
Monday 20 October 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 21: With hatred and sorrow

Expect a change of your emotions.

In the lower floor, as Mixia goes downstairs, there is a prison, holding the tall man Mixia has met back at Route 13.

"The tall man... Lysandre! What are you doing to this miserable man!" said Mixia.

"For some reason, I recognize him some time before..." said Spectre.

"Listen, one who will face Lysandre..." said the tall man as he is going to narrate a tale of the past.

The spirits' voices appear: "For your understanding, we shall explain to you what happened during the Great Kalos War."

"3000 years ago, there's a man, and his Pokemon, who is believed to be a flower. The flower took part in the War. Unfortunately, the flower was killed in the war.

Looking at the coffin of the flower, the man hoped to bring the life of the flower back. So, he created a machine which he hopes to bring the flower back to life.

The flower was resurrected. However, the man grew weary of the war. So he decided to end the war, by turning the bringer of life into the harbinger of death, or as what the mortals call it now, the ultimate weapon.

The power of the weapon was so devastating that almost all life on Kalos was annihilated by its power.

When the flower realized that the machine that resurrected it took the lives of many Pokemon to restore its life, in the end, the flower left the man."

"Lampent..." Pyras mourned after hearing the tale.

"Sableye..." Vision lamented.

"Rotom..." Polty mourned for the Pokemon of the War, yet at the same time filled with vengeance because of Lysandre's plans.

"Get the key back. It should not be used. Everything will vanish again. Do you want to know unending pain like I have?" begged the man.

"The spirits are groaning... They seem they want to help me to take down Lysandre..." thought Mixia.

"That is AZ. He has the same name as the king that lived 3000 years ago. For unknown reason, he has the key to the ultimate weapon hung around his neck." analyzed Lysandre.

"Mixia, follow me to my chambers." he adds.

"I will ensure that your and your minions' end is near!" provoked the Aegislash. Lysandre ignored it.

Mixia walked to the front of the prison. "I pity AZ. He wished that the world should not face the same mistake, and the same damage. History cannot repeats itself... I must stop Lysandre! The Spirit World must be safeguarded..." thought Mixia.

"Child, you reminded me... of a shaman." said AZ.

"What shaman?" Mixia appears confused.

"He meant that you are a kind of spirit guide who helped the spirits when the evil came." answered Spectre.

"Fear not, AZ. I can stop Lysandre from unleashing the ultimate weapon." said Mixia. She quickly proceeds back to the elevator, but she stopped as the spirits' voices appear, continuing the king's tragedy.

"By the time the flower left, the True Evil appeared from the darkness, terrorizing and killing the denizens of the Spirit World.

The Pokemon that were slain during the war transformed into ghastly, spiritual creatures, or what you mortals call them, Ghosts.

We thought that the True Evil, its Four Commanders, the Greater Demons, the Lesser Demons and their minions were unstoppable. The Spirit World would cease to exist. Even the mightiest of the warriors, like Achiron, the spirit that possessed your Aegislash, could not stop their advance.

However, when the Ghost Pokemon appeared, the minions started to fled like a tide turning back to the sea. Girantina, who was thought to be evil by Arceus, battled against the True Evil. It managed to vanquish the evil thanks to a young girl, who was a shaman.

You are that shaman he spoke of. She was taken the duty to guard the Spirit World when she sensed the evil approaching us. Now, the fate of the mortal world, and the spirits, belies on you."

"The spirits believed that I'm the chosen one... Looks like I have to save the world alone..." thought Mixia as she goes down a lower level.

Ypon the 2nd lower level in Lysandre Labs is the control room for the ultimate weapon. Lysandre and Xerostic, a white-skinned man in orange, discussed about the progress of the ultimate weapon. Mixia eavesdropped.

"So the Poke Balls we received and the Pokemon we've gathered are there where they need to be. All preparations are complete." reported Xerostic.

"The only thing left to do is put the plan in motion. I'm counting on you. One push of a button and we can activate the ultimate weapon from this room." said Lysandre.

"I'm here to stop the ultimate weapon." said Mixia as she walked up.

"It's your choice, Mixia. either leave it safely underground for the sake of those 'spirits', or the ultimate weapon will be unleashed. But, only if you have the potential to do so." said Lysandre as he leaves the control room.

