
Tuesday 9 September 2014

Pokemon X Ghost trainer challenge: My rules

As I said before, I will post out the rules of my Ghost trainer challenge.

Also, my posts on the Ghost trainer challenge will be longer than my Y playthrough, so expect it to be more of short stories, even though my essay writing is horrible.

Here are the usual rules of the single-type challenge:

1. You can only use Pokemon of the type you choose. You cannot switch types mid-game.
2. You cannot use two different Pokemon that are in the same branched evolutionary line.
3. No Dragon, Ghost and Ice types (What?!?!? Defy that!)
4. You can use Pokemon which doesn't belong to the type you choose but will be in a dual-type evolution (Staryu>Starmie (Psychic), Snorunt>Froslass (Ghost))
5. Starters are accepted.
6. Trade limit of 2 Pokemon in mid-game.
7. There's a level limit for each Gym challenge.

Uhh... that kind of makes the challenge harder. For simplicity's sake, I decided to set up my rules:

  • I know Ghost-types are very scarce in early game. However, for my rules, gift Pokemon, for example, in XY, Kalos/Kanto starters, Korrina's Lucario and a Lapras, are allowed. As I have mentioned the scarcity of Ghost-types, here's a list of Pokemon that are also allowed other than gift Pokemon:
Scatterbug>Vivillon (for trading purposes)
Fletchling (for breeding purposes)
Pansage/Pansear/Panpour (early game type coverage)
Farfetch'd/Dunsparce (they are rare, you know)
  • Once you have caught at least 3 Ghost-type Pokemon, deposit the aforementioned Pokemon. Save up one space and a Pokeball in case you want to evolve something that splits into 2 Pokemon (I won't tell you what it is, but you all should know it).
  • You can catch a Snorlax, but do not use it.
  • You can use the given Lapras. There's only two Ghost-type Pokemon that are capable of using Surf and Waterfall, but they are not available in XY. (You should also know what it is).
  • Choose the starter for which Legendary Birds you decided to catch.
  • I will trade for Pokemon that can only be found at the Friend Safaris (Dusclops, Snorunt, Spiritomb) or not available in XY (Misdreavus, Frillish, Yamask). Pokemon that evolves upon trading are accepted (Haunter>Gengar, Dusclops>Dusknoir, Pumpkaboo>Gourgeist).
  • Defy the level limit of the original challenge, but be careful of which point of the level limit by the given Gym Badge.
  • Overleveling is not a bad thing, but the level limit is 70.
  • No Girantina. Seriously I hate that thing. And no Legendaries are allowed for the challenge!

Well, I guess that's all for the rules. Speaking of trade, I will post up what Pokemon I need, and what nature, what moves it has inherited and what IVs it should have (this is not an Egglocke!). If you are willing to trade me the aforementioned Pokemon, feel free to add my Friend Code, and my 3DS username is Tan. But do not trade them to Wizzy (which is my trainer's name on Y, so wait until I have X).

Remember that!

(P.S. the title series is supposedly to be called "Ghost monotype challenge", but it will sound too hard. So yeah, I retitled it to "Ghost trainer challenge", which refers to my soon-to-be Ghost trainer on my X game, Mixia)

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