
Saturday 29 March 2014

My experience in Pokemon Y

School holidays are about to over, and I did not play much Diablo (curse you lousy blinking DSL light!), and I haven't get the expansion even though I decided to get it, but not sure when.

Anyhow lets talk about my experience in the latest Pokemon installment, X/Y. (Warning: Spoilers)

How I got my 3DS

I got a 3DS from my uncle months ago, and there weren't much games (I only tried his DS' Mario game for 1 world). I was new to the whole Streetpass thing back then.

There weren't many 3DS users in Penang (kids these days, prefer smartphones rather than handheld consoles). Somewhere in November I managed to Streetpass an Alaskan (if that's how I remembered). During my road trip in Thailand I Streetpassed three: one in a night stay in Hatyai, one in a night market in Hua Hin, and one in a morning bazaar during my stay back in Hatyai. The most recent Streetpassers are a Japanese while on my way back to home, and some Malaysian while I was having my breakfast at McDonald's (that guy forgot to put up his actual region).

Not interested; let my sister play first

I realised that there weren't any games on my 3DS (other than the Mii Plaza and the face-bot shooting game). My parents suggested X/Y but I was not interested in those games. And my parents bought the game without asking me which version I should pick! When noticed Pokemon Y, I was like 'ROS hype!' but on the other side 'nah, I prefer Mario'. I was very stubborn to play the game, so my sister played the game first.

While she's going in Route 4 I saw a Ralts and I told her to capture it, but she refused. Seriously I wanted that!

Started to think about doing so

After the school exams I'm thinking about starting the game. I asked my sister's permission, and she said yes. And I restarted the game.

Entering Wizzy, the Psychic Wizard!

(P.S. the pun is not intended)

In the character selection I chose the blonde-haired one, although I thought I should have chosen the standard black-haired character. The blonde-haired has very bright eyes. (Faints of cuteness)

As a fan of both Pokemon and Diablo, I always like to mess things with anything related to the Diablo franchise (e.g. using the term 'Nephalem') in Pokemon. I called my character Wizzy (Wiz) as he is based on my Wizard who is currently in his Arcane (psychic) build.

Then I chose Fennekin just not only its cuteness, but because of its evolution to a psychic-type (guess my favourite type!). I called him Meteo, then Meteorite as a Braixen, and finally Meteor as a Delphox. The nickname is based on the Wizard skill, Meteor.

It's Poke-Amie time! Or not really

Now after burning the Chespin I tried to Poke-Amie this fox. I was new to the whole Poke-Amie thing, so when I was feeding him I thought it would pick up the once I released the stylus, but he said he haven't finished his treat. Now tried petting it. It was fun.

Tip: At the start of the game you must Poke-Amie your starter, so you won't miss those good times when your starter is very young! (especially for those who chose Fennekin!)

I heard that Fennekin sleeps when it is under an ailment or fainted. I really wanted to see it!

There's not what I needed in Santalune

I don't find any Pokemon I needed, but at least I found a female Pikachu (she's known as Volta) and a Fletchling (mine's is Molt). Molt is based on the Wizard's Meteor rune, Molten Impact. There's just insects. And monkeys. Good thing I don't run into Abra!

Finally got what I needed

Now headed of to Route 4 for a Ralts, and I captured a female one. Gosh I wish I had a male one! (okay I found it during endgame, currently leveling (complete!)). Not to mention there are a lot of Flabebe. And honeycombs.

Hard to decide

Went into Sycamore's lab and I was chosen for Kanto starters. That was a hard decision. Bulbasaur? Not interested. Charmander? Charizard is epic, but not interested. Squirtle? Why a Squirtle?

In the end, I chose Bulbasaur because I needed something to counter water-types.

Snorlax is hard-hitting

Now I ran into Parfum back and forth to find a Poke Flute (and make sure that Furfrou ain't going anywhere!). Snorlax was such a hard-hitting Pokemon. One of my Pokemon got fainted because of it!

I am not interested to talk about the firework moment. Somewhere outside Parfum I got an Espurr and called him Spirit.

