
Monday 1 December 2014

Battle Spot Report #1: Subsitute Ninjask & Rocky Helmet Uxie

I mentioned that I got into the spirit of competitive battling, right? Okay.

So I've been to the Battle Spot. I'm telling you, it's the first time I've battled on the Battle Spot! I know that the Battle Spot on XY is a bit empty...

The team

Before I write up anything, here's my Battle Spot team. A mono-Psychic team. Well, that means you'll be throwing Dark and Ghost moves at me, of course.

Sigilyph that has 6IVs (Archos)
  • Stored Power, Cosmic Power, Roost, Miracle Eye
  • Why Miracle Eye? To deal with Darks. But I know it will die to them after using so.
My shiny Gallade (Sorceron)
  • Psycho Cut, Power-up Punch, Poison Jab, Night Slash
  • He's my 2nd shiny. Uses an Expert Belt. I mean, look at this moveset!
Mega Medicham that I've been painstakingly bred
  • Fake Out, Ice Punch, Psycho Cut, Drain Punch
  • I might be considering replacing Ice Punch with Fire Punch...
Assault Vest Xatu
  • U-turn, Psyshock, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball
  • Never heard of it? Ever saw an U-turn Xatu? Good. Then I'm making use of Assault Vest.
Chimecho with a Ganlon Berry
  • Stored Power, Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Recover
  • Pretty sure it dies to one Knock Off. I'll explain why.
Girafarig that everyone hates
  • Psyshock, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, Agility
  • If you think Girafarig's stats are poor, do you consider it's typing poor?

If you ever noticed, it's more of a sweeper team. Yes, I'm running glass cannon. Psychic-types are meant to be glass cannons, aren't they?

1st battle- Xatu, Sigilyph, Medicham vs Ninjask, Salamence, Venusaur

Know what I've been run into? A Substitute Ninjask. Unfortunately, the trainer did not know how to use the Ninjask properly. After spamming Psyshock with Xatu on the substituting Ninjask, she switched it to Salamence, not Baton Passing. And that time, I was about to mark the blow with a Dazzling Gleam, or expecting a Greninja switch in.

The Salamence threw a Dragon Claw, and Xatu bedazzled it. The trainer sends out Venusaur and Mega Evolves it, managing to survive a Psyshock and threw a Sludge Bomb.

My Mega Medicham did outspeed that Venusaur. First a Fake Out, then unleashing a Psycho Cut. The Ninjask was sent out, unleashed an X-Scissor, and Medicham Ice Punched it.

So lesson of the story- never send out a Poison-type against a Psychic team, unless it has a very dangerous Dark move.

2nd battle- Sigilyph, Gallade, Girafarig vs Gengar, Crawdaunt, Uxie

Every Psychic-type specialist hates running into Gengar, right? Then you understand how I feel. That trainer Mega Evolved his Gengar and just as it's about to throw a Shadow Ball, I switched in my Girafarig. Hah! That's what Girafarig's for! Blocking every Ghost attack for the Psychic-types!

That Gengar threw a Sludge Bomb and it poisoned my Girafarig! Fortunately, Girafarig was able to throw a Psyshock before it died to the poison. Of course, it managed to take down that Gengar.

Then I tried to stack up Archos' Stored Power while that trainer sends out Uxie (hi, Uxie!). It created a Light Screen, yawned Archos to sleep, created a Reflect and threw back a U-turn so he can switch in a Crawdaunt.

I knew that Crawdaunt is going to kill Archos the moment it Dragon Danced, so let Sorceron do the job! He somehow managed to resist a Rock Slide, but instead he Power-up Punched Uxie's Rocky Helmet! Nevertheless, he somehow threw a Night Slash at Uxie. Bye, Uxie.

Can't believe that Crawdaunt was faster than Sorceron! It threw a Crabhammer! Strangely enough, Archos was somewhat able to dodge the Rock Slide in its sleep, and managed to woke up in time to set up. Unfortunately, it died to one Knock Off after getting hit by a Rock Slide.

See what I did here? Girafarig is meant to counter Ghost-types. Give it Shadow Ball and Dazzling Gleam, and it'll do its job. About the Knock Off thing, I know many Psychic-types will die to this move, so I fear that Chimecho's Ganlon Berry will not save it...

So, anyone understands how a mono-Psychic team work? Good, then I'll meet you at Battle Spot. Wish me luck!

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