
Wednesday 22 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 24: The wound

Last chapter of the Lysandre arc. A long author's note awaits.

The ultimate weapon is activated, the energy around the orb intensifies, the flower closes, then opens, and a beam of destructive light is fired. The destructive energy is launched into space, and the energy is so destructive that even many Legendary Pokemon, including Mew, can notice it from the furthest depths. Then, it directs itself to fall onto the earth.

However, the energy lands onto the ultimate weapon instead of the land. The orb is destroyed, an explosion is created, and the flower closes and lowers itself into the ground, and finally, it self-destructs, destroying the generator and the entire Team Flare base. None would have made it out alive if the energy destroys the walkway and the observatory lab, like a fuse being burned continuously.

In the end, the ultimate weapon is now reduced to rubble.

However, thanks to the help of the spirits, Xerneas managed to make it alive with the two spiritual Pokemon, Shauna and Calem, holding Mixia's body.

"Is that the Legendary Pokemon Xerneas? It looked so beautiful!' said Trevor.

"Are you guys all OK?" asked Calem as he and Shauna hops down from Xerneas' back.

 "Yep! As you can see, we are doing great. We worked together to save the Pokemon that were connected to the stones on Route 10, while we left the battling to Sina and Dexio though..." said Tierno.

"Who are Sina and Dexio you spoke of? We are the Masked Heroes!" said the masked woman.

"What's with the sad face, Calem? This is a victory to celebrate. We also managed to destroy the machine in Lysandre's Lab that was spying on Holo Caster transmissions, so you won't have to worry about Team Flare anymore." the masked man asks.

"I have bad news guys: Mixia is dead." lamented Calem as he gets the corpse down from Xerneas.

The expressions of joy from a triumph over Team Flare changes into sadness like a Yamask looking at its mask as they saw the wound on the dead girl's stomach.

"Mixia... She was a great person I met... She gave me memories, she explained to me that Ghost-types are kind and... I can't believe she would leave us like this..." lamented Shauna as she burst into tears.

"So that's what Mixia meant back at the Frost Cavern... She was wearing this halter back at Laverre, and now, she told me that she will be wearing this, but this time, she has been dead gone by the time she put it on..." said Trevor.

"She was killed by Lysandre." said Calem

"Why did Lysandre do this to the greatest trainer I had met! WHY!!!!!" lamented Tierno.

"He was a merciless man. This girl has sacrificed much of herself to protect you all, the spirits, and the world she inhabits in. But atlas, the True Evil is finally brought low by the spirits." said Achiron.

"While I possessed this Pokemon, I can see that this creature did share a wonderful memory with her, except for the time where it was caught when she tried to hold onto it." he added.

"Maybe because she didn't trigger Spectre's evolution. Unevolved Pokemon are more likely to enjoy with their trainers better than those who are evolved." explained Trevor.

"Is it too late to say goodbye to you, Mimi? I can give you a kiss if you want..." Calem holds on to Mixia's body.

"Are you mad, child? There's no way to kiss a dead person other than lamenting, and thinking of her..." said Incinis.

"Can't you understand how it feels to see my love being killed..." Calem added.

"A death under the hands of the merciless one, like Helsros, is the worst of all forms of death. If you wish to let the mortal to come back to alive again, I can help." said Xerneas.

"Please. Do not grant her eternal life." requested Calem.

"I won't. But in order to revive her without providing immortality, I need to sacrifice two spirits." the Aspect of Life added.

Xerneas turned his head towards the Aegislash and the Chandelure.

"I am willing to help to heal the girl. I am at your command, the Aspect of Life." said Achiron.

"The fires I held may burn the souls, but nevertheless, I'm willing to make a sacrifice, even thought that may hurt Mixia." said Incinis.

"Achiron, Incinis, once you have recovered the mortal's wound and her soul has been returned too her body, you will be stripped away from these spectral entities. However, you will not be able to come back to the mortal world again, taking over their minds. Leave them what they should be, as they are the closest to her."

"Farewell, Mixia. We shall no longer be your guardians... But in your heart, we are." this is Achiron and Incinis' farewell.

The spirits comes out from the Aegislash and the Chandelure, and they surround Xerneas' antlers as he starts the ritual.

"Cresselia, the Aspect of Dreams, please grant us the power of the full moon so I can revive the young mortal. Grant us this wish, so the one who loved her will smile once again."

Fortunately, it was a full moon so the resurrection process was done in no time. If that were to be performed under the new moon, then it may take a night, or a week, to complete the ritual.

The moonlight starts to restore Mixia's organs, sealing the wound with a holy light, possibly emitted from Cresselia. The tissues start to close, and the light flashes and disappears when it touches the girl's navel, leaving behind a dark mark around it, due to her body being mostly exposed to the energy.

"She's so adorable... No, she's cuter than ever!" said Calem as she stared at Mixia's new look on her body.

"It's done. After this conflict, I wished that I never be used for any purpose of evil by the mortals, especially if the mortal is reincarnated into Helsros. So, it's time for myself to leave this place, and grant life to somewhere, somewhere that is far from the mortals themselves. Farewell, child. I fear that I may never come back."

