
Saturday 1 November 2014

Pokemon X: Trick-or-treats

You know that yesterday was October 31st, and it's Halloween, right? Then I did some trick-or-treating last night. I'll write what I received during the night.

Before the night

Now, continuing my Gastly IV breeding. A few days ago I've been hatching a lot of Gastly with 3 to 4 IVs, but on that day I hatched like two 5 IVs Gastly in a row! I've been thinking like, "So Ghost-types get good IVs on Halloween? Doesn't make sense."

If you ever wondering what I've used to hatch up the Ghosts, I used Chimechos. You may call Mixia odd as it is not common for a Ghost trainer to catch a Psychic-type, but hey, since baby Pokemon can have 3 IVs when caught in the wild (which is the payoff for their evolution through friendship), and Chingling are quite common in the Reflection Cave, use that opportunity to have better IVs for your breeding projects!

For your information, Chimecho is part of the Amorphous egg group, where most Ghost-types and some Psychic-types belong to. If you are ever to raise Ghost-types and set up a trading post featuring this type, then you might have to catch some Chingling first.

When five 5 IV Gastly are ready, time to visit the Chateau, and gaining free experience for the Gastly. You know what am I talking about. But first, go to prepare the Chateau outfit for Mixia,
"I should have bought that black bag from Lumiose."
If you are considering raising up those Ghost-types to evolve quickly, which are Gastly and Duskull, then you are in luck when you are going for the Furisode Girls' Audinos. They only know Normal-type attacks, so they can't do anything to damage these Ghosts except for healing them and change their abilities.

How to get the free experience? Let those Ghosts learn Toxic. Put a Toxic onto an Audino, and switch out each Ghost one by one. Remember to take note of what Pokemon you have switched out.

Or here's a risky alternative: use Curse. Upon sending out the third Ghost, put a Curse on the Audino, then switch to the remaining Ghosts. The risky part is that you may lose count, so remember which position is the Pokemon that used Curse.

If you want a time-saving method, set the text transition to fast and disable battle animations (if you wish to). Once the fifth Ghost needed to evolve is sent out, switch back into the Pokemon that is not part of the Gastly or Duskulls, such as a Steel, Rock or Ghost-type (you may send out any Pokemon that you wish, but make sure that it does not die to one Double Edge). At that point, you can see the Ghosts gain experience without the need to see their experience bar goes (because you are using a non-Gastly or a non-Duskull Pokemon)

So expect yourself to make use of the experience O-Power, because it took me battling two Furisode Girls, Marchioness rank, without any Writs active, to evolve the Gastly (I used the O-Power on the second one). If you are evolving Duskull, you may find yourself the need for the Level 3 O-Power.

Halloween night

Now I have those Gastly evolved into Haunters, time to do trick-or-treating.

Mixia received her first nice (or 'like' for Facebook) but that trainer who gave her a nice refuse to trade something more logical to me! I mean, I've been working quite hard to breed out those 5 IVs, so why not accept something that is more of a Ghost-type? In the meantime, anyone has a Snorunt safari?

I remembered when I first used the GTS on Y, I traded away a lousy Kadabra (I didn't checked its IVs! But I know it's timid in nature) so I can get another Kadabra, and have an Alakazam. I kind of liked Alakazam's Mega Evolution; Trace can trick those type specialists (especially Water trainers, considering one of their Pokemon has Storm Drain or Water Absorb, or in case of Fire, Flash Fire) so I can take advantage of receiving negated type damage. Justified never works on Alakazam, except for Gallade (which is the reason why I am desperate for a Justified Gallade for Wizzy).

So I used the GTS to get a Haunter. Here's how you determine whether the Haunter is caught in the wild or bred: if you notice the level is 25, then you are more likely to get a fair deal, because you can't find any Haunter that is below level 30 in the wild.

To avoid the scam, I put up a low attack IV (with the rest being 31) Haunter. When I received that Japanese Haunter (then letting it to evolve to Gengar), it's timid, and has received an outstanding rating, plus perfect IVs in Sp. Atk, Sp. Def and Speed!
"Don't you dare to make your funny faces."
I decided to let it take a visit to the Chateau, because I'm waiting for a Gym Leader so I can show off its Mega Evolution. I... can't... wait.

Then here's goes another unsuccessful attempt at trading away a Haunter. If that person wants a Haunter, then he has to give my something that has a correct nature or a Ghost-type! (for Wizzy's case, a Psychic-type. Got Baltoy or Elgyem?)

And another visit to the GTS. I noticed someone who wanted a Gastly for his Frillish. That makes me think like, shouldn't he ask for a Haunter instead of a Gastly? Nevertheless, I traded away one of my 4 IV Gastly (I only give away 5 IVs, you know).
"Yay. Something that knows Surf."
Then I ran into someone who asked for a Chimecho for his Spiritomb. I have a Chimecho whose IVs are excellent on HP, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def and Speed, but I can't simply trade it away because I need it for that Frillish when it evolves, raising Haunter and getting Drifloon, Litwick and Misdreavus (if I ever had one). So I put up one with 4 IVs (guess in which stats).

But when I received that Spiritomb, I noticed something very fishy.
"The date. THE DATE!!!"
See? It says this thing was hatched on the year 2011, which XY wasn't released yet! (that time was Black and White, I guess)

I can tell two reasons for that: one, it's hacked; two, someone must have put up a wrong date. So I'd better isolate it from my Ghosts if I were to keep the Ghost trading process going.

Anyhow, it's time to see Gengar's Mega Evolution. Mixia ran into Olympia, so I think it's the chance to show off the Mega Evolution.
Cute pose is cute. So much cute than Wizzy that I'm going to faint.
I originally wanted to film the Mega Evolution (then print screen some screenshots), but when the battle begun I messed up the camera angle. So I paused a scene then going to Game Notes to take the screenshot, Machinima style (or whatever it is).
"Here we go, Gengar!"
And here's the moment I've been waiting for:
"Behold the Ghost that is more terrifying! Or not."
Yes! Time to blast out the Psychic-types!
"Who's scared now?"
I'd tell you, this Gengar had outsped Sigilyph and Meowstic. Hold on a second, why did I start blasphemy on my favourite type? Ahhhhh!!!!!!!

And that's for my write-up on Halloween. Now anyone has a safari that has Chansey, Ditto or anything that is Psychic or Ghost-type?

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