
Thursday 9 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 16: Night at the Factory

More Team Flare. Yes, the spirits are cursing them.

"It's near to nighttime already. Shauna told me to meet her a the Poke Ball Factory. Graspy will be coming." thought Mixia as she gets her T-shirt put on.

Soon, she hears the spirits voices again.

"The minions of the evil has returned, this time invading the producer of which keeps the mortals going with their Pokemon." the spirits whispered.

"The Poke Ball Factory?" asked Mixia.

"Indeed! Now quickly liberate the producer from the minions!" the voices then fade.

Mixia sends out Graspy and teaches it the TM she recently got after the Fairy Gym. "Whether what of Valerie said about this TM, it is definitely the blessing of the spirits!" she thought.

She then meets up with Shauna and Trevor at the gate. The two are denied access to the Factory. When Shauna tries to run into the Factory, she gets chased away by a Team Flare Grunt.

"Shauna! No!" yelled Mixia.

"Save yourselves!" replied Shauna.

"Poor Shauna... Curse that Grunt! The spirits will vanquish you for what had you done to my friend!" cursed Mixia at the Grunt.

Trevor then tries to catch up Shauna. "Be careful Trevor! Don't get yourself killed!" advised Mixia.

Calem and Tierno show up. They noticed the Grunt going after Shauna, and then realizes that Team Flare has taken over the Poke Ball Factory! Mixia goes to investigate by herself.

Upon entering the Factory, she is prohibited access by another Grunt, claiming to having a 'part-time job' at the Factory "Pierce the veil! Begone you befoul minion!" the spirits cursed. Calem then shows up to distract the Grunt in a Pokemon battle, allowing Mixia to run off.

"The True Evil never rests that easily? It wanted energy, and now what mortals need?! Mixia, child, you have to vanquish these minions!" the spirits whispered.

"I suggest... an all out Ghost attack! Or not." said Mixia as she sends out Manitou, Spectre, Graspy and Vision.

Mixia runs into a Grunt who calls himself 'Nameless'. "'Nameless', I should tell you: the spirits are tired of your annoyance!" taunted Mixia.

She then battles another Grunt, saying that he will beat up Mixia until her tears fall like a converor belt. "The spirits have foresaw your death!" Mixia does the cursing of the spirits at the Grunts.

She also runs into a Grunt who tells her to 'don't worry, be happy'. "You'll be happy until the spirits find you..." Mixia said it like she is some messenger of death for the Spirit World.

She finds a room where the workers are trapped inside.

"The minions surrounded them into a state where they cannot cope with the mortals anymore. Remember what happened to those back at the producer of energy? Both of these facilities' workers felt the same when they are taken over by the minions of the evil..."

"Perhaps I do have some importance with the Spirit World and the humans..." said Mixia.

"Stop! Are you one of those Team Flare people?" stopped a worker.

"Nope. A cute girl like me won't join those danged minions." she replied.

"Good. Now help up liberate this place!" said the worker.

There's a Grunt who is Poke Ball mad, much to Mixia's annoyance.

Finding the Factory president's room, to her horror, a Team Flare Admin, and to women, one who is green-haired and one who is purple-haired are forcing the owner to leave the Factory to Team Flare.

"So those are what the Cunning Duo becomes?! They were the most intelligent commanders of the evil's army, in the form of a lightning demon and and a leopard respectively. But once again they become... these"

"More like losing their lustrous." whispered Mixia.

"There's no one we can use here. Let's blow this place to smithereens." said the Admin.

"Or, you are just waiting for the spirits to devour your souls." taunted Mixia.

"You're one to talk! Please! Help me!!" shouted the factory president.

"Got that! The spirits will save you, sir!" said Mixia. "While you, minions of the evil, begone by the spirits!"

Vision Fakes Out the Admin's Scraggy, then lets Graspy to finish it with a Dazzling Gleam. Graspy then passes on to Wally, letting Wally to unleash an Earthquake, aiming towards the Houndoom.

The admin backs off, and the two Team Flare Scientists, Celosia and Bryony, decides to take on the Ghosts, two vs. one.

"So lame! That's just embarrassing from an admin! Still, no worries. We're on it! This pair of scientists will clean up after you." taunted Celosia.

"Let's take on her two versus one. We must improve our chances of winning." analyzed Bryony.

Calem then rushes in. "Not against my Mimi." he taunted.

"Do not worry about me. I have excellent experience on how to do a Double battle alone, and Vision can take on them with no problem." replied Mixia.

"But we have to battle them together, neighbour. That shows how... never mind. Lets get'em!" said Calem.

Celosia sends out Manectric, an Electric-type that resembles somewhat of a vicious hound, while Bryone sends out Liepard, a Dark-type resembling somewhat of a demonic cat.

Calem sends out Meowstic while Vision does the battling. Vision Fakes Out the Liepard while Meowstic sets up a Light Screen. Then, Manetric bites the Meowstic and Lieprad taunts it. After a Psychic, Vision waited to unleash a Payback, and unleashes a Shadow Sneak on Liepard. Mantric keeps biting Meowstic, and by the time Meowstic fainted Vision proceeds to unleash a Payback.

"No way! Wow, we are lame." mumbled Celosia.

"Probability is just probability after all... Absolutes do not exist." analyzed Bryony.

The admin orders Team Flare to leave the Factory. "Never come back, because the spirits are watching you, Team Flare." said Mixia.

Mixia is then given a choice between a Master Ball and a Big Nugget as a reward. "I'm going with the Big Nugget, since I don't have any need for a Master Ball." said Mixia.

"As a reward, you can have the one you didn't pick as well!" said the Factory president.

"At least Team Flare didn't have that like how Team Rocket did." said Mixia.

Calem also received the same items too.

"Well, we should be leaving now. May the spirits protect you!" said Mixia as she left the president's room.

At the entrance Shauna, Trevor and Tierno showed up, asking if it is safe to go now. "They have to clean up the mess after Team Flare invaded it... let's hope the spirits protect this place." said Mixia. "Now if you excuse me, I have to reach Dendemille as soon as possible."

"Dendemille? What is she going to do at there?" asked Tierno.

"Remembered what she said about Rotom? I bet she is going to stay a night at there so she will prepare to explore the Lost Hotel." answered Trevor.

"Yes, that's Mixia alright. She's not only hot and cute, but she does have an adventurous spirit as well." said Calem.

"Well, that's the nature of a Ghost Trainer, Calem." replied Trevor.

Next chapter: The Search for Rotom!

The spirits called on them

Spectre (Honedge)
Level 55, Hasty
Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Sacred Sword, Iron Head

Level 51, Sassy
Grudge, Phantom Force, Metal Claw, Dig

Manitou (Drifblim)
Level 49, Rash
Thunder Wave, Hex, Fly, Focus Energy

Wally (Golurk)
Level 51, Bold
Strength, Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Power-up Punch

Vision (Sableye)
Level 48, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect

Graspy (Haunter)
Level 37, Hardy
Confuse Ray, Toxic, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball

Author's note

The good times about this part is where Graspy simply spams Dazzling Gleam at Scraggy. Yeah I hated those things.

Want a good Doubles Sableye, yet it has Stall? Simple. Fake Out, Shadow Sneak, Payback and Protect. Fake Out, just to Fake Out. Shadow Sneak for an increased priority. Payback is to make full use of Stall, even it is facing a Dark-type! This build will not work on Scrafty and Pangoro due to their greater Dark resistance.

I know, after the whole Poke Ball Factory incident, I simply rushed to Dendemille, just to get ready for the Rotom hunt.

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