"You won't come back?" said Shauna.

"Until this mortal, the savior of the Spirit World, needs my aid." said the Aspect of Life.

Xerneas gallops to the nearest forest, an from now on, it's shadow is never to been seen again. When the Aspect of Life left, Mixia woke up.

"...What just happened? I only remember that there's a wound on my tummy, but... why am I here? Where is Xerneas? Spectre, Pyras, can you explain?"

"Aegislash." Spectre responded, without a spirit's voice.

"Chandelure." Pyras becomes normal once again.

"Mixia I'm glad that you're alive again!" said Calem as he hugs the resurrected girl.

"All's well ends well!" said Trevor. "Now I can finally continuing finishing up my Pokedex."

"And that means we won't have to worry about Team Flare anymore! Come on, let's continue our journey back to Anistar!" said Shauna. Everyone except Calem leaves.

"Calem, aren't you coming?" asked Shauna.

"Just give me a moment with Mimi." he answered.

"Thanks, Mimi... I respect you as a friend. I will always love you no matter how much you hate me... That's why I want to beat you in a battle!" said Calem.

Spectre and Pyras grinned as he left.

AZ then shows up, thinking about his own past.

"Must we have to explain again?" whispered the spirits.

"No problem." the girl replied softly.

"The man who lost the flower created the ultimate weapon, which sacrificed many Pokemon. The flower understood the purpose of the machine, and left the man.

The man was surprised and sad. The original purpose of the machine is to revive the flower so they could be together...

Time has passed... the flower did not return. Eventually the man, has lost his will. He was condemned to wander for the flower by the light of the weapon. The flower did the same."

"Where is it now? Where do I have to do to meet it?" said AZ as he left.

Mixia cried. She wasn't crying for AZ's past, but she also cried because of what Lysandre had done to her, Xerneas was gone, Team Flare is destroyed, the two spirits are gone and... Calem's feelings towards her.

Spectre tends to wipe her tears using its battle cloth.
"It's okay, Spectre. I'm not crying. Really. I can smile. Can't you see?"
"I smile. You smile. Okay?"
"You have done it. The True Evil is gone, the Spirit World becomes stable, and the world is safe. But there is one more thing that we have to help you. Something that someone cares about you dearly and kindly, kinder than anyone you met."

"Calem?" said Mixia as she wipes off the tears.

"Yes, it's the boy. We will talk about it later once you have obtained a badge or what plate is that." the voices fade.

"Spectre, Pyras, why didn't you speak?" sympathized Mixia.

"Aegis-Aegislash" Spectre can only speak with its normal Pokemon voice.

"Delure-Chandelure" that's what Pyras can only say.

"It's alright. Even if you can't speak like how you did when we stopped Team Flare... You are always be on my side." said Mixia.
"Proof of Lysandre's defeat."
Deep within the forest, there's a figure with a rainbow of coloured antlers observing Mixia. However, when Mixia turned her head to the direction the figure was seeing, the lights disappears.

"I pray that her glory will be found under those aligned with the Spooky Plate."

Next chapter: Soloing Mixia!

The army of spirits

Spectre (Aegislash)
Level 67, Hasty
Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Sacred Sword, King's Shield

Vision (Sableye)
Level 62, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect

Wally (Golurk)
Level 61, Bold
Strength, Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Power-up Punch

Polty (Rotom)
Level 62, Rash
Thunder Wave, Electro Ball, Hex, Substitute

Pyras (Chandelure)
Level 61, Docile
Flamethrower, Will-o-wisp, Hex, Pain Split

Manitou (Drifblim)
Level 57, Rash
Thunder Wave, Hex, Fly, Focus Energy

Back there, praying everyone's safe

Level 55, Sassy
Grudge, Phantom Force, Metal Claw, Dig

Graspy (Haunter)
Level 54, Hardy
Destiny Bond, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball

Level 53, Lonely
Trick-or-Treat, Rock Smash, Scary Face, Shadow Sneak

Author's note

Actually I made Mixia run back and forth throughout Team Flare's Secret HQ just to get her outfit changed for the encounter with Xerneas. If I ever described that in my own story, I'd put that Lysandre thinks she is mad.

I decided to describe Xerneas as a wise and intelligent Pokemon, plus its understanding of the spirits. If you guys played Warcraft, then I suppose that Xerneas is Cenarius (no offense, but they are deers, aren't they?)

Speaking of Warcraft, if you ever wondered what the spirits Mixia spoke to looked like, I think they resemble wisps from the Warcraft franchise. Refer to the ending of Warcraft III. You may get the idea from this cinematic.

Have you ever wondered what are these flies attached to Lysandre are for? I suspect they could be weapons, so I described that machine of his is a killing machine.

I know, I put too much romance on the Calem and Mixia part. I made him like a lovestruck boy falling for such a cutely revealing girl.

And that music video on the last two chapters, there is Diablo, House of the Dead and The Matrix. Combine these things into one, you will get a music video that is so awesome. Seriously, it's awesome

Have you found the death scene disturbing? I admit it, I kind of made Lysandre more cruel than mad...

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