
Monday 6 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 15: Haunt those Fairies

My playlist: Primrose (樱花草)

Mixia tries to make use of her Haunter, while looking different from the Furisode Girls.

"Dark beats Psychic, Psychic beats Poison, Poison beats Fairy, Fairy beats Dark."

"The Fairy Gym. Rumours say that the Fairy-type is immune to Dragon, whilst it helped the Psychic-type by defeating the Dark-type, and in return Psychic defeats the Poison-type, which Fairy is weak to. That was noted in Wizzy's guide. I bet he does know a lot about the Fairy-type, and make use of that advantage to defeat the Dark-type. Hmm... seems logical." said Mixia, standing in front of Laverre's Gym.
"That's what I wore at the Fairy Gym. Like my new shoes?"
"Graspy, Spectre. Are you ready?" she talked to her Haunter and Honedge.

"Haunter!" Graspy is ready.

"Honedg-edge!" Spectre can't wait to begin.

Inside the Fairy Gym resembled somewhat of a dollhouse.

The dollhouse contains a study room.
"The Beginner guide for a Fairy Trainer, How to Train your counter-Dragon, Gallade and Gardevoir, Advanced Guide for a Tailor... nope, not even a single book about Ghost-types."
However, she did found a note written by Valerie about a Ghost-type:

"Mismagius, often being mistaken for being part-Fairy, is, despite its cursed voice somewhat of a Gourgeist's, is actually a kind Ghost-type, evidenced from it willing to learn a Fairy move. I just don't understand why everyone except some Hex Maniacs roaming outside Laverre despised this ghost because of its voice... I wish there's someone who also appreciates Mismagius... They are getting rare in Kalos nowadays..."

"It looks like I'm not the only one who appreciates Mismagius." said Mixia.

There is also a vanity mirror in one of the rooms. "Graspy! Look at how cute we are!" said Mixia. However, just a single look at the mirror caused the Haunter to run amok, leaving Mixia and Spectre confused.

In a battle with a Granbull, the bulldog-like Pokemon roared at Shedinja.

"Shedinja!!!" the shed Pokemon vanished into nowhere (thanks to Phantom Force). Mixia cannot find is somewhere in the Gym. Perhaps it has hidden somewhere in a suburban area in Laverre, which Mixia thought of staying there? Or it hid itself at Route 14?

Mixia tries to find her way, in and out, and she got so lost that shenanigans are occurring around her, such as taking selfies of herself and even having tea (which is feeding Poke Puffs) with Graspy and Spectre.

Graspy was doing finely in the Fairy Gym. Mostly rinse and repeat: Toxic, then Venoshock. Until the Gym Battle.

Alas, Mixia finally found her way to the Gym Leader's room.

"Oh, if it isn't a young trainer... So you've flown all the way through my Gym, fluttering down to me on a fortunate wind. Then I suppose you had earned yourself the right to battle, as a reward of your efforts." greeted Valerie.

"Surely nice meeting you, uh..."

"I'm Valerie, who lead this Fairy-type Gym. I hope your visit will prove entertaining to you. And, is that your Pokemon up there?" Valerie pointing up to Shedinja, who was shivering on top of the ceiling.

"Shedinja, there's no need to be afraid! That Granbull is gone now!" Mixia told the Shedinja to come down.

"Shed-Shedinja..." Shedinja timidly comes down.

"I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, Lady Valerie." apologized Mixia.

"It's alright, some Pokemon are afraid of the presence of the Fairy-type at first sight. There are just some who don't know how to behave elegantly..." said Valerie

"Shall we start the battle now?" asked Mixia.

"Of course, and it will be a fair battle. The elusive Fairy-type may be frail as a breeze and delicate as a bloom, but they are strong." said Valerie.

Valerie sends out a doll-like Pokemon with a huge jaw on the back of its head, Mawile. Even Graspy used Confuse Ray on the Mawile, it brought low Graspy with just a Crunch.

Mixia sends out Wally and it unleashed an Earthquake onto the Mawile.

"Haunter, why?" thought Mixia.

Valerie then sends out the palindrome humanoid, Mr Mime. Even though it created a Reflect barrier, Wally Shadow Punched through it.