There's what I needed

Somewhere in the Connecting Cave I got a Meditite (back at Hoenn I ain't got a chance to capture it) and I called her Force, based on the Wizard's Wave of Force. Outside both sides of the cave I got the annoying Abra and I called him Illusion due to it keeps teleporting away and based on the Wizard's Mirror Image, a Spoink known as Spectra based on the Wizard's Spectral Blades, and an Inkay which I called him Black, based on the level 61 skill Black Hole.

Who's raiding the caves?!

Inside the Glittering Cave I ran into Lunastone, then I captured it and called it Moon. Then a Solrock which is harder to catch and called it Light.

That was the first time I ran into that wretched Team Flare and I was like 'lets kill some demons/ reapers'.

After beating up those wretches I teleported back to town. Teleport is handy it you haven't got Fly yet. Yes I got an Amaura.

Bow down to the Archon

Somewhere in Route 10 I ran into Sigilyph, which is I hadn't met before. It was hard to capture and I was forced to used the Ultra Ball, but this had become my favourite flying-type (in the beginning it's Natu) and replaced Molt. I called the Sigilyph Archon because judging its appearance it looked powerful, and based on the transforming skill Archon.

And I met Team Flare again. Here's goes 'by the Light be damned!' (you probably heard this when you play as the Crusader in the expansion). What drove them to these obelisks?!

Reflection Cave shall be my favourite dungeon.

Why do you ask? Because there's a lot of psychic-types! (with the exception of those Ferroseed) I got a Solosis (Blure, based on the passive Blur), a Chingling (Orbita, based on the Arcane Orb rune Arcane Orbit), the annoying Wobbuffet (Unstable, due to its Destiny Bond and based on the passive Unstable Anomaly), a Mr Mine which I was desperate to catch a male (Mirron, based on Mirror Image) and a Swoobat called Familiar which I didn't realise it's also psychic.

Are there Exorcists and Exarches?

No, there's no such thing as those reapers in the Power Plant, but Team Flare raided it. Good thing I managed to beat them out! And I hate Swalot (you may know why).

So I heard your house was invaded by reapers...

You know there's a haunted house in Route 14, right? The man who told me about the haunted house sounds like there might be revenants.

This time, they looted Poke Balls

Team Flare again. Poor Shauna and Trevor being chased away by one of those grunts (good thing they didn't get killed!). Now I can't believe they tried to bribe the president of the factory!

You know the Hi-Jynx in Frost Caverns...

I found Jynx in there and called her Nova (based on Frost Nova). No kidding. You may hate her but Nova's something I could use for endgame. I tried to breed for a Smoochum but she's not interested in mating...

This time, Team Flare tried to unleash Snow Warning on Abomasnow. I got rid of those pathetic scientists and that Pokemon gave me a Mega Stone. I ain't interested on getting an Abomasnow!

With Hatred and Sorrow

When I realised that Lysandre is part of Team Flare there's one thing that came up to my mind even till now...


Why... Because he wanted to obliterate Kalos from existence. Reminded me of Malthael trying to purge the universe by destroying humanity...

When I got into Lysandre's cafe the staff inside the cafe were like they're possessed. The more grunts I've encountered, the deeper my hatred grows. However, hatred ceases when I heard the ancient tragedy...

And Lysandre went of destroying the world.

Stop, Demon!

Deep within Team Flare's fortress I discovered Yveltal's cocoon. The demon came out, and blasted away my Sorceress (Gardevoir) even though she's one with the light. With several failed attempts, I have no choice but to unleash the Master Ball...

It's your turn to die, Lysandre...

Lysandre. This time he's part 'demon'... I discovered the use of Yveltal: to destroy Lysandre. Yveltal's levels are a little lower than Lysandre's Pokemon, including Mega Gyrados, but I kept spamming Oblivion Wing at them. If I only wish Inarius or Tyrael was there...

(As I had mentioned, I like to mess it with things Diablo)

I don't want you to die, neighbour...

(Listen this while reading, and then this)
That's it, Team Flare is forever gone for good. Lysandre is (probably) dead.

In the aftermath, everyone was fine. As the others left, Serena told to Wizzy:

'I respect you as much as a friend.'

