Walkthourghs are here! We must retreat to Yavin!
Level 2-31 |
Obviously you have to aim the lasers to the bottom triangular metal block, deflecting its path.
Level 2-32 |
Push the metal blocks to deflect the incoming lasers to the Imperial soldiers, and use Han to clear any remaining forces.
Level 2-33 |
Cut the red lights supporting the barricade, then destroy the Stormtroopers.
Level 2-34 |
Slice the turrets and detonate the bomb, then aim for the Imperial soldiers at the northern hemisphere and the TIE Fighters.
Level 2-35 |
Shoot the TIE Fighter and hit the tower at the left, then use Chewbacca to destroy any remaining forces.
We have to figure out the Death Star's weakness!
Why waste our precious time when we have the best angry birds star wars walk through articles from: Level 1-16 through 1-18,on the FanUp Community site.(http://www.fanup.com/angry-birds-star-wars/guide/angry-birds-star-wars-level-1-16-through-1-18)