
Thursday, 15 March 2012

Luxor 3: Hypostyle Hall

What's a Hypostyle hall? In architecture, a Hypostyle hall has a roof which is supported by columns such as the Great Hypostyle Hall in Karnak. May be this place is set in Karnak or something?

Forget the description, just talk the description of the board. It may look easy: from the bottom-right up with a zig-zag then make a curve over a figure then a zig-zag down to the Pyramid at the bottom-left. But watch out for some parts which cover the balls, which make things a little difficult. The cover ups sometimes can be helpful: it helps you to reach some balls.

Lightning bolts can be useful to destroy the balls at the short columns. Just in case you need a scorpion to remove the balls out of reach. Problems? Colour sort has the solution. Sandstorm is fairly recommend against the horizontal tracks, but weak against columns (I guess).

Wait, is that the symbol of Ra (a falcon with a sun disk) on the floor?

Recommended powerups: fireball, speed shot, slow, reverse, colour bomb, scorpion, colour cloud, colour replacer, colour sort, sandstorm

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