
Monday 6 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 11: Let Honedge be Honedge

So as the title says.


"Put on my sports attire, check. Got the Ghosts I need, check. Nincada's priority first, check. Alright, ready to go, and I can't wait for Nincada to evolve!" said Mixia.

Then, Spectre is trying to tell her something. "Honedge-Honedge!"

"Oh, you want to take the lead, Spectre?" asked Mixia.

"Honedge!" the Sword Pokemon looks excited.

"Okay, I'll make you take the lead! Sorry Nincada, it seems like Spectre used Me First at you." said Mixia.

Inside the Gym, one of Ramos' notes about a Ghost-type Pokemon is on the ground floor:

"One Pokemon is said to be the carrier of spirits, in the form of a pumpkin. These creatures are known to be most active during the Halloween season.

Another which resembles a rotten tree stump. This spirit is rumored to be the lost souls of young children who died while lost in the forests. What a horrible story..."

"Pumpkaboo and Phantump... I have the pumpkin, but I don't have Phantump yet. Perhaps I will raise one once I have collected all 8 Badges." said Mixia

What Spectre did was Swords Dance, then unleash Aerial Ace. This technique keeps rinse and repeat, much to Mixia's annoyance. "Well, it looks like Spectre is working hard to learn Sacred Sword." she thought.

Halfway through the Gym, Nincada evolved, spliting into Ninjask and Shedinja.
"Sigh, my tummy is full of rope burns." said Mixia, after reaching the top of the Gym. She has been climbing up and sliding down to the ropes, holding on tight to Spectre. Also, she is wearing a halter, so her hands and stomach reddens. But Mixia stayed cute.

On top of the Gym there's Ramos, the Gym Leader of Coumarine. Mixia spoke gently.

"Nice to meet you, Mr Ramos. Did you know anything about Ghost-types which are also Grass, other than Pumpkaboo and Phantump?" asked Mixia.

"Do yeh know that tis' month is the Halloween season? These pumpkins are sprawling around outside Lumiose like crazy! By the way, if yeh want to get a better Ghost you spoke of, yeh should visit Route 20, if yeh dare. Also, everyone is asking for Gourgeist, this' Pokemon evolves from Pumpkaboo when yeh trade it to someone!" lectured Ramos

"Get a Gourgeist when Pumpkaboo is traded... Done! Alright, shall we start the battle?" said Mixia, after writing some notes down.

Ramos sends out a dandelion-like Pokemon, Jumpluff, while Mixia calls in Spectre. The Jumpluff keeps performing Acrobatics and seeds the Sword Pokemon while it is using a Swords Dance. Spectre proceeds to unleash an Aerial Ace.

Once again, Spectre did the same to Gogoat and Weepinbell.

"Blade cuts the grass, eh?" said Mixia.

"Yeh, can't take thing too quickly when it comes to forming a friendship with yer Pokemon, sprout! Especially when yeh used that Honedge!" advised Ramos.

"Let Honedge be Honedge." said Mixia.

She is given the Plant Badge, a leaf-shaped Badge with a droplet on top. She is also given the TM about Grass Knot.

"Yeh did mention something about blade beats grass, eh? Yeh should never underestimate the power of grass." advised Ramos.

A door opens, revealing a slide, all the way down to the ground floor. Mixia hops onto it, and slide down so she can get Spectre some rest.
"It seems that Spectre is the only Pokemon in my team knows Me First."
Mixia decided not to bandage her stomach, because she believes that even her cute charm is disrupted by scars or wounds, she will always look cute."Okay, it will recover fast..." she thought

Ninjask thought that its trainer will always care for it, because it has hit a superior amount of affection, but it was shocked to find out that she only cared for its husk it evolved from.
"Actually, I only anticipated Nincada to evolve into Shedinja."
When she got her shirt put on, she realises about the Lumiose Blackout.

"The Blackout is still going? The spirits are right! This is an omen of evil..." said Mixia. "It's time to get my Pumpkaboo going!" she shouted, like a war cry of the spirits.

Next chapter: The first omens!

As least someone did evolved

Spectre (Honedge)
Level 43, Hasty
Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Aerial Ace, Iron Head

Manitou (Drifblim)
Level 40, Rash
Thunder Wave, Hex, Gust, Focus Energy

Level 39, Sassy
Hone Claws, Aerial Ace, Metal Claw, Dig

Wally (Golett)
Level 40, Bold
Strength, Shadow Punch, Curse, Power-up Punch

Vision (Sableye)
Level 35, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect

Author's note

In a nutshell, this Gym, even you're not using a Drifblim, can be defeated with just anyone who has an attack booster and Aerial Ace.

If anything doesn't go well for Spectre, Shadow Sneak is a must, unless you are facing someone who is a Sucker Puncher. Sucker Punch is quite OP, as OP as Knock Off.

If you ever notice, the spirits Mixia spoke to are keeping a watch at Team Flare. Yes, these spirits believe there's a reincarnation of evil, somewhere in Kalos...

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