
Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Luxor 3: Pharaoh's Water Garden

The Pharaoh's water garden. It is at the back of the pyramid, or it's located near the Nile?

Forget about that, let me tell the description of this level. It look like two spirals connected together: outside to inside then inside to outside. It's mainly columns,there are reflectors available and can be useful for lightning bolts. A little easy, I guess.

The fireball and the colour cloud can be useful at the center or the corners. If the balls are running fast on the top part, use the speed shot. For those who don't know how to use the reflectors try the pyramid blocker if the balls are nearer. Of course the sandstorm is handy: they are effective against columns!

It's possible to perform an insane move. Target the right reflector to the farthest right and it will hit the left reflector. You will score 6 times! But remember: timing must be right, and perhaps the reverse plus the speed shot can come in handy. If you don't believe me, see this screenshot for yourselves:
Recommended powerups: fireball, speed shot, lightning bolt, reverse, scorpion, colour cloud, pyramid blocker, colour sort, sandstorm

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