
Thursday 23 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 29: Ghosts or bust

Taking on the Elite Four, with a Ghost-type team.

After taking a rest at the Pokemon Center, it seems that Mixia is ready to take on the Elite Four.

"Relax. The spirits are cheering for you, Mixia. Now be casual when you challenge the Elite Four members." thought Mixia as she enters the castle of the Pokemon League.

As she enters the hall, she is greeted by Malva, a pink-haired woman dressed in black and red, wearing sunglasses that has the colour of the blazing fire.

"You're the illustrious Ghost Trainer Mixia, aren't you? Welcome at last, to the Pokemon League. I am one of the Elite Four. People know me as the Fire-type Pokemon user." greeted Malva.

"H-h-hello." greeted Mixia anxiously. However, at the same time, she sensed suspense.

"Here in the Pokemon League, you'll encounter the four of us, the Elite Four, and the Champion. If you hope to defeat the Champion and challenge her here, you must defeat the four of us. Do your best, because if you can't impress us with your real strength, then you'll never get to battle her." explained Malva.

"But it should be a walk in the park for you, right? The 'heroine' who destroyed big, bad Team Flare..." she said as she walks away.

"I'd better not to be provoked by her." said Mixia.

Mixia first entered the Blazing Chamber. She is taken to Malva's arena, which is dimly lit. Then, two huge torches around her are light up with an infernal flare. Mixia would be able to stand the heat as she was wearing lightly.

"Welcome, challenger, to my Blazing Chamber. I shall be your opponent today." greeted Malva.

"I wish I had a Jellicent." babbled Mixia as she sends out Wally and backs off.

Malva sends out Pyroar, a lioness with a fiery mane.

"You have faced the Lion Demon. Perhaps you must know how you can defeat it." the spirits whispered.

Pyroar unleashed a Noble Roar before Wally could throw a Power-up Punch. Then, the lioness fire breathed at the Golurk before it throws another punch. Before it can mark the blow, Malva sprayed a Full Restore on the lioness. The lioness fire breathed at the Golurk before it was hit by another Punch.

Malva then sends out Chandelure. Before Wally can throw a Shadow Punch or unleash an Earthquake, it got scorched down by the chandelier.

Mixia sends out Pyras. It seems that this chandelier has found its match. Pyras hexed the Chandelure.

Malva sends out Torkoal, a tortoise-like creature with smoke coming out from its shell. Pyras hexed the Torkoal, twice, being fortunate had dodged a Stone Edge.

Malva's Talonflame flew down from the Blazing Chamber's ceiling, and performed a Brave Bird onto the chandelier Pokemon, and being hexed. She sprayed a Full Restore on the fiery robin before Pyras can mark the blow. Once the Talonflame performed another Brave Bird, it was hexed.

"What news... So the challenger has defeated Malva of the Elite Four!" praised Malva.

"We're not in a news channel." said Mixia, annoyed.

"I'll report to all the world the news of you dominating the Pokemon League!" the fire-type specialist added.

"You what?!" Mixia looked suprised.

"Haven't you recognized me on the Holo Caster? I'm such a busy woman, after all..." taunted Malva.

"Alright. I'm out of here. Now I need to get Wally and Pyras healed up and have to ignore that lady's babbling..." said Mixia as she leaves the Blazing Chamber.

The Ghost girl then enters the Ironworks Chamber. Upon being taken to the Chamber, which walls resemble somewhat of an armory, two huge swords are put into the holes, rotated, and they lower the walls, like a key unlocking a lock.

Here lies the paladin, Wikstrom.

"Welcome, young challenger. Verify am I, the Elite Four's famed blade of hardened steel, Wikstrom!" greeted the paladin.

An Aegislash comes to Wikstrom's hand. "With my magnificent Pokemon at my side, I will reveal the scope of Trainer achievement!"

"You have an Aegislash? Well I do have one." taunted Mixia. Spectre hates to be exaggerated, judging by its annoyed look.

"I bet it will be a fine battle with yours! Let us give our word that our contest shall be fair and honorable. Ready?" said Wikstrom.

