
Friday 17 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 17: Frozen Heart

My playlist: Live for You (为你而活)

Searching for Rotom, but I had to run into something amok.

The night before the hunt

Upon arriving Dendemille, Mixia was greeted by Sycamore and Dexio, just to remind her about the Pokemon that Lysandre mentioned during his lecture. Mixia had never recalled that Pokemon.

The Pokemon that gives life, is Xerneas, the Aspect of Life. What is known about it that it is positioned in an X, and the Aspect's whereabouts are currently unknown.

Mixia then met up with Trevor, who was planning to explore the Frost Cavern by his own.

Near the entrance of the Frost Cavern, an Ace Trainer brought along his Mamoswine. The Mamoswine didn't look very well.

"There must be something that can't keep Mamoswine going." said Trevor.

"Perhaps so... By the way, you should better prepare a jacket or something since it is getting even colder at here. Wait... Is that girl your friend?! What on Arceus is she doing!?" exclaimed the Ace Trainer. Mixia was taking pictures of herself at the entrance.

"Mimi! It's very cold here! There's no time for pictures now!" shouted Trevor.

"I just only took one!" replied Mixia as she rushed to Trevor.

"Mimi, are you coming to the Frost Cavern?" he asked.

"Not now. I'm planning to get a Rotom tomorrow, so I'll be heading to the Lost Hotel, then I'll catch up with you, okay?" Mixia replied.

"Alright, looks like I'm camping here alone. I'll be going in there by myself, and if I never made it out alive, tell Shauna, Calem and Tierno about it." said Trevor.


The evening has come. Before Mixia starts her search for Rotom, she checked out what's available at Lumiose and Laverre.

In Laverre, she bought a white tiered satin skirt. "Not on my list, but it is a white skirt, isn't it?" she thought. She also bought a trenchcoat just to adapt the Frost Cavern's climate.
"At least I bought a skirt. I'm quite tired of wearing pants. Plus the skirt is much cuter than pants."
Without hesitation, she instantly heads off to explore the Lost Hotel, stomach-bared and skirted, bringing along Spectre, Vision, Graspy and Wally.

She read a note in Wizzy's guide about searching rare Pokemon while at Route 16:

"Adventure Rule #5- If you are looking for rare Ghost-types in Kalos, then you have to search for trash bins throughout the region. I should better tell you, you have to get lucky when you are looking for a Rotom."

"It's so dark in here..." thought Mixia. Vision Flashed up some light for her.

Getting through the Lost Hotel, she searched for every trash can while at the same time avoiding Punks. She is different than the Punks roaming throughout the Lost Hotel: she is a pale, elegant looking stomach-bared girl whose only purpose is to look for Ghost-types.

"Nope. No sign of Ghosts in here. I have to go through another entrance at Route 15." she thought.

In the northern part of the Lost Hotel, a trash can is shaking, and oddly, glowing.

"Aha, I knew you are there." she thought.

Opening up, a Ghost-like creature with electrical energy forming around it attacked Mixia. It's Rotom, the Plasma Pokemon. Mixia has to be careful about how much damage should the Rotom take, at the same time with a lot of failed attempts. Alas she caught it, naming it Polty.

As she is planning to leave the Lost Hotel, she realizes that there is one more Ghost-type. As she is about to cover her skin with Honey to attract in that particular Pokemon, a wispy light appears. Mixia followed, unaware that her life force is weakening.

However, the spiritual energy within her body instead takes back the life force and hits and reveals a candle-like Pokemon, Litwick, knocking it unconscious. Mixia then uses a Quick Ball to capture the unconscious Litwick, and named it Pyras.

Just as she is ready to leave the Lost Hotel, a Punk has caught her off guard. "Agh!!!!! Spectre, Graspy!! Help me!!!!" Spectre and Graspy threw up their Sacred Sword and Dazzling Gleam, respectively, to distract the Punk's Scrafty, Sharpedo and Pawniard, allowing Mixia to escape.

"Phew! Glad to made it out alive." said Mixia.

She then tries to train Polty and Pyras. It didn't worked out well, however. Realizes that she has to check on Trevor, she simply healed her Pokemon and runs to the Frost Cavern without changing her clothes.

