
Wednesday 22 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 25: Soloing Mixia

It's soloing time!


After having a night's rest in Anistar, Mixia wakes up very early and quickly takes a selfie of her wearing her alternatively-coloured outfit in progress.
"Is it snowing? My body is shivering a little..."

She then changes back to the outfit she wore last night, except that the skirt is different. It seems that she forgets the worries of Lysandre and Team Flare, unaware that a spot has formed on her body.

She is requested by Sycamore to meet him in Couriway.

She is somewhat joyfully skating around Route 18, until she encounters a house, home of the Inverse psychic, Inver.

Mixia is reminded of a note that was not listed under any category, but it is marked as the 100th and final rule of Wizzy's guide-

"Rule #100- Going to Inver's without obtaining all 8 Badges is instant suicide for your Pokemon team. I heard that one Nuzlocker has her Eevee team lost because of visiting Inver. So the most important thing is, do not be unprepared when you haven't got all 8 Badges, or you are doing a Nuzlocke."

"Hmm? Wizzy is somewhat a Magikarp when it comes to Inverse Battles..." thought Mixia. "Alright, I'll do what he said. Get those 8 Badges and do an Inverse Battle!"

As she reached Coumarine, she gets her Pokemon healed, then she meets Sycamore near the waterfall.

"Mixia, I have to apologize to you about Lysandre... I'm very sorry for the trouble he caused against you... And I'd like to thank you! I'm very grateful for what you did for all of the Pokemon and the people of this world" said Sycamore. "And by stopping Team Flare, you saved Lysandre."

"What did you mean I saved him? He's... dead. And he nearly killed me." said Mixia.

"I always knew that he desired a beautiful world... and maybe someday the population of people and Pokemon will actually increase to where resources become very scarce. If someone acts out of greed in such a world, surely some will go without. If all living things keep acting this way, then there will be nothing in the end. Why, there won't be anything left too steal, will there?" Sycamore speeched.

"Does Lysandre knew that?" asked Mixia.

"I fear he didn't. I just wanted was for him to put his ego aside and lead everything to greater heights. I never realized that his ego had become so extreme that he killed you." he answered.

"Then why didn't you told him so?" she asked again.

"I never had this discussion with him. So I'm partially responsible for this, and your near-death." he answered.

"Put your guilt aside, and go for a better future." she said.

"You're right, Mixia. Now, I want you and your Pokemon to take everything you learned from this journey and hit me with your very best shot!" said Sycamore.

"I've been getting the hang on Polty's Electro-Hex. I'm ready for anything!" said Mixia.

What the Rotom did is paralyze and launch Electro Balls at Sycamore's Kanto starter team. The only exception was Venusaur, where it used Hex, and then Electro Ball.

"You are very good at the whole Rotom thing, aren't you?" said Sycamore.

"I have a lot of ideas for my Ghost-types. And one day I may start up my own trading post. It will be Haunters, I guess. And Pumpkaboo and Dusclops." said Mixia.

"Well, that is somewhat a... strange future for you, judging by the look of what you are wearing now. And I'll be off then! I have many preparations I must attend to! I have a little surprise planned for all of you to thank you for defeating Team Flare and saving Kalos." said Sycamore. He then leaves Couriway.

"What surprise? I'll find out once I have the eight Badges." thought Mixia.

She took a scenery around Couriway before she puts on another skirt.
"So majestic that I wish I can take a panorama of Couriway."
She also discussed with a Hex Maniac about the usefulness of the Ghost-type.
"And that's the reason why I prefer to switch freely like no one cares when I use Ghosts."
At Route 19, she meets another Hex Maniac who is capable of seeing the future.
"You are already defeated."
She also encounters a Fairy Tale Girl who claims she can hear the fairies' whispers.
"I'm cute like you, but I hear the spirits' whispers instead. So am I considered the opposite of a Fairy Tale Girl?"
As she crosses the bridge, Shauna catches up with her.

"Mimi! Do you know what's about to happen?" asked Shauna.

"Let me guess, you are going to solo battle with me? Because I've never seen you solo for a long time." said Mixia.

"That's right! We are Pokemon Trainers, after all!" said Shauna.

What Polty did was paralyzing and throwing Electro Balls at Shauna's Delcatty and Greninja. It had problems facing Goodra while doing a burn Hex, however.

"Like my Rotom?" said Mixia.

"Tee-hee! It is as cute as you are and your outfit!" said Shauna.

Trevor and Tierno then meets up with the girls.

"We heard about Mimi from the professor, and we came running fast as we could." said Trevor.

"Mimi! Can we have a Pokemon battle? Oh, uh... sorry to throw that at you..." said Tierno as he blushes.

"It's alright. I'm expecting you Corphish to be down back in..."

"Mimi, please don't say it." said Tierno as he halted Mixia's lines.

Polty was doing fine against Tierno's Talonflame until it gets hit by his Crawdaunt's Night Slash. Mixia sends out Wally, which caused the bridge to bend down. "You guys better stay away from the bridge! I think the bridge will throw us into the air when I keep Wally..." warned Mixia.