Valerie sends out Sylveon, an evolution of Eevee with ribbon-like feelers from its neck. Wally is bedazzled (getting hit by Dazzling Gleam), and charmed while creating continuous Earthquakes at Sylveon. The Earthquake is horribly weakened so Valerie used that time to spray a Hyper Potion onto Sylveon before Wally marks the blow. In the end, Wally got bedazzled, and fallen down.

Spectre is called in just to finish the mess with Iron Head.

"I should have make use of Spectre more." said Mixia.

Mixia is given the Fairy Badge, a badge shaped like a fairy wing. She is also given a TM about a Fairy-type move.

"Please consider it as a personal gift from me, not simply the winnings of battle." said Valerie as she handed over the TM.

"Lady Valerie, does this Fairy move helps my Ghost Pokemon?" asked Mixia.

"Do you know that Fairy is super effective against Dark? Then if is, it will be proven to very helpful to your team." answered Valerie.

"Hehe, Fairies and Ghosts do get along with each other, don't you agree, Lady Valerie?" said Mixia.

"I agree your opinion. Mismagius is one of those ghosts I like. I saw one of them roaming outside Laverre." said Valerie.

"You appreciate Mismagius? Yay! Can't wait to meet them! See ya!" cheered Mixia.
"Selfie with Valerie!"
 As Mixia left the Gym, Shauna and Trevor showed up.

"Mimi! I'm just came here to apologize what happened earlier... Whoa! You wore that to the Gym? Just a halter top and a pair of pants? You're so cute!" said Shauna as she is surprised by Mixia's outfit.

"I'm sorry for making you angry about Ghost-types, Shauna. Things did not went well as they were supposed to. And thanks for praising my Ghost Trainer outfit. However, I'm working on it, and I could really need a new skirt..." said Mixia.

"It's alright, at least we are friends now, aren't we? Why not we head for a tour around the Poke Ball Factory? You're invited too!" asked Shauna

"Okay, I will follow." answered Mixia.

"Oh, before that, I saw a Phantump lurking somewhere in Laverre. It is so cute when it shies away!" said Shauna.

"Phantump? I loved those things since I was young. Their eyes, their shrunken bodies, their souls... I adore, and pity Phantump. Anyhow, meeting you at the Factory!" said Mixia.

"Shauna, did you notice anything different about Mimi?" asked Trevor.

"Her outfit?" replied Mixia.

"Yes, and about her specialty on Ghost-types and how she wanted a Rotom badly, plus how she looks, she does reminds me of someone at Hoenn..." said Trevor.

"Well, you know what they say, if you want to mimic someone who's good at a certain type, you might have to look and dress like that someone." replied Shauna.

Mixia heads of to the Pokemon Center to get her Pokemon healed. Before doing so, she checked on Graspy.

"Rest well, Graspy. I'm going to give you a surprise." thought Mixia.

However, the spirits start to whisper to her mind again, this time, warning about the minions of the evil returned.

Next chapter: Night at the Factory!

Haunter, why?

Graspy (Haunter)
Level 37, Hardy
Confuse Ray, Toxic, Venoshock, Shadow Ball

Spectre (Honedge)
Level 54, Hasty
Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Sacred Sword, Iron Head

Wally (Golurk)
Level 49, Bold
Strength, Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Power-up Punch

Level 50, Sassy
Grudge, Phantom Force, Metal Claw, Dig

Manitou (Drifblim)
Level 47, Rash
Thunder Wave, Hex, Fly, Focus Energy

Vision (Sableye)
Level 45, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect

Author's note

I should have used Shedinja. Mr Mime and Sylveon's attacks won't get through it. The true threat of this Gym is Mawile (beware the Crunch!). So for Ghost trainers, as well as Psychic Trainers, prepare something that is capable of Ground or Fire-type moves to counter Mawile.

Ghost and Fairy moves covers almost anything. I mean, ALMOST anything. The only thing that resists such a combination is an 'aspect of the evil' the spirits will mention. Plus, I can't wait to use Dazzling Gleam on Graspy! And that's the reason why I mentioned Mismagius.

Next time I should talk more about the Ghost Pokemon than Mixia's outfit (and some tested match-ups) or else I'll be slapping myself.

And the song, Primrose, which was postponed from Chapter 4 (when Mixia caught her Honedge), not only reflects Mixia and Shauna's friendship (slightly reflects), but also reflects the sweetness of the Fairy-type.

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