"Wh-wh-why it is so cold in there!?!?" shivered Mixia as she catches up with the Ace Trainer.

"Are you mad?! Wearing such clothes to the Cavern?! You will freeze yourself to death!" warned the Ace Trainer.

As she took a selfie with her newly caught Polty and Pyras, Mixia then dies because of the freezing storm and being lightly clothed. Trevor then comes out of the Frost Cavern, discovering that Mixia is frozen to death, with the Litwick trying to warm her up.

However, Pyras' ability to drain the life force is disabled when Mixia caught the candle-like Pokemon. So putting the fire on the dead girl is no use.
"Being a snow angel in my Ghost Trainer outfit is fun to me, but I can't do it in such a climate..."
"Mimi! Mimi!" shouted Trevor while trying to make the dead girl awake, but to no avail. Spectre tries to use its cloth to sap out Mixia's life force to ensure that she is alive, but the soul is frozen. Graspy even tries to lick her to awaken her. Trevor then calls the Ace Trainer to take her body to the town's clinic.

At the emergency room, Mixia wakes up unconscious, unaware what happened during her 'frozen time'. Polty, Pyras and Spectre smiled to know that their trainer is alive.
"I think it said hello."
"Ugh, what happened?" asked Mixia as she stretched her body.

"You were fainted because of the cold temperatures, plus you are wearing very little clothing! Your friend explained to me that you are going to be a trainer specializing in the Ghost-type, so you wear such an outfit to show that you're a Ghost-type trainer. But there are some places that you can't wear that, so can you please get something warm like a jacket or something?" said the Ace Trainer.

"I'm glad that you're alive, Mimi. I can't imagine how Calem would react if you were frozen like a Pokemon being chilled by Kyurem." said Trevor.

"Thanks guys... Wait, I have a trenchcoat that I haven't tried it out yet! Now if you excuse me I have to get back to put on my trenchcoat!" said Mixia as she rushed back to change her clothes.
"I maybe temporarily wearing that. Temporarily."
And she managed to take a flawless selfie, too.
"Now that's better"
As she entered a Frost Cavern, she runs into a snowflake-like Pokemon.

"W-w-wait, is that a Cryogonal?! I heard this thing is extremely rare... Must... catch... this thing!!!!!" said Mixia.

She is highly aware of Cryogonal's horrible defenses and its role as a Glass Cannon, so Mixia has to be extremely careful even though she failed many times at catching it. Well, at least she managed to catch it.

She battled an Ace Trainer's Doublade. Pyras could not take on it so she sends out Spectre instead. Noticing how its evolution will look like, Spectre is highly envious of it, but it refuses to evolve, however.

Mixia tries to make use of Polty and Pyras in a Double battle with a Black Belt and a Psychic. Pyras is unable to cope so she sends out Graspy to finish the mess.

After getting her Pokemon healed by an Ace Trainer, she suddenly hears the spirits' voices again.

"Do you know who caused such a snowstorm? You don't. But we know. The Frost Abuser. One of the commanders of the evil, the Abuser was capable of absorbing all cold and chilled us to our death, until a Pokemon in a kimono and a chandelier with its lamp and candles are able to bring it low. The Abuser has returned. It's up to you to to stop the Abuser."

"The minions of the evil? Team Flare? Why do they have to stop at nothing to unleash chaos..." whispered Mixia.

"Haven't you noticed?" The 'blackout' you spoke of? The invasion of that 'factory'? And this? You have to relate these, to the True Evil." whispered the spirits.

"Spirits, I can see the True Evil is near to us... But I do not know who is the evil..." replied Mixia.

"Then you'll find out soon. Enter the tunnel in front of you, and stop the evil's minions from unleashing a snowstorm like how the Frost Abuser did to us." said the spirits. Their voices fade.

As Mixia entered the tunnel and gliding all the way to the chamber of Abomasnow, two Team Flare Grunts and a blue-haired woman, trying to control the Abomasnow.

"Rotom..." groaned Polty.

Indeed, the spirits were right. They did mention Team Flare inside the Frost Cavern.

Trevor then showed up. "It's very cold in there, isn't it? Good thing I brought my jacket along." said Trevor.

"Shush... Team Flare near us!" whispered Mixia.

