
Wednesday 1 January 2014

Hatyai-Krabi trip Day 3: Ko Phi Phi

Now I managed trying to getting over with my 5-day trip of 2012. Time to head for the beaches!

(I don't want to get my flip-flops wet.)

Now I had breakfast (yes, it's my favourite) back at the guesthouse. I enjoyed it until I started to vomit. The food is not that bad, and I was supposed to finished it, but the problem was: what's wrong with me at there? Was I having a bad digestive system? Forget about it or else I (or anyone who is reading this) will be disgusted.
My favourite: Ham slice with sausages. I prefer scrambled eggs more than fried or poached (you know why). The fries were a pretty good addition.
Bacon and poached eggs.
Same as mine, but with fried eggs.
Orange juice. One time abroad the train it tasted sweeter...
Time to head for the islands! At the beginning of this day trip it was sort of misty.
What are the name of those islands again?
I think it's clearer now.
Did someone notice waterdrops of the glass?
Waits, what's that funny-shaped island again?
Then we landed at Ko Mai Phai, meaning 'Bamboo Island' in Thai.
Take your rubbish? Isn't that 'take your litter' or something?
Sandy, eh?
There are some dried coral.
And not to mention an obvious grammar error.
Correction: Do not place baggage at this area.
There were a school of fish when heading off to Ko Phi Phi Don. Everyone went diving while a few of the crowd, including myself, prefer staying on the boat. I don't dive because... I don't want to make my nose running with water. Feeding the fishies is another option!
Here's come the bread!

Want more?

How about two slices?


Yep, they are hungry.

Are those things get used to eating bread?

I have no idea what was happening.
The tour guide then picked up a sea urchin (you know, those deadly poisonous spikeballs of the sea). He also plucked a needle of the urchin to show the crowd. I tried to capture the picture of the urchin but the guide then throw the urchin back to the sea. So I didn't have any photos of sea urchins. Sorry!

Around noon the speedboat landed on Ko Phi Phi Don. Then have some sort of a buffet. Also, I hate walking with my feet wet while wearing slippers (or flip-flops).

Then time to head for Phi Phi Leh.
Viking Cave
I think dad mentioned something about bird nests in this cave...

Another beach. Obviously popular.
Lots of speedboats here.
Interesting cliffs...

Didn't expect I would have taken a vertical shot?
Its a little foggy here.
Sunlight shines down to this island. Perhaps my best shot in this trip.
Can someone tell me where are we going?

Heading towards a beach, I guess. Waits, we're not.
Nice waters.
I think I noticed cliffs...
Ko Phi Phi Leh
Finally reached Ko Phi Phi Leh. Two things I visited: Loh Samah Bay and Maya Bay.
The trees at there is always green! Sort of.
And I noticed a millipede.
To blurred to see. Sorry.
What's that plant doing here?
Where's the snack bar?
I heard this part is used to filled with water.
Can someone tell me what species of crab is this?
There's a cliff at the end of Loh Samah Bay. Don't try to dive in!
Because it's shallow and rocky.
What's this thing doing here?
Wait, I see something...
There are some evidence that this area used to be watery long time ago.
Perhaps Loh Samah is perhaps good to visit. I really hate to say why my family is making fun of the sign.
See the sign misspelled? You'll figure out why.
That was part of Phi Phi Leh I think...
Then time to head back to the town. I felt a little dizzy back there. When I got back, no, I was not seasick, but something that made my vision wobble, like I'm still on the boat or something.

At night we head to the night market for dinner. And I don't remember what I ate. And I simply headed back to the guesthouse, because there're computers at there! (Not the internet cafe)

By the next day we went back to Hatyai.

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