"En garde!" he announced.

"I'm sure that Pyras can take those steelies down." thought Mixia as she sends out her Chandelure.

The paladin sends out the key ring Pokemon, Klefki. This key ring got quickly burnt out by Pyras.

He then sends out Probopass, a levitating creature that resembles a Moai, with a bushy mustache. Pyras creates a Will-o-wisp and gets hit by a Power Gem. Fortunately, Mixia prepared a Sitrus Berry for the Chandelure, and it hexes the mechanism, gets hit by another Power Gem, and the Probopass faints because of burning.

Wikstrom sends out Scizor. To be short, it gets burned out instantly by Pyras.

The paladin finally calls in his Royal Sword Pokemon. Pyras leaves behind a Will-o-wisp before getting slashed by the Aegislash's Shadow Claw.

Mixia called in hers', and holds on to a Shadow Claw while doing a Swords Dance. Spectre blocks the shadow blade, and unleashed a Shadow Sneak on Wikstrom's Aegislash, without realization that it cannot hold on when it is in its Shield Forme.

"Well, that was a bit anti-climatic." said Mixia.

"What now? What sweet glorious pain and joy now rocks in my mighty heart? My will, which even shakes the spears, trembles at so fine a battle as this! I am undone!" said the paladin.

"Please don't say I cast a curse on you. I'm no Hex Maniac!" Mixia panicked.

"Oh my, good lady, why would you say such words? You are indeed our equal, and worthy to enter this lofty hall!" the paladin announced.

"So you have struck down two of the Elite Four! The road is still long. Do not waver now." advised Wikstrom as Mixia left the Chamber.

"I thought he believed in psychics and ghosts..." thought Mixia as she leaves.

She then enters the Flood Chamber.

The Chamber's gears rotated, and it unleashed a howling roar of water, raining throughout the Chamber. The walls become waterfalls, and the floor becomes as a majestic water puddle.

"...No, I can't simply say..." babbled the chef Siebold.

He then turns to face Mixia. "Don't tell me you are a Water trainer."

"Why?" asked Mixia.

"Because from my experience, I can tell that the young females of the Water-type specialists often wear that little like you. They come from all regions, seeking to improve their efficiency at mastering the Water-type. Do you know Misty of Cerulean City, Kanto? They wished to be as greater than her, or myself." said Siebold.

"I don't specialize that type. I'm a Ghost Trainer." Mixia added.

"So that's fine. And I have a question to pose to you, young lady: Do you think Pokemon battling can be worthy of being called a form of art?" the chef asked.

"In a Pokemon battle you must have a creative mind to plan what your Pokemon's moves should be, and do the best so make use of it. So I consider it a yes." the girl answered.

"Indeed. Only a fool will see it as not..." said Siebold.

"Who?" the girl asked.

"A psychic... He explained to be about that the care of a Pokemon's affections is more important... Maybe he will see why it is a form of art once he loses!" recalled Siebold.

"That's Wizzy alright. Surely he behaved like a Magikarp when he challenged you." said Mixia.

"You see, cooking if the type of art that disappears as soon as it is completed. Pokemon battles are the same; even memories of a sweet victory soon fade after a battle ends." quoted Siebold.

"To devote yourself entirely such a life, made up of fleeting experiences, that is truly artful." he added.

"Artful? I think it's tragic..." said Mixia.

"You called it a tragedy? You should visit Kiloude for yourself next time." said the chef.

Siebold sends out Clawitzer, a lobster with a huge right claw, designed to unleash pulse-based moves with greater efficiency. As Polty paralyzed the lobster, it suffered heavily by the empowered Dark Pulse. The Rotom instantly unleash an Electro Ball.

"You should have known how to face the Serpent Demon." the spirits whispered as the chef sends out Gyarados. Polty hesitatingly throws out an Electro Ball.

The chef sends out Barbaracle, a humanoid shell monster with eyes on its hands. Before getting hit by a Stone Edge, Polty desperately throws an Electro Ball.

