
Thursday 23 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 28: The hike to victory

My playlist: Fairy Tale (童话)

Onto Victory Road. Wish Mixia luck. A drama awaits, to fit this song.

As she changed her outfit, Mixia wakes up very early and takes a walk to the Pokemon Village, so she can find a Banette at there.

As she opens up a trash can, a shadow that resembles a puppet suddenly comes out to scare Mixia. It's Banette.

With a lot of failed attempts to catch the Marionette Pokemon, she somehow succeeds in catching so with a Nest Ball, which only works on weaker Pokemon. She named it Voody.

Then, she heads off to Route 21 immediately. At the entrance to Victory Road she is given a trial battle. She succeeds, and continues to the path of hardship and glory.

As she steps on the white ring, 8 symbols, representing the Badges, glow and a light forms around her, and the door opens like a draw bridge. The Poke Ball symbols rotates, unlocking an opening the gate, and a staircase is formed. This marks the entrance of Victory Road.

The path to glory is isn't easy. She has to avoid getting her Pokemon fainted, has to cross the waters due to the lack of Frillish in Kalos (she has to use Lapras instead), getting past through boulders and encountering difficult trainers to defeat on the way.

Seeing no signs of psychics, she encounters the final one with an Espeon.
"Want me to disable your power?"
Halfway throughout Victory Road, she hears the spirits whispers:

"Remember after the ultimate weapon was destroyed that we wanted to tell you about someone? Someone that is always chasing for you, and ought not to give up at the end? Then we will tell you whom is that: the boy who loved you.

Do you believe in true love? From your actions, you don't. The way you bashed the boy, wishing that he never exists, and telling him to stay away from you, all we can say is that you are a girl with no heart at all."

"Why should I have the heart to love Calem?" said Mixia.

"True love is one of the keys in your victory! You must have the heart of confidence, and to complete such confidence only your love can complete it. Despair can be overcome with hope, and a part of hope can come from love itself."

"Fine. One more encounter with Calem and that's it." said Mixia stubbornly.

She encounters a Fairy Tale Girl who believe pretending to be one is serious business...
"Chill. Don't be serious. Wait, we are both cute and serious!"
And encounters a Hex Maniac who believes she will have bad luck.
"Yeah. You're too unlucky."
As she leaves a fortified structure, a voice comes out. Calem rushed towards her.

"Mixia, as I've been thinking ever since that incident with Geosenge... Lysandre chose only Team Flare; you and I choose but Team Flare. I could not believe what the horrid things Lysandre has done to you..." said Calem.

"But since our positions forced our hands, you can't tell really tell that any of us were right." he added.

"What do you mean?" said Mixia as she looked puzzled.

"So... maybe..." said Calem as he crosses his fingers and start blushing, "If both sides have something to say, it's best to meet halfway... So I decided that from now on, I don't see I battle just to win but to see how you and your Pokemon think and feel!

"By the way, will you have a Pokemon battle with me?" he asked.

"Graspy, are you ready?" said Mixia as she calls out her Haunter.

It was a total sweep on Calem's team until his Jolteon managed to Discharge to paralyze the Haunter. Mixia sends out Polty instead to Hex the Jolteon.

"I'm still no match for you..." lamented Calem after his defeat.

"What do you mean? My Ghosts have done their very best." said Mixia.

"It's hard to put a finger on where, but I think you and I are alike. And that's why I didn't want to lose to you," said Calem. "But I think the reason we're alike is because we have so much in common. I'm happy that we're friends."

"Actually, I came to find you because I have something to confess." he added.

"What?" Mixia looked annoyed as she is given Max Revives.

"When I was young, I used to fear ghosts, just like Shauna and Tierno did. But ever since I first met you, and you talked a lot about the Ghost-type and the spirits that whispered to you... I swore to myself that I will overcome the fear of ghosts, so I can get closer to you," said Calem as he comes closer to Mixia.

"And ever since your near-death, you have transformed to look even cuter than you were. I can tell by looking at the dark spot and what you're wearing! Hehe... does that offends you? Spoken too soon? My apologies." he added.

"Are you trying to tell me that..."

"Yes, you are my dream girl, and no matter what, I will always follow you, and... I love you." said Calem as he puts his lips closer to Mixia's.

He gave the girl a kiss on the lips.

That is no ordinary kiss. This kiss has touched the spirits, and Mixia can hear the spirits cried with tears of joy. Her tears start to roll down from her eyes.

"Mimi... are you crying because I kissed you?" asked Calem as he gets his handkerchief to wipe the girl's tears.

"No! It's because I heard that the spirits are overjoyed because of the kiss... Okay. Yes! I cried because of it..." more tears are falling from her eyes.

"So... you have redeemed yourself." asked Calem.

"Yes. The spirits were right. Love has to exist in my heart. That's why they have suggested that I must choose you." she answered

"I wish you good luck at the Pokemon League, Mixia. Farewell, my cute little Ghost Trainer sweetie." said Calem as he left.

"I wonder how Wizzy feels... Nope, I bet he won't put his heart on me." thought Mixia.

Mixia flies back to Snowbelle to train up the next batch of her Ghosts.

Back at Victory Road, she meets a ranger who tries to perform a victory pose which Mixia think 'it's not cute'. She also runs into a ranger who is addicted to the thrill of Pokemon battles.

That's not all. She has to battle the remaining Veterans so she can gain access to the challenge of the Elite Four.

Alas, she made it to the summit.
"Yay. I made it. Good thing I'm wearing my boots."
Getting her Pokemon healed, she gets Spectre out of the Storage System.

"Her we are, Spectre. We are at the Pokemon League. Do you see the castle over there? This is where our testament begins..." said Mixia.


"I have one final thing: Spectre, are you ready... to face the Elite Four... and the Champion?" she added.

"Aegislash!" Spectre is ready.

"Then off I go to becoming Champion..."

Next chapter: Ghosts or bust

Reached the Pokemon League with...

Level 65, Sassy
Grudge, Phantom Force, Metal Claw, Dig

Manitou (Drifblim)
Level 67, Rash
Thunder Wave, Hex, Fly, Focus Energy

Wally (Golurk)
Level 69, Bold
Strength, Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Power-up Punch

Vision (Sableye)
Level 67, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect

Graspy (Haunter)
Level 68, Hardy
Destiny Bond, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball

Polty (Rotom)
Level 70, Rash
Thunder Wave, Electro Ball, Hex, Will-o-wisp

Pyras (Chandelure)
Level 68, Docile
Flamethrower, Will-o-wisp, Hex, Pain Split

Spinie (Trevenant)
Level 65, Lonely
Forest's Curse, Destiny Bond, Phantom Force, Horn Leech

The Banette

Voody (Banette)
Level 47, Naive
Shadow Ball, Sucker Punch, Embargo, Snatch

Author's note

If you have ever noticed throughout my story, Calem has a huge crush on Mixia ever since the first chapter. No, I'm serious, and I'm not kidding. So that's how I implemented the whole 'boy-falls-for-girl' element into my story.

This song is one of the most touching ones ever, as well as its music video. There are other songs that fit the love scene perfectly, like A Thousand Years Later (一千年以后) and Goodbye, My Love. I listened to these songs while I write up this chapter. Trust me, they fit! And one thing, they are in Chinese.

Now, time to battle the Elite Four.

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