
Sunday 19 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 20: Navigating the Labyrinth

The labyrinth refers to the lab.

After battling a Grunt and her Swalot, plus getting warp away to nowhere, Mixia encounters Aliana again.

"So we meet again, just as I said we would!" greeted Aliana.

"Come, let's get your Demons to their deaths." said Spectre.

"I can tell that you're no ordinary Pokemon, aren't you?" said Aliana.

"I am a spirit who takes control of a Pokemon." replied the Aegislash.

Aliana sends out Mightyena. Spectre was taunted by the Hyena Demon. Fortunately, Spectre did a Swords Dance before being taunted, allowing it to unleash the light upon the Hyena.

She then sends out Druddigon, a blue dragon with a red-coloured head. Spectre has enough power, despite being taunted, to slay the Dragon Demon with one blow.

"Wow! You managed to take these things down even you're taunted!" surprised Mixia.

"I can still focus my own power, as long I build enough strength before being provoked." said Spectre.

"I don't have the key, but I'll let you pass. But which warp panel could it be? Which could it be?" taunted Aliana.

"I'm going... to the orange one!" Mixia goes to the orange panel.

"No! Mixia! You'll probably..." the Aegislash warned about the wrong panel, but Mixia simply teleports herself anyway, ending up stuck at the beginning.

"Must that happens to the minions?" Spectre looked annoyed.

"Only the novices lost their way." replied Aliana.

"I'm back! That was very dizzy." said Mixia as she found the correct panel.

Mixia once again finds herself spinning about and battled a Grunt who was going to do the worst things on her...
However, he complained about how the ranking system in Team Flare works after being defeated. "Good, then you shouldn't have joined Team Flare in the first place." said Mixia.

She enters a chamber and found the same people she ran into back at the Power Plant.

"We're looking for a tall person... And I mean tall. If you stretched out a Seviper  and stood it up, he'd be that tall." asked the man.

"Lysandre?" Mixia replied.

"Do you have to mention his height?" replied Spectre.

"What a strange Pokemon you have... Oh, by the way, I have something for you. Take these with you, Mixia." said the woman.

"Huh? How do you know my name?!" Mixia appears confused while receiving the Revives.

"Oh, wait! We met some time ago, but I didn't get your name then! I've never heard of your name before! Not once!" the woman panicked.

"Then why you time remind me of someone back in when I first entered Lumiose?" asked Mixia.

"That is not important now. The most important thing is that you don't do anything reckless, OK?" said the man. These masked people then left the chamber.

She battled some Grunts, and Spectre is quite annoyed by the spinners. "Uh, Mixia, don't you get tired of yourself trying to navigating the labyrinth by making yourself dizzy?" asked the Aegislash.

"Not at all, and don't forget that we have to fulfill the spirits' duty." replied Mixia.

She finds a resting room and took a nap on one of the beds
"Explain the Insomnia ability."
"If I ran a slow Pokemon with Assurance, Sucker Punch and Taunt, will that be legal?"
She is also given a TM for Taunt.

She runs into a Grunt who thinks himself is fashionable, a Grunt who is going to send Mixia spinning around the Labs and runs into the 'unofficial' cheerleader back at the Power Plant.

She enters a chamber and encounters Celosia and Bryony. They don't seem to recognize the girl.

"Stop the 'huh'-ing! Haven't I ran into you two back at the Poke Ball Factory?!" Mixia is provoked.

"But obviously she's not in Team Flare. Let's get her, yeah?" analyzed Bryony.

"Yup, that sounds good to me. Then I'll get the first blow!" said Celosia

"I was about to do a Double Battle alone versus you two until that idiot Calem ran into." said Mixia.

"There's no time for such nonsense. The Demons must be slain!" announced Spectre.

"What 'demon'?" asked Celosia.

"It refers to your Pokemon. The spirits senses the evil within these Pokemon." answered Mixia.

Celosia's Manetric unleashes a Flamethrower on Spectre while doing a Swords Dance. "I can't believe... that the Thunder Demon breathes fire!" said the Aegislash.

"Hold yourself, Spectre! You blade of light can kill it" said Mixia. Spectre managed to slay the Thunder Demon with a Sacred Sword.