And Wizzy should have told her back: 'I don't want you to die...'

Those are just words. Words of a mortal heart...

After all these times, I can't believe there are psychic Pokemon who don't look psychic

I read some random FAQ mentioning that Slowpoke and Exeggcute ARE psychic-type (I did not thought of that!). So I tried capturing them. I got a female Slowpoke known as Condact and a male one known as Simul (based on the Mirror Image rune Simulacrum). I got a female Exeggcute called Split (based on the Magic Missile rune Split) who's already an Exeggutor. I only thought Starmie is the only water-psychic and Celebi as the only grass-psychic! Same goes to Victini as the only fire-psychic until Delphox appears.

Now here's the irony

Ever seen Gothorita? I never seen it nor it's a psychic-type. Run into a female one in Pokemon Village (its feminine in appearance thus females shall make more sense, same applies to Gardevoir) and named her Mimic (based on that illusionist's skill rune Mirror Mimics).

I admit it, there are gym leaders who are too easy to defeat...

Here's why. I'm psychic-focused thus why I can defeat Korrina in no time, defeated Ramos because of Meteorite and Archon, bested Olympia due to Meteor's Shadow Ball and managed to best Wulfric because of Meteor and Force. Clemont is the hardest due to myself lacking ground-types (where can I find a Baltoy?) and Valerie is like so-so due to my lack of knowledge on fairy.

Malva's the hardest to defeat

Because of Glace (my Lapras, based on Glacial Spike) is at a low level. I thought fighting fire with fire could be the best way but one of her fieries took down Meteor! No, I wasn't going to Mega-Evolve Venusaur.

Wikstrom is more than a Crusader

I underestimated him. I thought Meteor is the solution to everything until one of his steelies (NOT Steelix) Shadow Balled Meteor! Alright, the worst is his Aegislash...

Siebold... I underestimated him too

When I encountered his Starmie (which is I also want!) I thought Meteor's Shadow Ball should be enough, but it kicked Meteor very hard... So I had no choice but to Mega-Evolve Venusaur.

Drasna is too easy for me

Thanks to Sorceress' Dazzling Gleam!

Why Diantha's a piece of cake while the Elite Four is so hard?

This would probably made you wondering till nighttime. Just using Meteor to defeat Mega Gardevoir. Guess how it is possible.

It's official. Wizzy's a Nephalem

Finally Wizzy is now part of the Hall of Fame. Here's the results
Meteor- Delphox    Sorceress- Gardevoir    Venusaur    Force- Medicham    Archon- Sigilyph   
Glace- Lapras

Now if I were correct I think I took 25 to 30 hours of game time to complete the game...

I don't remember the credits theme

It was beautiful when the first time I heard and saw it... As I completed the game myself I heard it again and I was like 'was that a different song?' Sometime I'm not good at remembering things.

Now I would like to talk about my endgame experience.

Berries. You loot one, and when you plant it, you gain more loot.

This is true. Had you been to the berry garden in Route 7? You may not just planting berries, but also making mulch too.

Mega Gardevoir is beautiful... and overpowered

I heard the news about Gardevoir having a Mega Evolution. To gain a Mega Stone for Gardevoir, talk to Diantha at Cafe Soleil, and you can trade her any Pokemon for a female Ralts (suggestion: give her a beautiful and powerful Pokemon like Altaria). That Ralts is holding a Mega Stone. You can transfer the Mega Stone to your Gardevoir.

Sorceress has Dream Eater, Magical Leaf (now Energy Ball), Dazzling Gleam and Hypnosis. This combination... sounds freaky, right? I heard she can counterattack (almost) any Legendary Pokemon while in her Mega-Forme (there are disadvantages, see below). So anyone who owns Latias, Latios, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Darkrai, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Yveltal or Zygarde, you have been warned. She's not effective against Genesect, unfortunately.

I may have to check the aforementioned legendaries' elementals before I can confirm.

I killed Mewtwo by accident

I ran into Mewtwo. Then I Mega-Evolved Sorceress to counterattack him. Then I killed him, accidentally. Ugh, I did not expect that!

