought.

"At least I should better rest before I'm ready to take on the Gym Leader." she thought again, while heading back to Cyllage.

My ghosts are almost ready!

Spectre (Honedge)
Level 27, Hasty
Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Aerial Ace, Rock Smash

Nincada that I did not decided to evolve it for reasons
Level 23, Sassy
Hone Claws, Fury Swipes, Leech Life, Sand Attack

Manitou (Drifloon)
Level 26, Rash
Stockpile, Ominous Wind, Gust, Focus Energy

Wally (Golett)
Level 21, Bold
Rollout, Shadow Punch, Iron Defense, Rock Smash

Author's note

So there's a Ghost-type Halloween-themed competition going on? I'm taking it! Nope, I ain't, too bad right? But it doesn't means that I can't receive my Super-sized Pumpkaboo. Instead of taking part of the Halloween competition, I'll just stick to serving up a Ghost-type run.
Ghost-types for the win!
By the way, the Pumpkaboo I got on Y is Naughty in nature, while the one Mixia received is Lonely.

I've been coughing like crazy, maybe because I'm too excited to change Mixia's outfit. And I was thinking about the new outfit, while coughing until one time I vomited! I know it's disgusting, but blame myself for why I chose the female character.

And I have to admit, I was blushing like crazy when I saw the results:
"This is not complete yet!"
Yes, to be honest, this is the reason why I got X. However, I had to think of what Pokemon goes with the outfit. I notice many Water trainers have outfits from Cyllage so they can look like Misty, so use Water team? Nope! Be someone-from-Mistraltron-of-Unova so Sky Trainer's team? Na-da! There's a Hoenn Elite Four member who specialize in Ghost-types? Okay! Use only Ghost-types for the X run and trying to create an outfit based on her. And that sums up why I started my Ghost-type run.

And by the way, Mixia looked adorable, but that's not the full outfit yet. I often notice this shirt is paired with torn shorts, don't get it why, but Mixia is too fancy to wear such shorts, plus I often get an uncomfortable feeling about that.

Over-9000 is overused.
You don't need to mention that.
And that Golett was a pain for me to find... Plus it has Bold nature?!? What is wrong with me...

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