"The Scorpion Demon! Looks like I have to hold on to myself..." said the Aegislash as Celosia sends out Drapion, a purple ogre scorpion monster. Spectre's King's Shield is able to weaken the Scorpion's Night Slash, then it unleashes its power on the Scorpion.

"Ahahaha! You beat us so good. Wow we are so lame." babbled Celosia after being defeated.

"Oh, what a brute! Look at poor Celosia!" taunted Bryony.

"I have no mercy on any evil." replied Spectre.

Bryony sends out the leopard creature Liepard, and taunts Spectre after it does a Swords Dance. Just as the Liepard threw a Sucker Punch, Spectre managed to defeat the Leopard Demon after is has enough power to unleash.

Bryony then sends out Bisharp, a humanoid, bladed demon. It was proven easy enough for Spectre to defeat it with one blow.

"I noticed they're weak to Sacred Sword." said Mixia.

"As long these demons are dead gone." said Spectre.

"Your ability flies in the face of all probability! Just what is the source of your power?!" asked Bryony after defeated.

"I'm a spirit! Why doesn't everyone knew that I possessed a Pokemon?!" Spectre looks annoyed.

"You're here for answers, aren't you? I suppose we're at your mercy. I will tell you what I know, at least." said Celosia.

Bryony explained that Team Flare stole the electricity from the Power Plant to power the ultimate weapon. The obelisks and monoliths on Route 10 will use up the energy of the spirits to power the ultimate weapon.

"What?! Lysandre has been using the spirits to power that ultimate weapon?!" shocked Mixia.

"He doesn't care about the mercy of the spirits." added Bryony.

"But they are the graves of the spirits of the Pokemon in the Great Kalos War!" said Spectre.

"Their lives were the price of peace then, and if we want to make Lysandre's wishes come true today, we in Team Flare has to sacrifice something precious." explained Celosia.

"Sacrifice what? The Spirit World?!" asked Mixia.

"I told you Lysandre doesn't have mercy for the spirits!" the duo appeared annoyed.

Mixia then runs into more Grunts. One of the Grunts knows that some people are envious of the Team Flare suit. "That suit will not look nice for a Ghost Trainer, I know that." said Mixia, looking annoyed after she defeats the Grunt.

"What?! Team Flare has been spying on Holo Caster transmissions?!" shocked Mixia after she heard from a Grunt mentioning about the Holo Caster.

As she enters another chamber, she finds Mable.

"On your lonesome this time?" asked Mable.

"Partially yes." answered Mixia. "And what's with the Holo Caster spying?!"

"We gather data about all the trainers in the region using the Holo Caster, so we know all about everyone." explained Mable.

"Almost everyone?" added Mixia.

"Yes, almost, everyone. And you how the Mega Ring is used to awaken the Pokemon's power, right? Just like how the ultimate weapon can max out a Pokemon's power." added Mable.

"What does the Mega Ring has to do with the ultimate weapon? And by that Pokemon you mean a legendary Pokemon?" asked Mixia.

"That you have to ask Lysandre about it." replied Mable.

"Two more demons to go! Come at me, Frost Abuser!" said Spectre.

"Oh, speaking of Frost, you will see an Ice-type." said Mable as she sends out the Hellhound Houndoom.

Using the power of the spirits, Spectre evades the Houndoom's Foul Play while using Swords Dance, and unleashes a Sacred Sword.

"Here's the Frost Abuser you're seeking." said Mable as she sends out weasel creature, Weavile.

"The Ice Demon. It was capable of dismembering spirits and freezing them..." said the Aegislash. Spectre changes back to its Shield Forme to block Weavile's Night Slash. Spectre dodges another Night Slash and proceeds to unleash its pure power.

"You don't say that this Pokemon is controlled by a spirit?" shocked Mable after being defeated.

"I bet it'll not rest until the ultimate weapon is put to a stop." answered Mixia.

"Nevertheless, to the victor go the spoils! Here, have this elevator key. Your questions will be answered by Lysandre." said Mable as she hands over an elevator key.

"Finally, getting out of this labyrinth. Now what in the name of Arceus is Lysandre doing to the spirits..." said Mixia.

Mixia scans the pass, and she is taken down to a lower floor.

Next chapter: With hatred and sorrow

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