
Thursday 23 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 26: Lost in the forest

Wandering in Route 20... for a Trevenant.


A day before Mixia heads out to Route 20, after she has visited Snowbelle's boutique, she decided to take a look at the Lumiose boutique.

She has remembered that in a previous Monday, she finally figured out her alternatively-coloured Lumiosian outfit, yet the skirt didn't fit her. So she tried out that outfit, this time with a black pleated skirt.

The result was the outfit is complete.
"I don't consider it formal... but I will be wearing this in the Chateau and Lumiose. And you won't see it that often."
She visited the Battle Chateau just to get her Pokemon trained up for her final Gym challenge, at the same time wearing her incomplete normal-coloured Lumiosian outfit.
"If you have a Kecleon, then why didn't you know anything about the Hoenn Elite Four?"
The following night, before she heads off to Route 20, she takes another look at Snowbelle's boutique, and made a PR Video. She picked the cute style, and that didn't worked out very well for her.

"That was not what am I expecting, but when I have my own mascot, I'll shoot myself another Video, this time with it, plus extra cuteness." she thought.

Putting Polty and Wally back into the Storage System and taking Vision out, it seems she's ready to explore the forest.

"Ramos said that Trevenant can be found in Route 20. Looks like I have to keep my guard on..." said Mixia as she enters the forest.

Running around the tall grass, what she found is Noctowl watching her actions, Jigglypuff bouncing around her Ghosts, Amoonguss trying to poison her, and what she thought she found a Trevenant was a Zoroark.

"Hmm... no Trevenant. I saw more Noctowl than these trees, so if I wake up during daytime, perhaps I can see a Trevenant somewhere?" said Mixia.

She then rests under the tree where she found a Mental Herb.


"... Achoo! Why was I putting that Mental Herb on my nose again?" said Mixia as she woke up. "Alright, time to find that Trevenant."

Last night she dreamed about her past, back in Santalune Forest, where she saw an unknown Ghost-type creature, with only grey eyes. She wanted to know if that was a Pokemon... but alas, the moment she got near to the creature, it fled from Mixia's sight, never to be seen again.

Going through fruitless searching, she finally found a tree-like being with a spirit controlling it. It's Trevenant.

With several failed attempts at catching the Elder Tree Pokemon, she finally caught it with an Ultra Ball, and named it Foresta.

To her dismay, its nature is quiet, which not the one she expected.

"Here's goes my Sableye frenzy back in the Reflection Cave..." said Mixia. That was the time where she tried to find Sableye, but she rarely saw any. She caught one, and another two appeared. The first one has a wrong nature, the second was incorrect but the third (which is Vision) one has an acceptable nature. It took her more than half-an-hour to find these Sableye.

"Wait, if I were to keep running about, finding that Ghost tree, then I won't be able to find where on Arceus is Wulfric, getting my eight Badge and knowing what the spirits told me after my near-death experience." thought Mixia.

Going out of the forest, she meets Wulfric, a man who looked like he has the ability Thick Fat. While he is talking to the Pokemon residing in the land, the Pokemon started to run as they saw Mixia. "Oh! Please, don't run away. I have a Trevenant! Can't you see it's friendly?" said Mixia as she sends out Foresta.

"I can tell that this Trevenant is getting along with you, even though you caught it recently. Okay! You all can come out now! She's kind to Pokemon." said Wulfric as he called out the Pokemon.

"What's this place? This looks like a sanctuary for the Fairy-types." asked Mixia.

"This is the Pokemon Village. These Pokemon have fled from uncaring trainers, and they found home in this place. I often come to visit them, just to make sure there aren't any Garbodor running about." said Wulfric. "And about the Fairy-types, do you see any?"

"Well, I did run into some Gothorita. A friend of mine would have been crazy for them." said Mixia.

"If you wish to take on my Gym, feel free to do so. I also apologize about your inconvenience." said Wulfric as he leaves the Pokemon Village.

"Perhaps I should explore around here for awhile. Rumours say that there's a Banette living in here..." thought Mixia.

She caught Ditto as she might use it for her future breeding projects, and for the development of her own trading spot. She only caught one, because the second one was too stubborn to be caught so she let it faint instead.

After that, she called out Manitou to fly her back to Snowbelle, preparing for her Gym challenge.

Next chapter: The Annoying Cryogonal!

The explorers of the forest

Graspy (Haunter)
Level 59, Hardy
Destiny Bond, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball

Manitou (Drifblim)
Level 61, Rash
Thunder Wave, Hex, Fly, Focus Energy

Pyras (Chandelure)
Level 64, Docile
Flamethrower, Will-o-wisp, Hex, Pain Split

Level 61, Sassy
Grudge, Phantom Force, Metal Claw, Dig

Vision (Sableye)
Level 63, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect

Foresta (Trevenant)
Level 52, Quiet
Forest's Curse, Destiny Bond, Phantom Force, Wood Hammer

Author's note

You know what do Sableye and Trevenant have in common? Back in my Y playthrough I kept running into those things. If I can see Trevenant running amok on my Psychic team, then why I can't find a single one on the X playthrough?

Sure the spawn rate of Pokemon depending on the time of the day no longer functions in XY anymore, but I suspect the reason for why I kept running into Noctowl last night is because they are much more active during the night, so the spawn rate must have increased, right?

And for the eighth Badge challenge, I am warning you, that it will be annoying.

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