
Saturday 18 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 18: Psychic gets got

Gone because of a long hiatus, but I can continue the story once again.

Several days before the Gym challenge

For the past few days Mixia had been training her Pokemon at the Battle Chateau, and her rank was ascended to Marchioness.

Also, she checked out the boutiques for what she needs for her Ghost Trainer outfit. She managed to get a blue flower pin that matches her outfit. So the only thing left in her list is a new bag, which her pink tote bag doesn't suit the colour scheme of her outfit. She also tried out some matchups for her formal outfit.

She also gives her useless Scatterbug for a lonely old man as a companion.

One day, while Spectre did super training, it found a Dusk Stone. Spectre looked into the stone, foreseeing what it will soon become, and found out that it was a warrior of the spirits in the past, having to help the Ghost Pokemon to defeat the True Evil.

The Honedge realized its true duty to Mixia and wishes to take control of the warrior's spirit. However, it's not evolved, so he's unable to take control of the spirit. Of course, Spectre hasn't decided to evolve because it's holding an Everstone.

"Honedge..." Spectre groaned as it looks at the Everstone tied to its spectral cloth.

It clearly remembers the time when Mixia caught it, and how much effort it used its Fury Cutter in her early days in her career. It also remember when Mixia put on a halter top, which its expressions are confused about its trainer's new outfit, and how much she's trying to hide it from her friends.

Deep within the blade lies a heart of wrath. It witnessed the actions of Team Flare, believing it as the work of the True Evil. Spectre hopes to eliminate Team Flare on the mortal world, so the spirits can rest once again.

Staying outside Anistar's Pokemon Center, it awaits for its Trainer's arrival to join her to the next Gym challenge...


The day has come. Mixia has done training Polty and Pyras, and flies back to Anistar to get herself ready for the Gym challenge.

However, Spectre is not chosen for the Gym challenge.

"Stay here, Spectre. The challenge will be short and easy enough for me. Here, have a Poke Puff!" said Mixia as she gives the Honedge the best Poke Puff she has.

As Mixia goes to the Gym without the Honedge, it saddens.

Mixia listens to the gentleman's lecture about Xerneas.

It happened around 800 years ago, the Aspect of Life used its horns to illuminate the Kalos region with life. At that moment, the people and Pokemon throughout the land felt the great energy of vitality surging through their bodies. At the same time, a forest was born.

When it nears the end of its thousand-year life span, Xerneas releases all of its remaining energy, sharing it with all life.

Back 3000 years ago, when the Great Kalos War was engulfed, a Pokemon came to rescue the wounded Pokemon that had been caught up in the War. The Pokemon could possibly Xerneas itself...

After Xerneas released its remaining energy, the Aspect of Life morphed into a dried-up tree. This tree is rumoured nowhere to be found...

"Is Xerneas related to the spirits?" asked Mixia.

"Indeed. It sometimes draws its power from the kind-hearted spirits in the Spirit World. But it doesn't uses that power, it instead transfers the power to the one who is facing a monster known as the True Evil. There is rarely any evidence on such a legend, however." answered the gentleman.

"When Xerneas awakens from being dormant, many blue globs of energy flow around Xerneas and destroying any form of evil that tries to control it. It could possibly the spirits themselves." the gentleman added.

"You ever heard of that myth?" added Mixia.

"No. I would not believe that such an occurrence has existed..." replied the gentleman.

"Right now, I have to take on the Gym. See you soon!" said Mixia as she leaves the house, going for the Gym.

When Mixia entered the Gym, it was only an ordinary house. But as Mixia stepped onto the symbol at the center of the house, the house transforms into outer space maze, or an illusion created by psychic power.

Traversing through the maze of the gym, she had a good time defeating the Psychic trainers with Pyras. Pyras then evolved into Lampent.
And tried to calm a Hex Maniac
"Calm down, please!"
She then meets the psychic Olympia at the end of the maze.

"A ritual to decide your fate and future... The battle begins!" said Olympia as she levitates herself with her psychokinesis.

