
Friday 24 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 30: Ghostly dawn

The final battle... won't be that grand.

Behold within the Radiant Chamber lies the throne of the Champion. One will take the throne if another is defeated, if one dares to do so.

Mixia steps on the platform with a stained glass painting of the Poke Ball, and she is taken to the Champion's arena. When the light shines upon her as she arrives, her pale skin starts to glow with radiance.

The arena's walls are in pure white, stained glass paintings of a Poke Ball and a sword appear at each of the four sides, the floor is abstract, with symbols representing the 18 types, the windows and the transparent curtains shine with pure light, something that is reminiscent of a cathedral.

"Welcome at last, dear trainer. As you must know, I am the Champion, Diantha." greeted Diantha. Her Gardevoir bowed to the challenger.

"Hold on, haven't I met you in..."

"Oh, but you are... You're the child I spoke to back in Lumiose and Coumarine, aren't you?!" the lady asked.

"I felt I was nearly unrecognizable by you." said Mixia.

"Then that means that you are also the one that dear Augustine said... Of course! How could I...? Oh, I must look like such a fool not to recognize you sooner!" the Champion realized.

"It's alright. Sometimes we may hardly recall who we met." the Ghost girl added.

"It's you and your Pokemon are the ones who stopped Team Flare for us all! It seems wrong to say this, but thank you! You saved us all..." praised Diantha.

'However, you look somewhat different from what I expected back like how you looked in Lumiose and Coumarine... yet your skin is very bright under the Radiant Chamber's light." she added.

"Nevertheless, I can't wait to see what you and your Pokemon are capable of now that I know exactly what it is you've done already!"

"I've shed my own shell into this outfit. It's time for the battle against the Champion to come." said Mixia as she sends out Wally.

"Wait! That's not the first time I ran into this bird back in Shalour..." thought Mixia as Diantha sends out Hawlucha. As the Hawlucha kept throwing X-Scissors at the Golurk because its Poison Jab and Flying Press are rendered useless on the Ghost-types, Wally focused on firing an Ice Beam.

Diantha sends out Aurorus, a tundra dinosaur. "Grant had this kind of thing, plus that's not the first time I encountered that." thought Mixia. The Aurorus creates a Reflect after getting hit by a Power-up Punch. The lady sprays a Full Restore on the dinosaur, but that just gives Wally as chance to boost its power, allowing it to overpower Aurorus.

The Champion sends out Gourgeist, a pumpkin-like monster with its wig resembling hands. "I... want... that thing!" Mixia thought as she sees another Ghost-type. Before Wally can hit it with a Shadow Punch, the pumpkin vanishes and creates a Phantom Force on the Golurk. Wally then proceeds to Shadow Punch the pumpkin.

The lady sends out Goodra, a gooey creature resembling a chubby dragon, but not like Dragonite. Without hesitation, Wally unleashes an empowered Earthquake at it.

"That looks like Grant also has!" thought Mixia as the Champion sends out Tyrantrum, a vicious-looking dinosaur with a Strong Jaw. Wally throws another Earthquake.

"To make it fair, let's send out our signature Pokemon." said Mixia as she calls in Spectre. "Wally, you have done too much!" she sends the Golurk back to her Poke Ball.

Diantha's Gardevoir shows up into the battle. The Embrace Pokemon has a Gardevoirite attached to its necklase. As Diantha activates the Key Stone on her Mega Charm, the dress on the Gardevoir changes into a ball dancer's gown, the sensor on its chest becomes shaped like a heart, and the green arms transformed into a dancer's gloves of pure white.

Spectre holds on to itself while getting hit by a Shadow Ball. Raising up even more power through Swords Dance, Spectre casts off a Shadow Sneak. The Mega Gardevoir is highly frail enough to be hit by the shadow and gets defeated.

"Witnessing the noble spirits of you and your Pokemon has really touched my heart..." praised Diantha after the battle.

"But I get the feeling that it's not grand enough." said Mixia.

"I-I'm so choked up that it's hard to know what I should say, but I... I'm just so glad at this moment that I was good enough to be the Champion... After all, it gave me the chance to meet and battle with you and your wonderful Pokemon!" the champion added.

"They don't scare you?" Mixia looked confused.

"Of course not! Now I understand why dear Augustine, that's Professor Sycamore to you, said he had to get everything ready for the new Champion!" said Diantha.

"Oh, so that's what he said back at Couriway." said Mixia.

"He'll be waiting for us in Lumiose, but before I take you there... My dear Mixia, would you mind coming this way for me?" requested Diantha as they went up the platform.

The platform rises to the sacred Hall of Fame.

"Here we are. I'm so glad to welcome you in. This grand chamber is where you enter the Kalos region's Hall of Fame. This is where Pokemon trainers will live on forever, remembered always for giving their all in battle to the Pokemon League and for the glory and light that they shared with all." introduced Diantha.

Mixia then walks up to the machine, recording the accomplishments of an ascendant's Pokemon.

"Come Mixia... Your love for your Pokemon... And the way that they have gave everything they had in battle for you... We'll record them all right here for eternity..." said Diantha as the Ghost Trainer puts the Poke Balls of her Ghost team onto the recorder.

"Oh my...  All of your team consisted of Ghost-types! That means... you are the first League Champion who is a Ghost-type specialist!" Diantha looked surprised.

"I've been working hard to be the greatest Ghost Trainer." said Mixia.

"No trainer has accomplished such a feat before. It seems that you have written this accomplishment into the entire Pokemon League history!" congratulated the lady.
"The spirits are happy... Happy to know that I accomplished the near-impossible... being the first Ghost-type specialist Champion... Looks like a new dawn awaits!"

Author's note

See? I told you the battle is rather anti-climatic. That was just a Golurk sweep.

What I meant is, to make things exciting, I predicted using Graspy's Destiny Bond to take down Mega Gardevoir (I know, it will die in one hit of Psychic), Vision holding on against Moonblast thanks to a Roseli Berry, and Pyras hexing about. That's how you make a battle against the Champion more exciting.

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