
Monday 6 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 14: Ghosts and Haunters

Expect some drama.

Walking out from Lumiose and heading to Route 14, Mixia looked somewhat happy.

"The clarity of the spirits is very clear at here..." thought Mixia. She then meets Calem and Trevor.

"Mimi, you seems to feel good today. Lots of your Pokemon evolved, I guess?" asked Calem.

"I can get to catch another Ghost-type." she answered.

"Let me guess... Rotom?" said Trevor as he compares his Pokedex to Mixia's.

"Catch a Ghost-type there, then Rotom." Mixia replied.

After comparing Pokedexes with Trevor, Calem asked her for another battle.

Same as usual, Vision always defeat Meowstic. Vision even defeated Calem's newly evolved Delphox, but still lost to Absol. Mixia wanted to demonstrate Spectre's Sacred Sword, so she sent out Spectre. While the Absol is doing a Swords Dance, Spectre used the chance to defeat it with Sacred Sword.

"Having a friend like you is fun, but... I don't like losing to you." said Calem.

Shauna showed up, asking them to visit the Haunted House. Tierno also showed up after he visited the Fighting Dojo.

"The Fighting Dojo, you say? Oh, I've been to there, too. Let me tell you about my experience at there: what I had seen is some Fighting-type expert from Kanto failed to open up one and called it a dance studio. And it didn't look like a dance studio, either!" said Mixia.

Calem denied the invitation, as he wants to continue training his Pokemon. The rest went to the Haunted House except Mixia.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be there, finding Ghosts." said Mixia.

Mixia heads to search for a Ghost. From the tall grass to the swampy waters, she can't find a sign of it. This search is less frustrating than the time she searched for Sableye, as all of a sudden a Ghost creature, Haunter, shows up. Mixia proceeds to catch it in the Quick Ball, and named it Graspy.

On the way, she meets a Hex Maniac, who believed she will battle her in the future. However, the Hex Maniac lost.
"Seriously, calm down."
Mixia found Shauna, and they entered the Haunted House, along with Trevor and Tierno.

"What are you waiting, for? I want to know what's in the Haunted House!" said Mixia.

So the gentleman residing it tells a somewhat true horror story. Many years ago, during a storm, the man went inside the house and found someone living there, but that someone told him to stay back, yet it turns out that that someone is trying to get away from faceless spirits.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to say something." said Mixia.

"I know what these faceless men you spoke of: they're malevolent spirits. They, unlike many Ghost-types, are considered evil, as what the term "malevolent" means." explained Mixia.

"Are you a Hex Maniac or something?!" Trevor said in shock.

"Why do you ask?" replied Mixia.

"How do you get the proof that you can recognise those 'spirits' you're talking about?" asked Trevor.

"Now I hate to argue about that. You can continue too speak, sir." said Mixia.

Trevor, Tierno and Shauna are shocked to know that they have to tip the gentleman. Mixia doesn't care, she is used to hearing ghost stories when she was young. She tipped the gentleman one thousand.

The four left because they, except Mixia, have two reasons for it: one, does not gives a good memory; two, they have to tip the gentleman.

"This is madness! You simply tipped him like a lot of money? Don't you know you had an outfit to work on?!" argued Shauna.

"How do you know that?" asked Mixia.

"I saw you were trying out some clothes back at Lumiose, and I know you were trying to create an outfit for your own." answered Shauna.

"Alright, I don't like arguements. Trevor, Tierno, you can go now if you wish." said Mixia.

"Okay. I've had enough of dark places of scary things..." shivered Tierno.

"But I don't." replied Mixia. Trevor and Tierno then left.

"Shauna," she asked, "Why not we go to Laverre together?"

"Why should I? You're so scary back when you talk about spirits. I should have known ever since you first got your Honedge and Nincada." complained Shauna. She then left, upsetting.

"Honedge..." mourned Spectre.

"Don't listen to her. She used to fear Ghosts, now she despises Ghosts. I just don't understand why no one is able to trust me, or you, Spectre, or the entire Ghost-type." Mixia babbled.

The spirits' voices appeared again.

"Why argue? It shouldn't had happened. You like the Ghost Pokemon while that girl likes cute Pokemon. Both of you have different preferences, but it shouldn't mean both of you must argue."

"You could be right... I shouldn't have mentioned about these... evil spirits. I just wanted to let them know the existence of you, the spirits, good and evil." said Mixia.

"They do not need to know. Supernatural is not everyone knows." whispered the spirits.

"Of course they don't. Whether they talk about supernatural, they say Psychic and Ghost Pokemon and psychokinetic powers of man, but not even about the Spirit World." she replied.

Mixia then continued to Laverre. She gets her Pokemon healed and changed her clothes. Then, she heads to the city's boutique and bought a pair of Mary Janes. "That seems fitting for a white, Ghost Trainer outfit." she thought.

She then walks around Laverre, halter topped and wearing her new shoes, she does seems to feel somewhat comfortable. Her thoughts about Shauna are gone, and Mixia becomes happy.

"Haunter...?" that leaves Graspy confused.

Next chapter: Haunt those Fairies!

Lets do the Haunting!

Spectre (Honedge)
Level 52, Hasty
Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Sacred Sword, Iron Head

Level 48, Sassy
Grudge, Phantom Force, Metal Claw, Dig

Manitou (Drifblim)
Level 46, Rash
Thunder Waev, Hex, Fly, Focus Energy

Wally (Golurk)
Level 48, Bold
Strength, Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Power-up Punch

Vision (Sableye)
Level 44, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect

Graspy (Haunter)
Level 34, Hardy
Confuse Ray, Infestation, Venoshock, Shadow Ball

Author's note

I wanted to think of something dramatic than the game itself. So during the writing process of this that idea of Mixia and Shauna conflicting about superstition came out. I mean, it's like thinking outside the box.

I'd like to wait for a few days so Mixia can get another piece for her outfit, but I'd prefer to go quick and get a Rotom. (spoiler alert!)

Now, to get the Fairy Badge. Ghost won't prove a problem when it comes to Fairies, will they?

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