Olympia sends out a avian-like runic creature, Sigilyph. Mixia's Lampent throws a Will-o-wisp after the Sigilyph creates a Light Screen. Pyras almost hexed the Sigilyph as Olympia sprayed a Hyper Potion on the Sigilyph, just as the Lampent was about to mark the blow with Flamethrower. However, it did enough damage to finish it with Hex.

Olympia then sends out an intelligent Slowpoke with a hermit shell on it, Slowking. As Pyras threw a Will-o-wisp, the Slowking yawned. When Pyras hexes the Slowking, it falls asleep.

Mixia then switches in to Polty while Olympia sends out Meowstic, a psychic feline creature with blue markings on its hands, legs, neck, tail and its hairlike fur. Polty paralyzes Meowstic as the psychic feline is focusing its power. Polty then hexes it.

"Oh yeah! Ghost beats Psychic!" said Mixia.

She is given the Psychic Badge, a smoke-shaped badge with a purple orb below it. She is also given the TM for Calm Mind.

"You known Wizzy?" asked Olympia.

"That psychic Pokemon Maniac? I have this... guide with me, which is written by him." said Mixia.

"His Pokemon... are beyond my limits. I hope that he, will find his path, to be the best user of the Psychic-type..." said Olympia.

"Well, if I ever meet him again, then I'll throw my Ghosts at him." said Mixia.

"Back from whence you came, you can be transported from here. Warp back to the entrance?" asked Olympia.

"Yes, and I have no time for chatting." said Mixia.

"Farewell..." said Olympia as she teleports Mixia back to the entrance of the Gym.

As she leaves the Gym, she meets up with Calem again.

"How about tea at the cafe, only the two of us?" asked Calem.

"I have no time for this nonsense! Didn't you hear what I said long time ago?" ranted Mixia.

They receive a call on the Holo Caster, which is from Lysandre.

The note reads:

"Pokemon Trainers, I come to you by the Holo Caster to make an important announcement. Listen well.

Team Flare will revive the ultimate weapon, eliminate everyone who isn't in our group, and return the world to a beautiful, natural state.

Unproductive fools are consuming our future... If nothing changes, the world will become ugly and and conflicts will raze the land from end to end.

I repeat, we will use the ultimate weapon and wipe the state clean. I'm sorry... those of you who are not members of Team Flare, but this is adieu to you all."

"What was Lysandre saying? Wiping the state clean? Eliminating everyone but Team Flare?!" shocked Calem.

"Lysandre... We thought him was a great man... The Holo Caster... his lecture... his research on Mega Evolution... but now, he's behind Team Flare. The spirits are right... Lysandre is the True Evil..." said Mixia, creepily shocked about Lysandre's motives.

"Quickly, Mixia! We must look for Team Flare's base!" said Calem as he rushed off.

Mixia notices two Team Flare Grunts.
"Pronounce it grammatically next time. Wait, you said there's a bonus for joining Team Flare?!"
"The cafe next to Magenta Plaza... That's it! Lysandre Cafe!"
"Thanks for the tips, guys. But you will be down when the spirits find you." said Mixia.

"Spectre! It's time to vanquish the True Evil you're seeking for!" said Mixia as she gets her Honedge.

"Honedge!" Spectre is anticipating to destroy Team Flare.

She does Super Training on her Pokemon as a final preparation to face Lysandre.

When she is done, Manitou takes her to Lumiose. This is where Lysandre Cafe lies...

Next chapter: The talking Aegislash!

Psycho Busters

Pyras (Lampent)
Level 56, Docile
Flamethrower, Will-o-wisp, Hex, Pain Split

Polty (Rotom)
Level 54, Rash
Thunder Wave, Electro Ball, Hex, Substitute

Vision (Sableye)
Level 56, Naughty
Shadow Sneak, Payback, Fake Out, Protect

Manitou (Drifblim)
Level 53, Rash
Thunder Wave, Hex, Fly, Focus Energy

Level 55, Sassy
Grudge, Phantom Force, Metal Claw, Dig

Graspy (Haunter)
Level 54, Hardy
Destiny Bond, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball

Author's note

During the battle with Olympia, I accidentally pressed the Run button. I bet Mixia said "Why would I do that?"

Tis' night will be the time where I will face Lysandre and his minions. Expect no Author's notes and what levels my Pokemon will be now.

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