
Saturday 14 December 2013

Hatyai-Krabi trip Day 2: Tiger Cave Temple

Well, sorry for the long hiatus. Now it's the school holidays, I think I can describe last year's trip right now.

Departed pretty early that day, and it took a REALLY long time to reach Krabi (distance from Hatyai to Krabi is like more than 200 kilometers!). Well you may figure out how long it took (and I'm figuring out too).

And we reached there somewhere around 5 in the evening (I'm not sure, different time zones can be pretty confusing to remember). Later we headed of to Tiger Cave Temple.
What's the tiger doing here?
Close up of the riger
At the entrance of the temple I noticed a whale skull, and I was like 'Wait, what's that whale doing here?'
Typo. Should be 'Beware of monkeys stealing things'
Interior of the temple
Inside the temple I noticed several Buddhist statues, and something I will talk about later (have to reconfirm). The temple has an interesting history:

The foundation of the temple dates back to 1975 (B.E. 2518) when a Vipassana monk named Jumnean Seelasettho (Ajahn Jumnean) went to meditate under the cave. During his meditation, he witnessed tigers roaming around the cave. This discovery led to naming the temple Wat Tham Suea.
There's another legend that a tiger used to roam the cave.

I noticed a pagoda, or a stupa. I am sort of confused right now.
There's a stairway which leads to the mountain. You have to take 1237 steps to reach there!
I repeat, 1237 steps!
Yep, that could be a long way to reach the summit (I guess). Didn't go for the mountain because it's getting late. If you're going to hike your way to there you need to reach the courtyard earlier to start your journey. That ain't easy task I'd tell you.

Back in Penang (yes, in this year) I went for a nature hike, as I reached a cliff I looked over the road to the Botanic Gardens and some parts of Georgetown I was impressed what I saw (even though it's misty), and I thought: Why didn't I do that back in Krabi?
Forest map
Dad told me to take a walk in a nearby forest (in the meantime I was homesick). I walked past the Wung Din altar (looked like an altar to me but what it's called again?).

Next heading for the caves. As I walked deeper in the forest I started that we're going to lost our path, and it's like evening already. How do I have to keep walking in such a condition? As I stared at the cave I feel like 'Oh no, we're going to get lost in there'.
I can see despair in front of me in these dark caves...
And I feel I need to go back now. On our way back I noticed something: the Big Tree!
The Big Tree! Wait, just a big tree?
I can see the light again!
I noticed a temple which is under construction.
Exquisite door.
Tiger guardians
To get to there: 
"Take the road to the airport and turn left/north before you get to the big shopping malls. You should actually be able to see the big Buddha on the mountaintop. Should cost no more than 200 baht in a taxi."

Now for the miscellaneous parts.
Notice the Coca-Cola can I was holding? Sure, to the rest is nothing special, but to me, definitely a souvenir to me. Why? Because you can't find such a Coca-Cola packaging like that in Malaysia (well, some beverages in Malaysia has that kind of packaging)
And I noticed some wildlife at the temple (sorry, no tigers).

If you notice a tortoise, you have to take a picture of it. Those creatures are starting to become rare nowadays...

Now for dinnertime. I think that restaurant's name is called... uhhh... I don't know... " 'Potung' Restaurant" I guess? Anyway, check out the food we had at there.
And now for the dessert. The best part that it was one of my favourites: frozen yoghurt! (even though I don't even snacked on those)

They even have Thai Tea?! And durian???!!!! (faints)
Wondering what is Thai Tea and what it tasted like. And I don't even like durian (because of the smell).

Blueberry flavoured
I enjoyed the yoghurt like how I enjoyed ice-cream (are they the same thing?). I should have tried original (milk) because... it's original, but I didn't regret my choice for blueberry! (P.S. strawberry is supposed to be my favourite because it is more common)

And we headed to Walking Street to get some flip-flops (mine were getting old, and I was told to get a new pair). And again I had NO interest in shopping, unless I was told to follow.

Anyhow, I'd best write what's for day 3.

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