
Sunday 30 November 2014

Pokemon X: Future plans for Mixia (and Wizzy)

After I completed my X playthrough featuring Ghost-types, you maybe wondering what will Mixia do after all this. I'll probably tell you what am I going to do on X in future.

So what do you do when you are playing on X?

Let's just say that I've been breeding Ghost-types, for trading purposes. I haven't decided about competitive battling yet, but I do decided to take on the Battle Maison using a mono-Ghost team.

On the other hand, I've been thinking about new outfits for Mixia. Let's just say 90% of her clothing matchups are to resemble Phoebe, so not a Hex Maniac look, but I do thought of an outfit resembling Shauntal. You know the little black dress in Snowbelle? I know that it is an excellent outfit for a Ghost trainer, because it's black, and gloomy. But I repeat, Mixia is not a Hex Maniac.

Hey, here's her outfit when visiting the Battle Chateau. I do plan blue and black variants of the outfit, but I decided to put up the white-coloured one:
"I look like I'm part of nobility. Almost."
Do you know that Rotom and Banette are found on Tuesdays and Thursdays, respectively? Mixia would never miss out the Ghost hunt, unless I'm busy on Y or when I fell ill, like what happened to me in the last few days.

Does she has her own trainer mascot? Have you decided to have a shiny?

Let's just say a month ago I hatched up a 5IV impish Phantump as a mascot, and named it Wispy. I mean, look at its eyes, it's so freaking cute and it's a Ghost-type, okay? I know there are a bunch of cute-looking Ghost-types like Misdreavus, Litwick and Drifloon, but come on, please appreciate Phantump, okay?
"Who doesn't love a Phantump staring at a Honor Supreme Poke puff?"
About the shinies, I'm doing the Masuda Method for a shiny Spiritomb. Guess what? One of them I got from the GTS has a hidden ability! So I'm expecting myself my first hidden ability shiny Pokemon, as it seems. At the same time, dumping some hidden ability Spiritomb on my trading post.

Any plans to catch Mewtwo/Zygarde/Articuno?

Well, I'm thinking about catching Mewtwo for the Looker post-game, but I decided to use Xerneas to battle Mewtwo. I can't seem to find Xerneas vs Mewtwo link battles... it's all about Xerneas vs Yveltal! I mean come on! Think outside the box! Like Arceus vs Primal Groudon! (I know the fact that Primal Groudon is way too overpowered).

So nope, not going to capture Mewtwo until I trained up Xerneas. And neither the rest.

What about Wizzy? Are you finally getting the spirit of competitive battling?

I'm getting ahead of the Battle Maison with a mono-Psychic team consisting of a 6IV Stored Power Sigilyph, a shiny Gallade (that's my 2nd shiny! The first one was a random Volbeat) with an Expert Belt and a Psycho-Cut-Fake-Out-Drain-Punch Mega Medicham. I ended up at the 20-something-th round due to a careless repetition of Fake Out, and I got swept away by an Archeops. So that explains why you cannot perform the same move twice in Pokemon Contests.

Now you may have noticed that 2 from this team are physical sweepers, right? Don't worry, I'll always send Archos (my 6IV Sigilyph) in the front and take that burn.

I'm thinking about going on the Battle Spot, but I know everyone would have gone to Hoenn. If you were to face me, I'll be laughing at you if you ever throw a Will-o-wisp or a Toxic at Archos. Uh, spoke too soon?

But such a team performed mediocre when it comes to the Battle Institute...

Will you be continuing writing up your playthroughs?

I'm thinking about getting Omega Ruby. I'll be saving Alpha Sapphire for Mixia's playthrough. I heard that Drain Punch is a move that can be taught by relearners?! Why, I'll be dreaming of a Drain Punch Mega Gallade!

Speaking of Looker post-game, I decided to reboot my scrapped off post about the Looker post-game. This time, not only Mixia will appear, but Wizzy will also appear in my write up! So expect two supernatural (?) trainers two appear in my retelling of Looker's Endgame!

Oh, and here's one of the few songs that will appear in my Omega Ruby write-up:

My playlist: Rice Field (稻香)

And an awesome song during the Looker post-game write-up:

My playlist: The Era (跨时代)

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