Vision is sent out to Fake the shell monster out. As it is about to cast a Shadow Sneak, Siebold sprayed a Full Restore on the shell monster. Getting hit by a highly damaging Stone Edge after a Payback, Vision casts a Shadow Sneak as last resort.

Siebold sprayed a Full Restore before Spectre can mark the blow. The Aegislash blocks a Razor Shell and does a Swords Dance. Spectre quickly casts a Sacred Sword.

Finally, Starmie, a purple sea star with a jewel on its center, is sent out. Spectre creates a Shadow Sneak without hesitation.

"I shall store the memory of you and your Pokemon forever away within my heart..." said Siebold.

"Devote yourself entirely, so even that which will fade and disappear is ingrained forever upon your heart and mind. That is the only fate for any human." he quoted

"I'd say it's still tragic..." said Mixia.

"How many times do I have to repeat it's not tragic!" Siebold appears annoyed.

"Anyhow, there is only one course remaining in your Pokemon League banquet. Devour it with the hunger for strength. Savor it without leaving a scrap behind." he added.

"Sheesh. Is there something wrong with him?" thought Mixia as she leaves the chamber of water.

Finally, she enters the Dragonmark Chamber.

Deep within this Chamber is just a purple coloured mist. The mist fades as Mixia enters, the wings reveal a dragon head that somewhat resembles Kyurem's. The head lifts up to reveal the Dragon mystic, Drasna, and the torches lights with an incense that somewhat can be felt in Opelucid City, Unova.

"Oh goodness, hello to you! Welcome, welcome, come in." greeted Drasna.

"You must be a strong trainer. Yes quite strong indeed..." she added.

"Of course I am. I'm quite good at manipulating the Ghost-type. Don't you see?" said Mixia.

"That's just wonderful news! Facing opponents like you and your team will make my Pokemon grow like weeds!" said Drasna as she sends out Dragalge.

"By weeds you mean this thing?" said Mixia as she sends out Wally. The Golurk unleashed an Earthquake on the Poison-Dragon-type.

The mystic sends out Altaria, a bird-like creature with fluffy cloud wings. Wally raised its hand at the Altaria, and a beam of glacial energy comes out from its hand. The cloud dragon unleashes a Dragon Pulse. As it is about to mark the blow with a Shadow Punch, Drasna sprayed a Full Restore on the cloud dragon. Fortunately, the punch did enough damage to allow Wally to defeat it with an Ice Beam.

The mystic sends out Noivern, a large bat-like creature with large ears that can unleash disturbing sound waves. After getting hit by another Dragon Pulse, Wally shoots its Ice Beam. The opportunity to mark the blow is interuptted when Drasna sprays a Full Restore on the bat dragon. Wally is still able to defeat it with another Ice Beam after getting hit by a Dragon Pulse.

"You've faced the Dragon Demon. You must be sure you can counter this creature." said the spirits as a Druddigon is sent out. Wally's Ice Beam isn't enough to stop the Druddigon when it was hit by a Dragon Tail. Graspy bedazzled the dragon to finish mess.

"Oh, dear me. That sure was a quick battle... I hope you'll come back again sometime!" said Drasna.

"Oh, you! You're too much! You and your Pokemon are simply charming!" she added.

Before Mixia leaves, the mystic said, "Oh, you're going already? Farewell then! You have beaten all of the Elite Four! This is just wonderful for you. Congratulations!"

"You can visit me if you are at the Battle Chateau, Lady Drasna!" said Mixia as she leaves.

Just as Mixia came out, the greater door opens, revealing a pure light. This is where the battle with the Champion herself begins.

"Atlas, I have been waiting for this..." Mixia thought as she enters the light-filled room.

Next chapter: Ghostly dawn

Author's note

Have you ever thought of Golurk using Ice Beam? Well, only when it comes to facing Drasna.

To be honest, Siebold was the hardest for me to defeat on both my Psychic and Ghost playthroughs. I hate that Dark Pulse Clawitzer...

And a minor spoiler alert: the battle will be rather anti-climatic.

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