
Monday 6 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 12: The first omens

Here goes Team Flare again.

Before Mixia leaves Coumarine, a Holo Clip is sent to her from Lysandre, congratulating her on the Mega Ring.

Mixia hears the spirits cursing Lysandre's hologram.

"Why are you cursing him for? It's not like he is the evil you seek or something." said Mixia.

Upon leaving Coumarine, she meets Sina and Dexio again, having her Pokedex upgraded. "Pumpkaboo lives in the Mountainous section, doesn't it?" asked Mixia. The Super-sized Pumpkaboo looked curious.

"It's that a Pumpkaboo? I heard that a lot of Super-sized variants are running amok in Route 16." said Dexio.

"Yes then. See you guys later at the Power Plant!" said Mixia.

"The minions of the evil are here! I can feel it!" whispered one of the spirits.

"What minions? I don't seem to see any supernatural... wait, one of those Team Flare thugs!" said Mixia.

Before entering the Power Plant, Mixia found a pass to it. However, she is obstructed by the same Grunt she ran into back at the Glittering Cave and Route 10.

Mixia hears the spirits shrieking, shrieking at the Grunt.

"Haven't I recognised you somewhere?! You and your stupid dog and bat?!" angered Mixia.

"What did you say? I'll defeat you this time, with style!" said the Grunt.

Spectre gets tired out by the Houndoom, then uses a Shadow Sneak as its last resort before the Golbat brought it down. Vision finished it off.

Just as about the Grunt is going to inform the rest about Mixia's presence, the Grunt found out he dropped his Pass.

"H-how in the world do you have a Power Plant Pass?" asked the Grunt.

The Grunt thinks that while he wasn't paying attention, Mixia used the opportunity to get the Pass.

"And, what's worse, you plan on going to the Power Plant, don't you?!" the Grunt continued.

"Nope, but I'm searching for some kind of evil... Look! The spirits are after you!" said Mixia. She and her Ghosts run off to the entrance.

"Hey! Stop there you..." Manitou blows off an Ominous Wind at the Grunt. Vision taunted.
"Vision loves unfair fights, so I always let it Fake Out those minions"
As Mixia entered the Power Plant, the spirits started to whisper to her.

"This is where the minions of the evil works. Only you can stop them, and defeat the one who caused the blackout." the spirits whispered

Then, a voice appears:

"Knock knock, who's there?"

"Another minion is coming. Prepare yourselves!" the spirits warned.

A Grunt appears to block Mixia. "Seriously, thought. Who are you? Only authorised personnel are allowed here!" warned the Grunt.

"You were irritating, are you are not authorised person." taunted Mixia.

The Ghosts did managed to defeat the Grunt. Vision giggled meanly.

Entering the only safe place, the workers looked like there are going to face the end of the world.

"Did you see their faces? When the True Evil came, we were motionless, forcing us nothing but to run away or get killed by the evil's forces. These innocents are the same as we were. The energy is disrupted, and they have no way to undo what the evil has done. Only you can harness our energy, and bring down the evil low once again."

"I see... despair. It's look like I'm going to rescue Lumiose..." thought Mixia.

Running throughout the generator hall, Mixia is constantly annoyed by the Grunts' mocking, but the spirits try to dispel the mocking so she can focus on stopping Team Flare.

One grunt mocked Mixia about the Flare sunglasses. "I can show off my own style, if I ever complete my own outfit. But you will be consumed by the spirits once I'm done completing the jigsaw. said Mixia.

Mixia runs into another Grunt, who is an 'unofficial' cheerleader of Team Flare.

Another, who is worse...
"The spirits curse you!"
The most ironic part was that when Spectre was forced into Torment, then given an encore, it struggled to defeat a Swalot. That was no ordinary Struggle, a Struggle which the spirits appear to power the Honedge and then blasted the Swalot, but it still damages the Sword though.

Doing Super Training on her Pokemon to confront 'the one who caused the blackout'. Mixia takes a deep breath, and gets ready for the confrontation.

She encounters an Admin, dressed in white and bald headed, and a woman, who, unlike any Grunt, with light orange hair.

"There! The Lightning Stealer!" said the spirits.

"What Lightning Stealer?" whispered Mixia.