"I've never seen you before, but you're one of the weirdest-looking minions I've ever seen." taunted Mixia.

"I need to do a little research on you, or what 'spirits' boss talked about. Come, let's begin!" said the jolly scientist.

Xerostic sends out the cross-shaped bat, Crobat. The cross-shaped bat kept using Air Slash on Spectre, continuously making it flinch.

"Agh... I've never faced such an evil like this before!" moaned the Aegislash after being continuously flinched.

"Hold on a minute! You've never faced Crobat! Do that King's Shield!" warned Mixia to Spectre about Xerostic's Crobat.

Blocking another Air Slash, then used a Swords Dance, Spectre instantly used Shadow Sneak on the Crobat.

Xerostic then sends out Malamar, a squid-like Psychic-type. Spectre proceeds to use its shield.

"It's strength increases?! I have never seen such a monster too!" shocked the Aegislash as the shield blocking the Malamar's Payback increases its power instead.

"So do I. Just finish it with a Sacred Sword!" ordered Mixia.

Spectre quickly unleashes a Sacred Sword on the Malamar, disabling its hypnotic light on its body.

"Wonderful! Amazing! You have tremendous skill and bravery!" praised Xerostic.

"No need to thank me for that but how does that ultimate weapon of Team Flare's work?!" angered Mixia.

"It happened 3000 years ago, the ultimate weapon was used to put the War to an end in an instant. If we used that incredible yet destructive power, we can finally free Kalos of the foolish humans that plague it! Behind me you'll find a red button and a blue button. One of them is used for activating the ultimate weapon." said Xerostic.

Mixia becomes confused for choosing which button to prevent the ultimate weapon from rising.

"Agh!! What button should I press?" babbled Mixia.

"Push one now. Come on, push one!" advised Xerostic.

"Xerneas is associated with the blue colour, Yveltal is associated with the colour red. Kindhearted spirits only come in the colours blue and orange... Mixia! Try touching the blue button!" said Spectre.

Mixia presses the blue button. Thinking that it will make her skip a heartbeat, nothing happened.

"You pressed it! Ohoho! You pressed the blue button! You deactivated it!" congratulated Xerostic

"Yes! Now one more thing to do is to find that..."

"But I'm going to activate the ultimate weapon! I know the boss promised that we wouldn't if you pushed the correct button, but I refuse to let that potential to go to waste!" Xerostic halted Mixia's lines at he shows up a remote control.

"You what?! I can't believe you are such a madman!" shocked Mixia.

"I'll just use that remote here! Click-click, and the power is ON!" Xerostic pushes a button from the remote.

The monitor shows up a night in Geosenge. "Come on. Look at the monitor!" Xerostic is anticipating for... something... disastrous.

The monolisks at the center of the town start to erect, and then sinks. Soon, a giant crystal emerges from the ground, knocking down the houses nearby it. The crystal is connected by the power wires that were stolen from the Power Plant.

A blue light radiates from the crystal as the crystals opens up, like a flower awakening from its bloom. The crystal rotates, levitating the debris as it prepares the energy transmitter. When the 'bloom' is completed, it drops onto the ground, leaving behind a minor earthquake, and the debris fall.

The crystal is shaped like a flower with six petals. At the core of the ultimate weapon is a giant, blue aura sphere.

Imagine if you are there, when the ultimate weapon erected... You are more likely to be killed by the debris, or being squashed by the crystal. Even worse, a feeling of fear and panic approaches you, warning you it's the end of the world...

"The spirits are shrieking... shrieking for the ultimate weapon to stop. It appears that they are going to be unstable... and they will be unleashed onto Kalos..." thought Mixia.

"Look at Geosenge! It has bloomed in Geosenge Town The boss' dream of creating a beautiful new world will come true! Add that up and it equals a victory for our science!"

"Out of my way, I have to run into Geosenge as soon as possible!" said Mixia as she quickly rushed out of the Labs.

"Manitou! Quickly take me to Geosenge. The spirits need me! Spectre, looks like you have to stay inside a Poke Ball..." said Mixia as she sends out Manitou.

"Mixia, I'm not used to being encapsulated inside these..." as the Aegislash is about to finish its sentence, it got sent back into the Poke Ball. Mixia hold on to one of the Drifblim's arms and it blasts off to Geosenge as fast as a Golurk flying.

Next chapter: Bloom of death

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