
Saturday 21 March 2015

Pokemon Y: 1st aniverssary of my Y playthrough, and my thoughts on the metagame

I can't believe it. A year has passed since I started Pokemon Y, and the return of my love for the Pokemon series. The day, which a young trainer, Wizzy started off.

To kick-start this celebration, I decided to rechallenge the Elite Four again, this time, with my 6IV Sigilyph, Archos.

I can remember the night I began playing Pokemon Y, raising a team of Psychic-types. I picked my starter, Fennekin, captured my first few Pokemon, which were a Fletchling (now a Talonflame) and a Pikachu (I haven't evolved it yet), then have my hands on Sorceress (my first caught Ralts).
"Yep, it's been a year since I met Serena and the others at Aquacorde."
After completing the game, I took on the Battle Maison. I noticed how tough the Pokemon at the Maison are, and my in-game team could not catch up with them. This is when I realized Wizzy's rank as a Psychic master is starting to falter.

6 months since I started Y, I started X as the Ghost-type trainer, Mixia. Again, after defeating the Champion, with just a Golurk, I tried to get on with IV breeding through the help of Chinglings on breeding Gastly, (which, you know, Chimecho and Gastly belong in Amorphous).

And back in Y, the race for Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire began onto me, and I had to breed my very first competitive Pokemon to prepare for action, which consists of the Sigilyph I mentioned, one of my shiny Gallade, Sorceron, my Mega Medicham, a Stored Power Chimecho, a Girafarig and a Xatu.

Those were the memories. Now I'm going to talk about what happened during the rematch.
"Wait, where's Archos? He was supposed to be resting on my hand."
Apparently, it seems that only Malva remembers Wizzy coming into the Pokemon League, while the rest announce their own fancy speeches. In a nutshell, Starmie sweeps Malva's Fire-types, Gothitelle set ups then sweeps Siebold's Waters, Alakazam dies to Scizor, Starmie and Gothitelle gets swept by Aegislash, leaving Mega Lucario to revenge-kill it, and finally letting Chimecho unleashing Stored Power onto Drasna's Dragons.

And for the Champion, I let Archos to do the sweeping. Archos ignores Hawlucha's jabs while he sets up, and gets poisoned which, it doesn't mind, but getting rid of the poison by itself (seriously?). Archos then blasts off Hawlucha, then proceeds to blasting Tyrantrum, and having a hard time blasting Aurorus, plus surviving a Blizzard!

Then Archos has to get his timing straight when against Gourgeist, because Phantom Force. And Archos has to keep blasting Goodra, after being healed, gets a critical hit from Stored Power (overwhelming!).

And for the Mega Gardevoir part, I acknowledged the fact that Mega Gardevoir is highly capable of tanking Stored Power, and by the time Archos blasted Mega Gardevoir, the Stored Power PP runs out. Given Archos a Leppa Berry, and Archos continues blasting about, while tanking Thunderbolts.

Suprisingly, Archos was underleveled when facing Diantha. I'm quite surprised by the fact why Sigilyph is the best Stored Power user: tanks stuff, then an eye for an eye. (in other words, sweep things)

And now, here's my rant about the metagame:

Now, he's quite grown as a Psychic now. Managing the Anistar Gym as Olympia's apprentice for rematch battles at the Gym. Wizzy is quite known for bringing up low-ranked Pokemon to battles amongst the elites, such Pokemon include Xatu, Mr Mime, Bronzor, Girafarig and many more.

But his work is not done yet; the Pokemon he has to bring up still remain zany, including Lunatone, Solrock, Delphox, Hypno, Musharna, Grumpig, Starmie and even the grotesque Jynx, plus more to name a few. These Pokemon are rarely seen in 'common' battles, featuring Talonflame, Garchomp, Tyranitar and Kangazkhan

See what I wrote here? I hypothesized that back in the Kanto days, almost all Psychic-types are ultimate-ranked (Ubers, yes, including you, Mewtwo), but with the introduction of Dark-types, plus the vulnerability to Ghost-types, Psychic-types are being nerfed to the ground, and some being lower-ranked! Even Girafarig is in NU!

But then in XY, Fairies have come to the Psychics' aid, as well as the Ghosts'. The Fairy-type is capable of destroying Dark-types, which in fact, helps Psychic's a lot. And that's why Dazzling Gleam is made for Psychic and Ghost-types.
So the concept here is to demonstrate how Fairies and Psychics help each other. The arrows represent super-effective.  Psychic is weak to Dark but Fairy is strong against Dark; Fairy is weak to Poison but Psychic is strong against Poison. And that concludes my explanation about the whole 'Psychic helps Fairy' thing?
Unfortunately, Psychic-types are still nerfed, because Steel is no longer invulnerable to Dark and Ghost. So the bulkier Psychics, Metagross and Bronzor, are nerfed like all other Psychics (thankfully Metagross has Mega Evolution to save its weakness). As a player who knows how to manipulate Ghost-types, I don't mind if Steel gets neutral damage from Ghost, but neutral damage from Dark is a nope.

Okay, back to the topic, I'm very shocked that there are some Psychic-types are under between the lowest ranks (NU to UU). I say they have potential, like, a mixed wall Solrock! Or, an Eviolite Bronzor! Well, those are my examples.

Anyhow, speaking of Solrock, I have to get back to breeding out. Because I saw a video about Solrock in action while on Ubers.

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