"This Abomasnow is a fine specimen! It's absolutely brimming with energy. The more we agitate it, the stronger its Snow Warning becomes, making the snow falling even more furiously. Let's catch it and get out of here." analyzed the blue-haired woman.

"Hey Frost Abuser! Surrender yourself to the spirits!" shouted Mixia.

"Who's that?! You called me in a wrong name like how you called Aliana. I'm Mable, and where are those 'spirits' of yours?" replied the blue-haired woman as she heard Mixia's taunting.

"What are you Poke Ball thieves doing here?!" yanked Trevor.

"We're catching Pokemon. Why would we have grabbed all of those Poke Balls? It was all we could catch powerful Pokemon like this Abomasnow. It's full of potent energy!" replied Mable.

"It's a decoy! They are tormenting this friendly monster as a decoy to prevent you from stopping their true purpose!" whispered the spirits.

"You're just tormenting it. Let it go, and never come back, scientist." Mixia said furiously.

"The Power Plant... The fossils... The Poke Balls... why is Team Flare amassing Pokemon, energy and money? To put it another way, why is Team Flare always trying to take for itself?!" asked Trevor, ranting about.

"Allow me to spell it out for you! It's so TEAM FLARE- AND ONLY TEAM FLARE- CAN SURVIVE!!!!!!" taunted Mable.

"Mimi... Did they say only Team Flare will survive...?" whispered Trevor.

"Looks like the spirits were right after all... An evil is unleashed, and reincarnated, upon this world... after all..." whispered Mixia.

The Grunt performed their trademark pose. The Grunt battling Mixia sends out Golbat. "Prepare for another unfair fight, Vision!" said Mixia as she sends out her Sableye.

As the Fake Out doesn't work on Golbat, the wide-mouthed bat managed to poison the Darkness Pokemon. Vision is hit by a hurting Acrobatics, and put out a Payback. Mixia sends back the Sableye and sends out Wally to face the Grunt's Manetric, taking the lightning demon down with an Earthquake.

"I may have lost... but isn't this winter wonderland beautiful?" said the Grunt after losing to Mixia.

"So beautiful that... wish there were Froslass here to help me..." replied the Grunt.

"Froslass? These banshees were dead long ago when Team Flare entered here. And now, not even of your 'spirits' will help you... And you're more powerful than you look. I wonder the 'spirits' of what you said are inside you..." taunted Mable.

"Don't worry about Mightyena, Trevor. Your Floette is strong enough to take it down because it's a Fairy-type." whispered Mixia to Trevor.

She then turned towards Mable. "Alright, one last battle and the spirits are after you!"

Mable summons the demonic hellhound Pokemon, Houndoom. The badly poisoned Sableye Fake the hellhound out then casts Shadow Sneak as last resort before getting knocked out by a Foul Play. Spectre then comes to unleash its pure power onto Houndoom after getting hit by Foul Play.

"Hmph! I have no patience for losing. Let's get out of here!" said Mable. the Team Flare minions stormed out of the chamber.

As the Team Flare members left, Mixia asked if Trevor's okay.

"Doesn't battling Team Flare scare you Mimi?" he asked.

"Not at all. The spirits despised them greatly, and I have taken their duty to eliminate them." replied Mixia.

"I'll admit it scares me... I don't like battling them... But we managed to protect Abomasnow by pitching in there." said Trevor.

"And I hope the Froslass will be reborn here." said Mixia.

"I know I'm the reserved type, and I'm OK with that, but it's important to be bold when necessary. Mamoswine doesn't worry about Abomasnow anymore, and that's what matters. All's well that ends well!" said Trevor.

"Trevor, before you go, I have something to tell you." said Mixia.

"What is it? About Froslass?" asked Trevor.

"One day, you will notice a girl, scantily-clothed yet elegant-looking, dead, in front of your eyes..." mourned Mixia.

"Are you describing yourself? I can tell from the outfit you wore back from Laverre." said Trevor.

"No... it's... another girl, a-and it's not me. You will find out... one day." said Mixia. Trevor then leaves, puzzled.

"The spirits had predicted my death to come when I'm going to face the True Evil... I know. Mortals live, and die. But they cannot meet the face of death too early..." thought Mixia. She receives an Abomasite from the Abomasnow.

Leaving the Frost Cavern and gets her Pokemon healed, she heads to the snowbound Route 17.

