
Saturday 4 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 7: Rock Smash unsuccessful

Not successful at the Gym run, but hey, how about photos of my team? And be prepared for another long Author's note, plus cute Mixia.

"I think I'm ready to take on the Gym. Perhaps after the Gym, I could get another something from the boutique, then run back to Lumiose and try out new clothes that I'm planning to buy once I have 8 badges." Mixia planned.

Skating along the cyclist track, she is greeted by the Gym Leader, Grant. She is then given a HM, Strength.

"There is a bike-cycling race? That's not important right now. All I need to do is getting the next badge." said Mixia.

Inside the Gym, a rock-climbing tower is where the Gym Leader stands on the top. "I could make use of Manitou to fly up to there, but it seems that it is not ready to do so. Oh well, looks like I have climb all the way up. As long as I'm wearing my sports attire." thought Mixia.

The Drifloon was unable to fly as Mixia drained its spiritual energy while she hold on to it before being caught so it would be weak to carry the girl away. The ability for Mixia to deflect or drain any negative effects to humans caused by wild Ghost-type Pokemon is a double edge to them.

Trying to make use of Wally, the Golett is too weak to stand against the Rock-types. Although she doesn't want to leave Spectre to do the fighting (like she did to her Fletchinder), she had no choice but to leave the Sword Pokemon the attacking.

Finally, she reached the summit of the tower. Again, she has to listen to another Gym Leader's boring speech.

"Have you seen any Ghost-types around Coastal Kalos? I'm not asking for a Rock-Ghost-type." she asked.

"Let me think... I got it. In my recent visit to the Reflection Cave, I saw three Sableye feeding on some poor Carbink!" said Grant.

"I pity those Carbink... I believe that if I ever to visit the Reflection Cave, I will silence those misbehaving spirits." said Mixia, hoping to avenge the Carbink.

"Wish I should have use Tyrunt to hit them..." mourned Grant.

"Alright, enough of sad stories of Fairies being eaten by Dark-types. I've climbed all the way up there, and still in good condition. Now let's start the battle!" said Mixia.

Grant sends out Amaura, a big-eyed dinosaur that appears it has lived in the arctic long time ago. Anticipating that Take Down will not Spectre, strangely, it does. Spectre has to hold on to itself while using Swords Dance before it can Rock Smash the glacial dinosaur. After shooting an Aurora Beam, the Amaura is knocked down by the Sword's Rock Smash.

"That must have hurt." thought Mixia.

Then Grant sends out Tyrunt. Just before Spectre is about to do another Rock Smash, it lost after being bitten by the young T-Rex. Then, Mixia sends out Manitou. However, the Balloon is knocked out after being crippled from a Rock Tomb after getting pumped, twice. Sending out Nincada, Mixia decided it's time to use her backup: Spiney. It took two Needle Arms for the Quilladin to take down Tyrunt, while continuously being bitten by it.

"Alright, that didn't worked out for me." said Mixia.

"To commemorate such impressive show of teamwork, please accept the Cliff Badge!" congratulated Grant. However, Mixia doesn't look well.

She is given the multiple-squared Badge, forming a stairs-like shape. She is also given a TM about Rock Tomb.

"I know many Ghost-types have low speed and capable of using Rock Tomb, so I'll try if it works wonders, starting from Wally. I can't believe I used a non-Ghost-type to defeat the last Pokemon..." thought Mixia.

Mixia then heads back to the Pokemon Center to have her Ghosts healed. She sends out every Ghost she had, looking sadly.

"I always think that I failed myself in that Gym. I mean, I feel like you guys are not ready for it, so I simply carried backup just to not let you guys down." mourned Mixia.
Spectre hopes her trainer will recover from her remorse...
"Honedge..." Spectre telling her trainer not to be sad about its loss.

"Golett, Golett!" Wally tries to cheer the girl.

"Nincada-Nin-Nin!" the Nincada is trying to say that it can't wait for Metal Claw so it can quickly evolve.

"Flooooon!" Manitou knows that balloons, even its own fearful species, makes children happy, so it tries to hang on to Mixia's hand.

"Thank you guys, now, I think I should plant more berries. But I can't just simply travel all the way from Cyllage to Camphrier..." said Mixia, once she is done Poke-Amie with them. She has to wear back her T-shirt, of course.

Letting Wally learn Strength, Mixia makes use of her newly-acquired bicycle. In the west of the Connecting Cave she found the TM for Aerial Ace. "Finally, something useful for Nincada!" Mixia excited. And she completed the paths in the Cave

Mixia returns to the Chateau to get her Ghosts in shape. At there she is insulted by a Lady with her Kecleon for her "trashy clothes".

"I do plan to get rid of this shirt once I completed my Ghost Trainer's outfit..." thought Mixia.

Mixia leaves the Chateau and gets her Berries planted. She will stay a night at Camphrier to get ready for the harvest. Then, she heads back to Lumiose to have another dinner at Le Nah, soon changing her hairstyle. Also, she is struggling to increase the style-o-meter so she can gain access to Lumiose Boutique Couture. But what she bought at there was just a pair of white socks. At least she did figure out what may go well with the stuff she bought from Cyllage.

The next day, she visited Lumiose again while waiting for the Berry harvest. Same as usual, she visited Le Nah and got herself perfect timing. And of course, trying out what still goes well with her Ghost Trainer outfit.

"When I'm done with completing the jigsaw, I may work on something that is Lumiose-themed." she thought.

That evening, she harvested the berry trees, and decided to stay for a night at Cyllage. She also try out her alternatively-coloured halter top, and tries walking around Route 8 while wearing so, plus dowsing for something buried. A note was written by Wizzy in his guide:

"Adventure Rule #1- Make use of Item Finders such as the Dowsing Machine. You may never know when you're going to pick up something useful, for example, Heart Scales."

She switched back her outfits and took a rest at the Pokemon Center so she is prepared to head off to Shalour.

Next chapter: Where's my Sableye?

The rock-breakers aren't the Ghost-types

Spectre (Honedge)
Level 29, Hasty
Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Aerial Ace, Rock Smash

Wally (Golett)
Level 23, Bold
Rollout, Shadow Punch, Iron Defense, Rock Smash

Manitou (Drifloon)
Level 27, Rash
Stockpile, Hex, Gust, Focus Energy

Level 24, Sassy
Hone Claws, Fury Swipes, Leech Life, Sand Attack

Author's note

The team mentioned above is after I defeated the second Gym, before applying some of my Ghosts TMs.

I had to admit. I failed the Cyllage Gym part. Strong Jaw Bite or Crunch is somewhat overpowered (Knock Off is even OP!). Just imagine: Crunch from a Dark-type with Strong Jaw?! Not even Aegislash can handle that while it is holding on to itself! (unless there's King's Shield). And Golett is not ready for that.

Speaking about guys, all the Ghosts I had as of then, excluding Nincada and Golett, are male, for your information. Also, I'm quite used to Poke-Amie Ghost-types.

I know, there's a bunch of interesting clothing in Lumiose. I could make Mixia look like she is heading to the Chateau:
"If I were to hit the highest rank in the Chateau, I could wear that."
Or something cute like this:
"So cute! Wait, where's my shirt?!"
I know, it's the same skirt and socks. Sorry.

Also this is not the final hairstyle. Better push up that style-o-meter when returning to Lumiose.

And have a gallery of Mixia's Ghost buddies!
"Can't wait for Sacred Sword!"
"It could need Metal Claw. Seriously"
"It's ready to evolve, but I'm saving its evolution for Shadow Ball."
"Wish this thing has a better nature..."
None of them seems to know how to play Patty Cake...

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