
Friday 3 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 5: A visit to the Chateau

This is going to be short.


"Hmm... I think it's time to get my Pokemon going. Ghosts are usually active at night, mostly." thought Mixia.

"Calem told me to meet him at the town square then visit the Chateau together. Now where on this world is he right now? Never mind, I'll go to there by myself." she thought again.

Mixia checked on the Berry fields. Two of the berries started to sprout into trees. She proceeds to harvest the trees. "So that's what planting them is for. Maybe I should plant another one someday." she thought. She continued to the Battle Chateau.

She is greeted by Viola and the Gentleman Hennessy. To start off Mixia's career in the Chateau, she is given the most basic rank, the Baroness. Mixia is eager to try out in the Chateau.

Before Viola leaves the Chateau, Mixia thanked her for yesterday's lecture during her Gym challenge. "That lecture was awesome, Viola! I'm raising a Nincada to evolve it into Shedinja, and I bet it's going to be somewhat great!" Mixia said.

"Thank you, Mixia. Do you know that Nincada learns Metal Claw if left unevolved for a long time? It may be exhausting for a weak Bug-type like it, but I'm sure this move will have superior potential on it. By the way, see you soon when you managed to reach a better rank!" said Viola.

The trainers, mostly the Ladies, she battled are a blast for her. Despite trying to stay formal while wearing her informal clothes, one of the Ladies think she's cute.

Before she left the Chateau, she is informed that her rank has ascended to Viscountess.

"Yes, an ascension!" thought Mixia.

"But I only have one Badge! If I keep going to the Chateau, then sooner or later my ghosts won't be so obedient, plus I won't reach Cyllage in time..." Mixia quickly realized.

"And this place is excellent for raising Pokemon. Why didn't Wizzy mention that in his guide? Oh well, he's too Torchic to visit there..." Mixia wondered about the missing details of the guide.

She quickly run back to Route 6 for temporary training, and quickly rushed to Ambrette. On her way, her ghosts are almost taken down by a Rising Star's Axew. While she gets her Pokemon healed and prepare non-Ghost backup, she realised a note in Wizzy's guide:

"Battle Rule #5- Dragon Rage and Psywave may sound like nothing to most, but starting trainers should make use of it, and be highly aware of it. One hit from it, no matter how high the Pokemon's defenses are, it will be highly likely to be fainted or crippled, mostly from Dragon Rage."

Although she prepared backup, her Ghost-types seems fine after running into other trainers. When she is about to reach Ambrette, Calem followed up from nowhere.

"Mimi, where are you going? I'm sorry for being late to the Chateau and I can't find you there. But since we've arrived at Ambrette, why not shall we spend a day together..."

"No way I'm going with you." Mixia paused Calem's words.

"Alright then, that means you are not going to find fossils then..." mourned Calem.

"Fine. Find fossils and that's it. Happy now?" said Mixia, upsetting.

Once again, Mixia took a separate room from Calem at the Pokemon Center.

Next chapter: Cave raiding!

This ghost team is crippling apart so I added backup

Spectre (Honedge)
Level 25, Hasty
Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Fury Cutter, Protect

Level 18, Sassy
Hone Claws, Fury Swipes, Leech Life, Sand Attack

Manitou (Drifloon)
Level 20, Rash
Minimize, Ominous Wind, Gust, Focus Energy

Spiney (Quilladin)
Level 25, Lonely
Bite, Leech Seed, Pin Missile, Rollout

Fletchinder that I'm not supposed to use
Level 20, Naughty
Ember, Agility, Quick Attack, Peck

Author's note

That Dragon Rage, nearly killed my ghosts, so I have to resort to using Spiney and Fletchinder. Never underestimate Dragon Rage at the beginning.

Shadow Sneak Honedge is awesome. Seriously, it's awesome. It saved it from being hit by another Assurance.

And yeah, I forgot to post up what hat I got for Mixia, and what's her hair looked as of then:
"Got a hat, but I'm working on it..."
The outfit could need some redoing. There's something from Cyllage that can help boost her status as a Ghost trainer...

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