
Thursday 23 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 27: The Annoying Cryogonal

Annoying Cryogonal is annoying.

As Mixia flew back to Snowbelle, she checked out the boutique again, and she bought a white strappy purse. "It fits my elegant-looking outfit nicely, and this is what I need to complete my Lumiosian outfit. I will work on the rest of the pieces when I'm at Lumiose." she thought.

"At the gym, I'll let Graspy to do the attacking as you warm me up at there. If anything fails, I'll use you or Spectre." said Mixia to Pyras as she changes her outfit. She changes her outfit into the her alternatively-coloured one, which consisted of an orange halter top and anything black and yellow, except for the bag and cap, of course.
"Those are the black pieces of clothing I have. But I'll be fine at the Gym."
She visits Route 20 again, finding more Trevenant. One time she ran into a horde of them!"
"Alright, now that's not what I expected things to be!"
Ironically, all these Trevenant are male. They could have possibly be angry about a female Trevenant (Foresta) being stolen away, so they try to find its poacher, and they did.

"Graspy, save me from these things!" said Mixia as she calls back Vision and sends out her Haunter. Taking some damage, the Haunter blasted away with a Dazzling Gleam.

"Next time, I should not encounter Trevenant in hordes." said Mixia.

"Wait, I have to get the eighth Badge! Pyras, warm up my tummy when I go in there!" she added. Without hesitation, she goes to take on the Gym challenge, with the Chandelure warming up the stomach-bared girl.

Inside the Gym there are buttons that trainers have to step on to rotate the platforms to create a path that leads to the Gym Leader, Wulfric.

Mixia founds a note at the entrance of the Gym:

"The last time I have seen a Froslass is back in the Frost Cavern, where there was an abundant amount of Snorunt and Glalie there. Due to the arrival of Team Flare, or to be precisely, Lysandre, all these Pokemon were kidnapped and were used to channel the ultimate weapon. I pray that none would do such crimes to these beautiful creatures..."

"Sigh... I wish I have a Froslass." said Mixia.

Graspy had no problem when dealing with the Ice-types, until it was brought down by a Beartic. She then left Sableye to finish the blow until it got frozen, so she lets Pyras to do the battling instead.

She even had problems figuring out what panel should be positioned where. Indeed, some trainers say it is the hardest Gym to conquer, despite the many weaknesses of the Ice-type.

Finally, she is able to face Wulfric.

"You know what? Ice is extremely hard and terribly fragile at the same time." quoted Wulfric.

"Ice can hit the greatest of the Dragon-types, yet at the same time it has no resistance to any of the 18 types except themselves. This is the cost for their superiority against Dragon." said Mixia.

"Correct. Depending on what which Pokemon you choose and what moves they use, I could be your most challenging opponent yet, or I could be a total pushover." he added.

"Enough of the whole speech thing. My Chandelure is ready!" said Mixia.

"Then lets' get this show on the road!"

Pyras had no problem when it is facing Abomasnow and the iceberg Avalugg, except when it gets hit by the hailstorm. The problem begins when it faces Cryogonal.

Pyras had a hard time recovering itself from confusion after it was hit by a Confuse Ray. Worse, the Ice Beam move that was not supposed to freeze a fire-type did leave Pyras frozen, disabling its spectral flames.

"Chandel..." Mixia is able to hear Pyras' suffering in an ice prison, thanks to her ability to whisper to the spirits.

"The spirits please help Pyras... It cannot cope with taking down this... snowflake!" thought Mixia. The chandelier was continuously hit by Ice Beam.

She call backs Pyras and sends out Vision, who was frozen, but then thawed out and becomes energized thanks to an Aspear Berry. However, just as it was down to a close call by an Ice Beam, it was knocked down by the hailstorm.

Mixia sends out Spectre instead. As it is going to unleash Sacred Sword onto the snowflake, it hit itself thanks to the Confuse Ray. The Cryogonal unleashed another hailstorm as Spectre recovers from confusion and shields itself.

