Walkthroughs! We are going in!
Leia: Wait, what's that sound?
Han: Mynocks. Probably chewing on the power cables.
Synopsis: While avoiding the Imperial Fleet's attacks, Han and the others hide inside a tunnel full of mynocks which are chewing on the Millennium Falcon's power cables. They try to fix them while getting rid of the mynocks.
Level 3-28 |
This level introduces Mynocks, bat-like pigs which fly when something hangs them is destroyed. For this level, pull the top part of the tower then aim for the hanging Mynock with the bomb hanging.
Level 3-29 |
Hit the glass-covered bomb them aim to shoot the Mynock flying at the left and the hanging Mynock and hitting the right structure.
Level 3-30 |
Pull the left structure to the right to domino the whole level. The route:
Level 3-31 |
After aiming Han to hit the right flying Mynock, immediately shoot the left flying Mynock and the bomb. Here's the route:
Better blast more Mynocks!
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