Yes, I was a noob. Didn't cared about the importance of competitive battling until my thousand-and-one loses at the Battle Maison. By thousand-and-one I meant from running improperly trained speed teams to running a hasty Aegislash and dying once at the Rotation challenge!
But now, my knowledge about competitive battling drastically increased over time. I realized how important natures can be, how to EV train (I thought the whole Super Training thing is to raise up a weak stat) and IV breeding thanks to my experience of breeding Ghost-types on X.
"Finally, a picture of me. Curse you Mixia, getting the privilege of close-up shots." |
To be serious, this is my first 6IV. Saturday night, I was breeding for a 5IV one with my 4IV Sigilyph and a German Togekiss (which was a Togepi when I first received it). After a lot of hapless 4IV, THIS suddenly hatched.
"Why I can't believe my eyes." |
![]() |
"Serious?" |
"So vain that it has perfect IVs." |
Sigilyph is one of the few Pokemon that can achieve a bulked Stored Power through Cosmic Power, the others are Clefable and Chimecho (that requires hard work). The other users of Stored Power require Calm Mind to unleash it, but that makes them suffering from vulnerable Defenses. Sigilyph's abilities allow it to be far more superior than other Stored Power users.
But remember: one Taunt, Roar or Whirlwind will permanently kill Stored Power users.
"This is how I run my Sigilyph. I'd prefer to use Dazzling Gleam..." |
- Your primary damage dealer.
- Damage stacks the more Cosmic Power is used.
- The damage stacker.
- Raises Defense and Sp. Def to allow Sigilyph to survive longer.
- Sigilyph's Flying typing allows it to gain access to this recovery move, allowing it to survive more while building up damage.
- This moves removes the immunity on Dark-types, allowing Sigilyph to throw Stored Power on them.
Dazzling Gleam (replace Miracle Eye)
- A perfect, alternative way to deal with Dark-types.
- This move still can be used if Sigilyph is Taunted by those Darks.
- A decent way to get around Psychic-types (Malamar, I'm watching you).
- Boosts up Sp. Atk to allow Sigilyph to blast more Stored Power, along with Dazzling Gleam.
- This however, makes Sigilyph vulnerable to physical attacks (including Dark damage).
- Allows transferring poison or burn onto a Dark-type
- Watch out for Houndoom, Skuntank and Drapion!
Magic Guard
- Allows Sigilyph to survive poisons and burns, without taking any damage from these status conditions.
- Run into a Psychic or Steel-type? No problem, a Sigilyph with Tinted Lens shall take care of everything.
- Allows Sigilyph to make use of full STAB coverage.
Attempt to use Cosmic Power quickly before Sigilyph falls for a Taunt. After around 2 or 3 uses of Cosmic Power, launch Stored Power.
When it comes to dealing with Darks, instantly use Miracle Eye so you can allow STAB Stored Power to be blasted. Alternatively, you may use Dazzling Gleam to clear out Darks. If possible, use Psycho Shift to transfer poison or burn on Darks.
Steel-types are occasionally a problem for Stored Power users, so if you encounter Metagross or Bronzong, your Avianoid is more likely to die to a Pursuit or Payback.
Perhaps the worst threats are Dark-types, taunters, Prankster taunters or Dark-type Prankster taunters. One Taunt from a Prankster, and this Stored Power user is going down. And Dark-type taunters are even worse, making your Sigilyph incapable of attacking them unless it has Dazzling Gleam!
If you are using Psycho Shift, beware of Houndoom, whom its Fire typing makes it immune to burns, plus Skuntank and Drapion (I hate these two), whereas their Poison typing allows immunity to Poison.
Suggested Nature, EVs and IVs
Go for Modest, which increases Sp. Atk and allows better damage for Stored Power. Timid is pretty viable, because you have to be fast before Sigilyph gets taunted. If you are considering letting it run Calm Mind, be sure to get a Bold one, but I'm not sure if this nature is viable or not.
I'd say raising this Sigilyph is a no-brainer: Just throw those Sp. Atk and Speed EVs in! But just to make sure it runs efficiently when it uses Calm Mind, you'd better balance the Defense EVs with these Glass-cannon-esque stats.
Give it a Petaya, Salac or Ganlon (for Calm Mind users) Berry, since these berries raise a stat when below 25% HP. For me, I'd suggest the Petaya Berry, specifically for those running Cosmic Power.
Got enough Battle Points? Then it's time to give Sigilyph an upgrade: Weakness Policy. This thing raises the Attack and Sp. Atk. stats by two stages, that means an additional 80 base power is added into Stored Power!
If you are planning to use Psycho Shift, get this thing a Flame or Toxic Orb, as its Magic Guard ability prevents burn and poison damage, and allowing it not to suffer a sleep or freeze.
If you are worried about taunters, better prepare it a Mental Herb.
A Stored Power Sigilyph can work by its own as long it does not get taunted. But when it comes to Doubles or Triples, it has to get the best support from Reflect and Light Screen. Hey, put an Aroma Veil Aromatisse alongside it, so Sigilyph can continue building up that Stored Power.
How do I feel about this build
Let's just say hands down, Sigilyph is the best Stored Power user. I once tried to use Stored Power on my Gardevoir Sorceress, but there was one time in the Battle Institute when she was done using Calm Mind, she got burned out by an Emboar and that thing simply swept my team! I was using Meteor (Delphox), Sorceress (Gardevoir) and an Aegislash that time. A bit too overconfident when it comes to facing Black Belts?
There was a downside when I used that build back at the Battle Maison (that one wasn't the 6IV one). A Delphox confided my Sigilyph, rendering it useless, and it dies to a critical hit of a Flamethrower. Why if that fox used Mystical Fire, the situation would have been worse! That is the time I concluded that Delphox was meant to be a special tanker like Gardevoir, but with the Defense stat that of a glass cannon (such as Alakazam).
So when it comes to making use of this Avianoid, be sure that the coast is safe before building up that Cosmic Power.
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