As it creates a Shadow Sneak, the Royal Sword Pokemon becomes frozen after being hit by another Ice Beam. However, Spectre managed to thaw out so the girl wouldn't worry about throwing another Ice Heal.

When it is going to mark the blow, Wulfric sprayed a Hyper Potion on the Cryogonal. Done another Shadow Sneak, another Hyper Potion is used. Mixia sprayed a Hyper Potion on Spectre, energizing it to defeat the snowflake with one more Shadow Sneak.

"Now that was a very long stall." said Mixia.

She is given the Iceberg Badge, a hexagonal badge with sapphires at the end of each corner, and inside the badge contains a frozen water. She is also given the TM for Ice Beam.

"Have you seen Froslass?" asked Mixia.

"There were Froslass back in the Frost Cavern. Unfortunately, they vanished when Team Flare arrived there..." lamented Wulfric.

"I hope that the Snorunt will come back to there someday." said Mixia.

"You seems to have an interest in Ice-types, don't you?" Wulfric asked.

"Nah. I'm going for Ghost-types instead." answered Mixia.

As the platforms rotate, an ice slide if formed, leading back to the entrance. "Wheeeeeeeee!!!" cheered Mixia as she slides over the ice.

"Careful. You might hurt yourselves when sliding." advised Wulfric.

As she leaves the Gym, the Gym adviser congratulates Mixia's accomplishment of defeating the 8th and final Gym Leader. Wulfric then comes out of the Gym also.

"You know what? You have all the eight Gym Badges now, so there's really only one thing left to do..." congratulated Wulfric. "It's time to head off to the Pokemon League!"

"The Pokemon League...? Where the Elite Four awaits?" said Mixia.

"That's right! Trust in your Pokemon, and there's no limit to what you can achieve! Now head to Victory Road and show them your best!" said Wulfric.

"I thought when I have the eight Badges that will be done for me. But I never realized I am told to face the greatest challenge: becoming the Pokemon League Champion. No, the first Ghost-type Champion!" thought Mixia.

She takes pictures of herself, freezing in Snowbelle.
"Am I the only one who look unclothed for winter? Hey, I think I found something that look like Shauntal's dress back in the boutique."
"Good thing I'm wearing black clothes! Except for the hat and the shirt."
After getting her Pokemon healed, she returns to Route 20 to find more Trevenants. She found a lonely one and named it Spinie, and found another Trevenant which has the nature she wasn't looking for.

She was also very upset for not being called cute...
"Hey! What about me? I'm also cute!"
And she runs into a hag and her Trevenant, or in other words, a Hex Maniac.
Dark Trevenant is dark.
"Have you gone mad?"
She takes another rest at the Pokemon Center, preparing to hike the Victory Road.

Next chapter: The hike to victory!

The defrosters

Graspy (Haunter)
Level 61, Hardy
Destiny Bond, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball

Pyras (Chandelure)
Level 65, Docile
Flamethrower, Will-o-wisp, Hex, Pain Split

Vision (Sableye)
Level 65, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect

Spectre (Aegislash)
Level 68, Hasty
Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Sacred Sword, King's Shield

Manitou (Drifblim)
Level 63, Rash
Thunder Wave, Hex, Fly, Focus Energy

Foresta (Trevenant)
Level 54, Quiet
Forest's Curse, Destiny Bond, Phantom Force, Wood Hammer

More Trevenants

Spinie (Trevenant)
Level 52, Lonely
Forest's Curse, Destiny Bond, Phantom Force, Wood Hammer

Trevenant that has a wrong nature
Level 49, Hardy
Forest's Curse, Destiny Bond, Phantom Force, Wood Hammer
Author's note

Sure, you may call Cryogonal useless due to its lackluster Defense, or, it was meant to be a Special wall and at the same time a glass cannon with a poor moveset (Ice Beam, Solar Beam and Flash Cannon are the only options), but you won't believe what I have written and how I faced that Cryogonal.

I mean, with the correct moves and if you managed to freeze your opponent while using Cryogonal, it will be annoying to see that coming. Seriously, it's annoying.

And Mixia has to hike all the way from Victory Road to the summit.

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