
Sunday 8 February 2015

Chinese New Year Specials part 1: A Subway to ease your CNY troubles

Have you ever having troubles when it comes to Chinese New Year? Well, if you do, then it's time for something lighter.

So keep calm and have a Golden Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki combo. A footlong (or 12 inches, or 30 centimeters, whichever comes first) Chicken Teriyaki sub, topped with sweet onion sauce, plus coming with two 16oz drinks (somewhere about 475 millimeters). A perfect set for two! Maybe.

I tried this sandwich on my birthday, so call that my 'birthday sub'. I ordered the set to share it with my father, so the sub is split into 6-inches each. My father ordered that any vegetables should be put on his half of the sub. Sorry, but I sounded like a picky eater. So I was persuaded to put red onions on my own half of the sub. Usually I often have my sub with lettuces and olives only. Oh, why are olives the most tantalizing fruit in the world to me?! And I don't mention olive oil.
Apologies if you can't see the chicken inside the sub.
No words to describe how the sub tasted. It's decent enough. Actually, I kind of forgot how the sub's tasted like.

My rating: 4.5/5 stars

And about the CNY problems, they're listed in Subway's CNY Tumblr. Check them out and have a guaranteed ROFL. Now, let me discuss the problems listed in the Tumblr, from my perspective:

Relatives want to add me on Facebook

Sorry, I don’t have a Facebook account. But I heard things may get annoying if do so. One example is seen on my mother's WeChat.

When you forgot your relatives’ proper titles

That always happens to me on CNY! I’m never good at remembering what I should call my relatives. At least I remembered their faces...

Work piles up before the holidays

I totally hate that part. There was one time back in primary school I was caned for missing out maths homework during the holidays...

No Internet back in your hometown

Yeah, that's what I'm going though. I’m moving. The new house won’t have any wi-fi, so I can’t be blogging anymore after moving until the line is up.

When the family drama begins

The most recent family drama I’m going through is wondering should I let my older sister play Pokemon X. Seriously; I’ll be having the worst mental breakdown in the world if she found out the nonsense I did on X... I feel like I'm going to cry...

I'll continue discussing these problems when I write up other Chinese New Year specials.

(P.S. Apologies for being to overdramatic on the family drama part. I knew that kind of ruined the CNY spirit, but, it's been burdening on my mind since my father told my sister that I had bought another Pokemon game...)

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