
Thursday 24 January 2013

Happy Birthday!

Woohoo! It's my birthday! And the best of all, it's about one or two weeks before Chinese New Year! But I had a nostalgia of why my birthday for this year's fall on a public holiday...

First of all, I received a gift from my grandmother. It's a towel and, just an angpow of 10 Malaysian Ringgit...

Second, my tooth fell off two days ago and and I think it's located at the molar, not sure which molar...

And most important of all, it's the snake year and why do you ask, because I'm going to get a fat snake plush for my birthday!
Isn't that cute?
It's so big eyed and looks so chubby, who would like to get this snake?
The back of the snake
Another shot of my snake
My family and I went to Pizza Hut for lunch and I ordered some sort of a Chinese-New-Year special combo called the Golden Harmony Feast (I know, it consists a unique limited-time pizza...). And yes, I had lunch with my plush...
Someone can't wait to have lunch
Here's a slice of my birthday cake:
Chocolate cake. I would rather prefer other flavours like strawberry or blueberry...
And for this night I went to a new restaurant located around the town.

I'd better go to sleep right now. I think I may post the pictures during tomorrow or someday. And perhaps I can write some reviews about the dine-ins... Need to finish my holiday trip post!

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