That happened too when I tried to capture Zygarde.

Someone said Wizzy is cute!

Sometime in the Battle Chateau a Baroness told Wizzy, if I remembered correctly:

'For such a cute little thing you are definitely tough!'

Wait! I got it:

'Y-ya totally beat me. You're pretty tough for such a cute little thing!'

Indeed! Wizzy is the cutest psychic trainer you've ever met. Sure Wizzy may not be the cutest trainer, but he has the best psychic Pokemon!

It's awkward to tame a demon

One time I tried to Poke-Amie Yveltal. That was an awkward moment. At first I can only touch his claws, and it seems to enjoy it. Then I tried to feed it, and it seems to enjoy it. It likes having its collar touched, but it hates having its ears touched. Those weren't ears, were they?

There are a bunch of weird opponents in the Battle Maison...

Indeed. For example, a four-year old Preschooler! That did not make any sense! Another is a maid who tried to behave like a cat girl (you will notice an obvious reference)! And I remember that one of the opponents has a Natu... I want one, desperately.

Now I'm trying to fill up my non-Legendary psychic Pokedex

The only ones I'm missing are Natu, Baltoy and Munna. The rest I'm trying ways to evolve both of my Slowpoke (got a Slowbro, but how can I get a Slowking!), and make my Ralts into a Gallade (complete!). I tried to make Nova breed a Smoochum (complete!), let Mimic get an evolution (complete!), make Blure and Orbita evolve (complete!), and get Mime Jr without running into hordes of them (complete! But I still run into hordes).

There's something emotional about Gallade...

Everytime when I get Sorceror (Gallade) into battle, there's something odd about him. For example, sometimes 'Sorceror looks a bit excited' or 'Sorceror is feeling uneasy...'. What does that mean and why my Gallade is like that?

I don't use O-Powers

Sorry Mr. Bonding.

I noticed why Nova could not breed

Black is too small for that! I should get Black back and evolve him into Mala... wait, bad idea!

Hands down, Zapdos is the most annoying Legendary ever

You might get the frustration when all of the sudden you run into one of the oh-so Legendary Birds of Kanto. And where can I find Raikou, Entei or Suicune?! How on earth do some people in cafes managed to get one of them?!

Where are you, neighbour...

Well, after knowing the locations of Shauna (Vaniville), Trevor (Geosenge) and Tierno (Coumarine), Wizzy can't seen to find Serena. After a long search in every town he knows and accidentally killed Mewtwo, he's unable to find her. Back in Snowbelle, he checks his archived messages in his Holo Caster by his friends and Sycamore, even Serena's requests for a challenge.

Bored, he then went to Kiloude to visit the Battle Maison. After 10 consecutive turns with Meteor, Sorceress and Archon, he decided to breath some fresh air.

To his suprise, Serena is in Kiloude. He quickly rushed to her. As he always expected, she would ask for a challenge.

Wizzy's mostly psychic Pokemon defeated her Pokemon with ease. There's a curiosity lets him wandering, where did Serena get a Clefairy?

Which is better? Dream Eater/Hypnosis combo or Future Sight?

Sorceress' Hypnosis mostly misses, which made my advantage to use Dream Eater difficult, thus resulting my 3 win 2 loss result at the Battle Institute. I'm now thinking about replacing Dream Eater/Hypnosis with Future Sight/Miracle Eye. What do you think?

One question: How can I get a Fennekin when I have a male Delphox?

I need a Fennekin, even though mine already evolved into a Delphox...

Completed Looker's mystery

Met a mysterious girl with an Espurr, check. Defeated the Lumiose Gang, check. Tried to capture some Team-Rocket-esque soldier, fail. Malva... uh-oh, I didn't meant to give any spoilers!

Verdict: Overall Pokemon X/Y is an excellently-polished game, although you may notice performance decrease in battles with 3D on. With Poke-Amie and Super Training, you may never get bored. Poke-Amie sometimes cute, sometimes odd and ironic. Mega Evolutions and catching Legendaries can be endgame content. So if you already have a 3DS, why not give this game a try?

My rating: 5 stars

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