
Sunday 28 September 2014

Pokemon X Ghost Trainer challenge: Chapter 1: Spirits of Santalune

My playlist: Invisible Wings (隐形的翅膀)

Let's begin!


It's a fine morning in Vaniville. Inside a house, a Fletchling flies upstairs as swiftly as it can, then pecking at the girl who looked overslept.

"Mom... don't wake me... ooh... agh... OUCH!" the girl yanked.

"Oh, Fletchling, it was you." said the girl as she turns her head over the bird Pokemon. This Fletchling always have been her alarm clock ever since she developed her oversleeping habits.

"Mixia, it's time to meet your neighbours!" said the girl's mother.

"I'm coming!" replied Mixia as she gets herself changed.

"Hmm... I always get the feeling that my wardrobe is empty. Perhaps I may get something when I run into some shops," thought Mixia.

A voice then whispered to the girl. This voice, whispered from who, or what, is not anyone but Mixia can hear.

"What, my neighbours are waiting for me? I'll be down in a jiffy!" said Mixia.

Opening her door, she meets two kids that are about the same height as the girl. "Hello there." greeted Mixia to Calem and Shauna. After a short conversation, she decided to wander about Vaniville, and then headed to Aquacorde, which is not far from her hometown.

In Aquacorde, she meets another two kids, one that looks slightly larger than the girl, and another that looks shorter and younger than the girl. Although Trevor, the shorter one, may looks like the youngest of the five, in truth, Mixia is a month younger then the shorter boy. Everyone then introduced themselves, then they try to suggest Mixia's nickname.

"Guys, stop quarreling over my nickname! Just call me Mimi, okay?" yelled Mixia.

"So your nickname is Mimi? Yay! That fits you nicely!" cheered Shauna.

"Ugh, that is embarrassing," thought Mixia.

Tierno then put up a chest containing three starters, the spiny nut Chespin, the cute fire fox Fennekin and the bubble frog Froakie. Mixia chooses Chespin, and named it Spiney. In addition, Mixia is also given a Pokedex.

"Don't forget to give the Professor's letter to your mom, Mimi" said Trevor.

Before Mixia headed of to her home, Shauna stops her tracks and asks her for a Pokemon battle.

"You'd best be careful. I can tell that I have a type advantage." warned Mixia.

And it did. Spiney do defeated Shauna's Froakie.

After the battle, Mixia told the cheery girl: "It seems that you're still getting the hang on it, but please feel free to solo battle with me if you have the time."

Mixia then heads back to Vaniville and give her mother the letter. Then, Mixia got everything packed up: a Potion, a map showing the Kalos region and a pack of clothes in case she has to change.

"Alright, time to meet up with my new friends at the forest. I wonder if I can see any Ghost-types around there." said Mixia.

Then, the same voice that whispered something speaks to her again. You may not know and see where does the voice comes from, but only Mixia knows it.

"What? The spirits in Santalune are inactive there? I remembered that I saw a Phantump at there when I was young..." replied to the voice.

It was the spirits. Ever since her young age, Mixia had experienced encounters with some of the dangerous Ghost-types and befriended them, because she had the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead that was gifted to her unknowingly even since her birth. However, she is not distracted by the voices of the spirits. This has caused her wanting to dress and become like her idol, who specialises the Ghost-type and also part of the Hoenn Elite Four.

Before Mixia headed to the forest, she is given a demonstration of capturing a wild Pokemon then given some Poke Balls by Calem. "Dang it! I can't believe I wasted some of my money on Poke Balls back in Aquacorde and then given free Poke Balls," thought Mixia.

As she entered the forest, Shauna was asking to follow her. "If you need to get your Pokemon healed, just talk to me!" said Shauna.

"Pidget, no. Bunnelby, no. Weedle?! I hated that thing!" shocked Mixia.

She then stumbled across a Scatterbug, and caught it. However, she found out that it was no use to her, not because it's a Bug-type, but a wrong nature.

"Finally, found a Fletchling." said Mixia as she approached the bird Pokemon then proceeds to catch it. "I may have use for this thing in future." she said again.

"Shauna, I have three Pokemon that needs recovering and one of them is poisoned by a Weedle" said Mixia to Shauna.

Mixia then proceeds to catch a Pansage, which turns out to be faster than her Pokemon, and caught it then named it Leafy. "Holy Arceus, this thing is timid! It can be super useful for me in future!" cheered Mixia.

"What just happened?" asked Shauna. She wasn't paying attention to the Grass monkey.

"Oh, nothing." replied Mixia casually.

Then she proceeds to catch a Pansear and a Panpour, both are named Firey and Watery respectively. "Hmm... My Pokemon don't look like they are ready for Santalune's Gym Leader. I should really train them hard. But first, I need to exit this forest. The spirits are right, there are no ghosts here..." thought Mixia.

Mixia catches up with the group and exited the forest. She is then given a note about tips for freshly started trainers by Calem. "I hope she likes how much I knew..." thought Calem. The black-haired boy has a crush on Mixia ever since he met the girl because of her adorable looks. However, Calem isn't aware of the girl's spooky side...

"What do you want to be, Mimi? asked Shauna.

"To be a Ghost Pokemon trainer like my idol!" cheered Mixia.

"G-g-g-ghosts? I don't like this kind of idea..." Shauna looks scared.

"Relax, you just misunderstood the Ghost-type. I can soon show you how many awesome things that Ghost Pokemon can do!" said Mixia as she tries to motivate Shauna.

Santalune is not far from Route 3. Mixia attempted to dodge through some junior trainers and got spun away by a Roller Skater.

"What just happened?" thought Mixia.

She then reached Santalune. She first headed to the Pokemon Center to get her Pokemon healed then deposit the 'useless' Scatterbug, and get herself changed.

"I wonder what mom gave to me," thought Mixia. What she got is a green T-shirt and a pair of aqua pants. "Not what I expected for a Ghost trainer outfit, but I'll try to work on it, if I have enough funds." she thought again.

She then headed to "Santalune's Hat Store", a moniker which is used by many fashion-crazy trainers for Santalune's boutique. Indeed, it's just hats. Mixia found a cycling cap and a artificial flower pin.

"I heard there is a blue one somewhere. I'm saving the yellow one for an alternatively-coloured scheme. The hat fits my role as a Ghost trainer, I guess." thought Mixia.

Next chapter: Bug it out!

My team of not-so-ghastlies

Spiney (Chespin)
Level 10, Lonely
Tackle, Growl, Vine Whip, Rollout

Fletchling (which I haven't decided a name)
Level 10, Naughty
Tackle, Growl, Quick Attack, Peck

Leafy (Pansage)
Level 5, Timd
Scratch, Play Nice, Leer

Watery (Panpour)
Level 4, Serious
Scratch, Play Nice, Leer

Firey (Pansear)
Level 4, Brave
Scratch, Play Nice, Leer

Author's note
I can't believe this took me an hour to finish writing. About the soothing yet out-of-this-creepy-topic song, I bet it could reflect on Mixia's beginnings.

There are not Ghost-types in there, so I resort to using the elemental monkeys and Fletchling. Scatterbug was useless because it has a Naughty nature, whilst I go for Modest or Timid.

Is anyone ready to trade their Ghost Pokemon with me? I'll try to catch some good Scatterbugs later if you are asking me to trade.

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