A few days before Christmas, after getting a Magic Bounce Natu from the GTS, I used my 6IV Sigilyph to breed out IVs that of a Xatu (because you know, it's fast, and it's a poor man's Sigilyph). I couldn't hatch up a 5IV one, lacking Attack, or a 6IV, with the hidden ability.
But on the morning of Christmas Eve, THIS suddenly hatched:
"I was not expecting this." |
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"Why can't this thing have the IVs I wanted!" |
The fourth one is a bold Jigglypuff, with IVs in HP and Attack, not sure if I should evolve it or not. If I remembered correctly, I ran into another Jigglypuff, jolly, and IVs in Attack and Defense (Choice Scarf Wigglytuff anyone?), and a disappointing Floette, because that time I was using a Synchronizer to find a male Telepathy Kirlia, and ended up running into these two.
I didn't find any shiny Pokemon on X, but at some point I was doing the Masuda Method for a Shiny Spiritomb. But since I had a Ghost-type safari, I'm thinking about finding a shiny Phantump (me want!). Hey, want an Infiltrator Spiritomb with IVs in Attack, Defense and Sp. Def?
"Staring into a Natu's face is rather odd." |
Oh, and here's a family photo of it, the 6IV Magic Bounce Natu I finally hatched, and their father:
"A family resemblance." (?) |
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