"One of the evil's commanders, it was appeared a hellhound and is able to absorb lightning to direct it at us spirits. Some Ghost creature cannot take it down, but the Golems, such as the one you're holding, managed to brought it low. We cannot believe that the Stealer is reincarnated into... that."

"Not going to dress like that." whispered Mixia.

"Hey! The spirits are watching you!" taunted Mixia.

The Admin is provoked, and he sends out Houndoom. When Spectre is done using Swords Dance, an Aerial Ace is unleashed, then a Shadow Sneak. The Admin backs off.

"Come one, Trainer, lets see what you got! the light orange haired woman said.

"The spirits want you, the Lightning Stealer, to be vanquished forever!" taunted Mixia.

"Oh, you recognised the wrong person. That was in the legends. Allow me to introduce myself, intruder. My name is Aliana. As you can see, I'm one of Team Flare's Scientists. I'm researching a certain something that you wouldn't understand anyway. Unfortunately, I'm charged with the simple task of your elimination." greeted Aliana.

Aliana sends out Mightyena, a black, Dark Pokemon that resembled like the Lightning Stealer the spirits mentioned. When Spectre is ready to attack the Mightyena, Spectre roared it away, causing Shedinja to appear. However, Shedinja is never given a chance. So even Wally, even though Wally's ancestors have defeated the monster before.

Manitou appears to paralyze the Mightyena, allowing it to make use of Hex. The hyena-esque Pokemon is Hexed out even it created a Scary Face at the Balloon Pokemon.

"You're quite strong. Oh yes, very strong indeed." praised Aliana.

"You don't need my thanks. Now get out of the Power Plant before the spirits devour YOU!" said Mixia.

The area is clear.

Soon, two mysterious people appeared, speaking in a French ascent, congratulating Mixia and healing her Pokemon.

"Huh? Why do I get the feeling that I've seen those two before?" thought Mixia. "Alright, for the sake of Lumiose I have to get to there as soon as possible!"

She then encounters a man, looking weary, and tall as a Golurk, as seen from her point of view.

"The Pokemon... The flower Pokemon... The Pokemon that was given eternal life..." the man mumbled.

When Mixia heard of the 'flower Pokemon' thoughts came into her mind: It can be either some Grass-type, or the first Fairy Pokemon she was introduced to, Flabebe.

As she entered Lumiose, Shauna is chasing towards her.

"In a nutshell, I and the Ghosts saved the Power Plant. No need to thank me, but you should appreciate the Ghost-type more. Now, lets head to Centrico. To see the Prism Tower relighted. Let's go!" said Mixia.

Lumiose's Gym Leader and junior Scientist, Clemont, is fixing the lighting system, while Bonnie is impatient for the Tower to relight.

"You know these two? It's not like I know where your house is Shauna. Anyway where is your home..." said Mixia.

"Look! It's about to light!" Shauna halted Mixia's words.

"Lighting system, activated!" Clemont announced.

Lights from inside the Tower start to activate, all the way up to the summit.

"Wow, that was, wow. Now are there any Rotom running amok at there..." thought Mixia.

"What are you waiting for? Good luck at your Gym challenge! And Honedge is kind of cute! It looks happy!" said Shauna.

"Spectre's happy because it knew Sacred Sword!" replied Mixia.

"Now I should have my lunch somewhere, and try out what's new back at the Boutique." she said.

Next chapter: Lumiose wanderer!

The Ghosts after they have taken lunch

Spectre (Honedge)
Uhm, that was after Team Flare was defeated.

Shedinja that I'm going to nickname soon
Level 44, Sassy
Grudge, Aerial Ace, Metal Claw, Dig

Manitou (Drifblim)
Level 44, Rash
Thunder Wave, Hex, Fly, Focus Energy

Wally (Golett)
Level 45, Bold
Strength, Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Power-up Punch

Vision (Sableye)
Level 40, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect

Level 53, Lonely
Trick-or-Treat, Rock Smash, Scary Face, Shadow Sneak

Author's note

Torment plus Encore, I just say this is rather unimaginable. That would force your Pokemon into a Struggle. At least Spectre managed to defeat that Swalot anyway.

The team right now was described after the lunch at Le Yeah. I took the picture of Spectre because I'm glad it learns Sacred Sword.

Also, Mixia just got a new hairstyle!

Anyone wants to trade some Ghost Pokemon to me? Anyone? Never mind...

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