The Golurk threw a few Power-up Punches, and unleashes a strange Earthquake-on-the-bridge on the Roserade.

"It's weird but, I don't get that down when I lose to you." said Tierno after his defeat.

"Maybe because of what I had done to your Crawdaunt?" asked Mixia.

"Wow, Tierny asking someone to battle? What's up with that?" asked Shauna.

"Back at Geosenge made me think... that if weren't for Mimi, I wouldn't be dancing for sure. How great is her sacrifice for such a little girl..."

"I'm not a little girl anymore, but you guys know I'm the cutest, right?" said Mixia as she halted Tierno's lines.

"Yeah, we agree. That made me want to get to know Mimi better, even though she has a scary side, and I thought a battle would be the best way to do that." Tierno continued.

"Someday, you have to get rid of your fear of ghosts." said Mixia.

"I knew it's kind of selfish of me, but that's a way of thanking her!" Tierno added.

Trevor heals Shauna's, Tierno's and Mixia's Pokemon.

"I think I would follow the crowd and be your opponent as well. But this time, we are not going to check on Pokedexes; it will be a real Pokemon battle!" said Trevor.

"I knew you're going to say that." Mixia replied.

Polty threw Will-o-wisps at Trevor's Raichu and Florges, and it has no problem when it comes to facing his Aerodactyl. It has a slightly hard time dealing with Florges, however, yet it creates a Misty Terrain for Mixia.
"Thank you for the Misty Terrain, Trevor!"
"There's is so much I don't know. Do I just not have what it takes?" said Trevor as he laments about his defeat.

"You seem a lot bolder than before. Is it because you went on a journey?" asked Shauna.

"Back in the Frost Cavern, Mixia told me about a cute girl, and in the end, the cute girl turns out to be her. I have developed much of my endurance to meet... Mixia." said Trevor.

"Or maybe it's thanks to what you learned from being with your Pokemon, and with us- your friends!" said Shauna.

"Speaking of which, where's Calem?" asked Shauna again.

"He's off training with the Mega Evolution Guru. It seems he wanted to do his very best to defeat Mixia..." answered Tierno. "He said friends are friends even they can't be together."

"Indeed! Well, there something we have to attend to. See you soon, Mixia!" said Trevor.

Shauna pauses for a moment, thinking about her experiences.

"I'm so glad I went on a journey. I made some good friends. And thanks to my Lil'Froakie that I met before I left, I was able to visit many places, meet a lot of nice people, and make many wonderful memories!" thought Shauna.

"Mimi... this is from us." said Shauna as she gives the HM for Waterfall to Mixia.

"The HM for Waterfall...?" said Mixia.

"Even you're battling without the Badge from Snowbelle Gym, you can use Waterfall! I've go to get going. See ya!" said Shauna as she bids farewell.

"Don't forget to meet Professor Sycamore!" said Mixia.

Before she enters Snowbelle, Mixia puts on a white scarf around her neck and a pair of white mittens. "I should've wore that back at Frost Cavern..." said Mixia as she enters Snowbelle.

Snowbelle is indeed a winter wonderland, but one might not survive here due to the chilling climate. Mixia is still okay to adapt such a climate wearing just a halter and a skirt, as long as Pyras is around to provide warmth with its Flame Body.

Without hesitation, Mixia visits the boutique after she has her Pokemon healed.

"That white tote bag was a no-brainer to me! It fits my Ghost Trainer outfit perfectly! Wait, that means one thing: my Ghost Trainer outfit is finally complete!" thought Mixia after she bought a new bag.

She decided to take a rest at Snowbelle's Pokemon Center, as she prepares to visit Route 20.

Next chapter: Lost in the forest

The Ghosts with her

Polty (Rotom)
Level 66, Rash
Thunder Wave, Electro Ball, Hex, Will-o-wisp

Manitou (Drifblim)
Level 60, Rash
Thunder Wave, Hex, Fly, Focus Energy

Pyras (Chandelure)
Level 63, Docile
Flamethrower, Will-o-wisp, Hex, Pain Split

Graspy (Haunter)
Level 57, Hardy
Destiny Bond, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball

Wally (Golurk)
Level 64, Bold
Strength, Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Power-up Punch

Level 58, Sassy
Grudge, Phantom Force, Metal Claw, Dig

Saving up the powerleveled

Spectre (Aegislash)
Level 67, Hasty
Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Sacred Sword, King's Shield

Vision (Sableye)
Level 62, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect

Author's note

Mixia is so cute when she stands in a Misty Terrain... And that's why I took that kind of picture. Is it me or I think Mixia is a Fairy Tale Girl?

You know how Electro Hex Rotom works? Paralyze or burn your opponent, then throw a Hex or an Electro Ball. That's it, unless you run into Diggersby or Heliolisk.

I can have a Trevenant with no problem, but anyone wants to trade me a Pumpkaboo, so I can have a Gourgeist?

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