
Thursday 8 January 2015

Mixia's Ghost Guides: Rain Dance team

Have you heard that there's severe flooding going on in the Malaysian Peninsular? I was about to visit a region of Thailand, but it became a bummer since Southern Thailand is also flooded. Plus the weather is getting rainy in Penang (is it the monsoon season now?).

And speaking of rain, you know about those Rain Dance teams and Water-type teams involving Politoed right? But for me, I've been thinking about running a Ghost-only Rain Dance team. No, really, there are some Ghosts which can work well under the rain.

Oh, and look who's enjoying the rain back in Kalos:
"I'm practicing walking without socks on. Well, my idol doesn't wear socks! I look cute, yet feeling uncomfortable..."
My eyes often feel uncomfortable if I see Mixia without her socks put on, but I let her go sock-less anyway, since one day she has to visit Hoenn and get to use Mega Sableye, because, socks aren't that necessary in Hoenn, unless you're wearing boots.

And about the Rain Dance team I'm breeding on it. But let's talk about the build anyway.

And please, no Primal Kyogre.

Primary Pokemon

  • Offensive: Rain Dance, Recover, Water Spout, Shadow Ball (Modest, EVs in HP, Sp. Atk)
  • Defensive: Rain Dance, Recover, Scald, Protect (Calm, EVs in HP, Sp. Def)
Everyone knows that Jellicent works excellently under rain, and Jellicent is meant to be a special wall plus it's a poor man's Kyogre (no offense). But as a person who likes running offensive, I'm kind of liking to spam Water Spout under the rain (despite Mixia's profile saying 'using lots of tricks'). Shadow Ball is for STAB. I don't know what to put! Dazzling Gleam maybe?

Look, I know that Jellicent can learn Will-o-wisp, but it's recommended that you should Scald your opponent up a lucky burn, just in case under a Taunt. You can replace Protect with Toxic, since I heard THAT should be used against Chansey and Blissey, and Mandibuzz (I hate this vulture!). Acid Armour also works well.

Prepare some Leftovers for Jellicent, it needs some stalling effectiveness it needs! Or Damp Rock to increase Rain Dance's effectiveness. I'd suggest Water Absorb, or go for Cursed Body if you want to disable a threat.

  • Offensive: Rain Dance, Weather Ball, Thunder, Ice Beam (Modest/Timid, EVs in Sp. Atk, Speed)
  • Suicide lead: Rain Dance, Spikes, Destiny Bond, Icy Wind (Timid, EVs in Speed)
Sometimes Ice-types works well in rain. Same goes for Froslass. Weather Ball is frequently used in synergy with weather. A rain Weather Ball can doze a Fire-type away. Oh, and Thunder has perfect accuracy under rain, so make use of it! Ice Beam is just to get rid of Grass-types, and the Thunderbolt-Ice Beam combo.

If you ask me, I prefer Icy Wind when it comes to Doubles and Triple Battles, because while Froslass slows everything down, it gives Jellicent some time to launch a Water Spout. Thunder is to get rid of things that Jellicent cannot hit, like those with Water Absorb, Dry Skin (curse you Toxicroak) and Storm Drain (Thunder cannot hit Gastrodon, Quagsire, Whiscash and Swampert, sorry)

Cursed Body is necessary, because Snow Cloak is utterly useless under rain. Since Froslass is more of a glass cannon, giving it Life Orb or Wise Glasses helps out. Froslass is very fast, so you might consider letting her set up the rain with a Damp Rock.

  • Rain Dance, Weather Ball, Thunder, Shadow Ball (Modest/Timid,EVs in Sp. Atk, Speed)
No one ever mentioned Drifblim using Rain Dance (plus Thunder). But Drifblim has a rather decent Sp. Atk, so why not make it a glass cannon? As I said before, Weather Ball and Thunder synergize excellently in rain. Shadow Ball is, well, for STAB. I have no idea what to put for the last move slot.

Better prepare Unburden and something that makes Drifblim more of a sweeper*, because this balloony is going to blast everything after an Unburden.

*I use the term 'glass cannon', because it sounds much more sense than 'sweeper'. The term 'glass cannon' is meant for Pokemon with a high Speed and excellent at dealing damage, but at the cost of low defenses or HP, or using Life Orb.

Wash Rotom
  •  Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Thunder, Shadow Ball (Modest/Timid, EVs in Sp. Atk, Speed)
I know this Rotom's typing sounds more of a wild card (a Pokemon that is not part of the type of your team), but Rotom is a Ghost-type before it changes into those super-useful electrical appliances. Anyway, Hydro Pump and Thunder benefits from the rain and STAB. Shadow Ball is, again, I'm not sure what am I going to put. Volt Switch can be used to replace Rain Dance, you know, when rain stops, Volt Switch, then send another to do a Rain Dance, hoping that rain user survives.

I don't know what item should I give Rotom, but you may remove Rain Dance for Volt Switch if you're going to use Choice Scarf or Specs on it. Don't forget Trick!

I'm sure it'll out-stall Magnezone. I'm sure.

Supplementary Pokemon

These are Pokemon that you can add to benefit the rain team, but it's a Ghost-type team, so Ghost-types are only listed.

  • Thunder, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond (Modest/Timid, EVs in Sp. Atk, Speed)
Now I know it sounds ridiculous to put Gengar in a rain team, but I dropped my jaw when I know Gengar can learn Thunder via TM. Sludge Bomb gets rid of Grass-types pretty well, Shadow Ball for STAB and coverage. If possible, replace Destiny Bond with a coverage move like Dazzling Gleam, Focus Blast or Energy Ball (because Diggersby; don't worry, Thunder can take care of Bisharp).

You can choose to Mega Evolve it, or give it a Life Orb, or Wise Glasses.

Eviolite Misdreavus
  • Rain Dance, Will-o-wisp, Thunder, Calm Mind (Bold/Calm, EVs in HP, Def/Sp. Def)
This Misdreavus is meant to stall things, okay? Will-o-wisp is to cripple physical attackers, Calm Mind is to boost the power and the special defense. You can replace Rain Dance with Hex, since it works great with Will-o-wisp.

  • Shadow Sneak, Sacred Sword, King's Shield, Swords Dance (Adamant/Brave, EVs in HP, Attack)
Now I know putting Aegislash in a rain team sounds dumb but, do you think Aegislash gets the reduced Fire damage under the rain? Well yes! Same applies to Bronzong.

Plain simple. Give it King's Shield, do a Shadow-Sword (Shadow Sneak/Claw and Sacred Sword), and Swords Dance or anything that it needs for coverage.

There are more Ghost-types I can list out, but I'll mention them later.

Complexity: Average

See? There are some Ghost-types which can make use of the rain, some can benefit from the rain, and some, none at all.

I had several successes using the rain team in the Super Doubles, until I got walled by a Dark team, which includes Weavile and Shiftry. I'm telling you, this team will get shut down by Shiftry or Cacturne if Froslass and Gengar did not survive.

But there are some missing information that I haven't filled up. If you notice so, feel free to comment about it!

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