
Saturday 23 August 2014

Crickets and other miscellaneous stuff

Ah... back to my blog. It's has been five months that I haven't written anything on it. Wait, five months?! Aaaaaagh!!!!!!!

So yeah, since I felt like my blog is nearly empty, I decided to post up something recent.

After I did a Saturday shopping (and bought some snow-skin mooncakes), when I reached my house, I heard some cricketing sounds, and there's a cricket on the soil of our willow. And how did that cricket managed to climb up to the 26th floor of a condo, anyway?

And  I was like "Hmm... I could take a picture of that cricket".

Our last guest was a grasshopper, who stood of the branch of the willow and did nothing but just moving around the branch. The next day it was gone, and I was like "Come back, Mr. Grasshopper. Don't you want to take a picture of you??" Do I sound like a photographer? Never mind.

So here are my attempts on taking this cricket.
Can't.. seem to see it
Then my parents tried to give me some light for clarity, using an old torchlight and my older sister's iPhone light. Don't understand why iPhone flashes are brighter. I was suggested to use flash mode on my camera.
I think I am seeing it!
Just a bit more clarity...
Then I switched to night tripod mode. Didn't work, and so long to process. Dang it.
Sooner and later I was getting the hang of it! They started to become clearer!
And I almost got a clear picture of it.
Now if I only move the camera away from the branch...
What do you think? Think I'm getting the better at photographing? I hope so.

Now speaking of the miscellaneous on the post's title, here's the miscellaneous stuff (be warned that they can be 3DS related):

Visited this year Bon Odori festival. Nothing special, just to Streetpass. That night I Streetpassed 5 people! Man, I should take part in Georgetown's events more, as chances of Streetpassing can be good.

I started to become EV-training crazy on my Psychic-types (and some non Psychic-types). Losing so many times at the Battle Maison is often the incentive for that.

Unable to pass Physics (probably) and unable to complete Additional Maths in the exam is a total disaster for me. I'm supposedly to be good at Add Maths! But not enough time... (sobs...)

And by the way, sneak peek for this year's Mid-Autumn festival post!
Them colours!
"... This year they introduced a lot of snow-skin durian mooncakes, but I'm not interested in them..."

"...Notice something different about the Snow Skin Lotus Paste? Well it is coated with..."

"...Last year I wanted to buy... but it was out of stock. So sad..."

I have a feeling I am giving out spoilers... but I haven't take pictures of the mooncakes!

Perhaps I should do it, as soon as possible...

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