"Team Flare was controlling Abomasnow for some source of energy." said Mixia as she meets up with the Ace Trainer.

"What? They're using Abomasnow as an energy source? I wonder if it's the same Abomasnow..." replied the Ace Trainer.

"You saw that Abomasnow?" asked Mixia.

"You see, a few years ago an Abomasnow was carrying Mamoswine injured all the way to Dendemille, and we're gladly to heal it. And that's how the clinic that you rested was built. I wonder if it's worried about it's pal..." answered the Ace Trainer.

"By the way, Trainer, thanks for saving the Abomasnow. Now hop on to the Mamoswine and it will lead the way!" he said.

Mixia hops onto the Mammoth-like Pokemon and crosses the snowbound path, She lets Polty to practice its Electro Ball on some Delibird.

As she is about to reach Anistar, she receives a call from Calem, asking her to battle in front of the Gym.

Mixia then meets Sina again, requesting the Ghost Trainer to visit the man who knows about Xerneas, and gives her some Repeat Balls.

Mixia waits at outside of the Gym. "You know what you're going to do, Graspy. If Vision fails, then I'm relying on you." said Mixia as she sends her Haunter out.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, Mimi! The night in here is beautiful, isn't it?" said Calem as she rushed towards the girl.

"Sigh... Just start the battle!" said Mixia.

Same as always, Vision takes down Meowstic, but then gets knocked out by Calem's Absol.

"Prepared to be bedazzled!" said Mixia as she calls in Grapy. Graspy unleashes a Dazzling Gleam, instantly defeating the Absol. Graspy then proceeds to hurl Shadow Ball at Delphox, and even defeated Calem's newly evolved Jolteon.

"Well, your Pokemon's levels are a bit overwhelming. Anyhow, one day, we shall take a picture of you and me, in front of the Anistar Sundial during evening. Also, we can get to hang out in the city's cafe, too." said Calem.

"I don't need your invitations to your nonsensical date. Can you please leave me alone?!" said Mixia angrily.

"Alright... if that's what you said..." Calem saddened.

As Calem, Mixia used the time to check out the boutique. "Perhaps I should look like someone else other than my idol... Aha! With this sparkly bolero dress, I can be... Fantina! Right? It looks kind of nice, but first I have to check on Fantina's style, and her Contest outift." thought Mixia as she buys a new dress.

"Perhaps I should train Pyras and Polty more if I were to go for the Gym challenge. But it's a Psychic-type Gym, and it will be no problem for me, will not?" thought Mixia as she heads back to the Pokemon Center for rest.

Next chapter: Psychic gets got!

The Rotom Hunters and the Snow Warning stoppers.

Spectre (Honedge)
Level 61, Hasty
Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Sacred Sword, Iron Head

Wally (Golurk)
Level 56, Bold
Strength, Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Power-up Punch

Vision (Sableye)
Level 45, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect

Graspy (Haunter)
Level 45, Hardy
Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball

Polty (Rotom)
Level 45, Rash
Thunder Wave, Electro Ball, Ominous Wind, Substitute

Pyras (Litwick)
Level 45, Docile
Flame Burst, Will-o-wisp, Hex, Curse

Those who are not involved

Level 51, Sassy
Grudge, Phantom Force, Metal Claw, Dig

Manitou (Drifblim)
Level 49, Rash
Thunder Wave, Hex, Fly, Focus Energy

Author's note

I originally found a Litwick and named it Pyrogeist, but when I found Rotom Graspy poisoned it. With a lot of failed attempts to catch that Rotom I soft-resetted.

I originally planned to use the term 'Pokemon Center' during Mixia's frozen part, but I think that term seemed inaccurate. I mean, if there are Pokemon Centers to heal up Pokemon, then what about the places where injured Trainers have to recover? So I imagined there's a clinic in Dendemille, and voila, there's a doctor in town.

This is the dress Mixia bought:
"Do I look like Fantina? No? Okay, I should try something else..."
I found out that the outfit of Caitlin of the Unova Elite Four, a Psychic specialist, can be remade. I was like "hold on a minute, there's something that resembles Caitlin's?". But, Mixia would probably refuse to wear that.

Does someone has a Snorunt safari? I want Froslass.

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