Let's continue the walkthroughs, shall we?
Luke: Agh... What happened?
Synopsis: While cleaning R2-D2, he accidentally triggers part of Leia's message, which she requests help from Obi-Wan Kenobi (Black bird). The next morning, Luke started searching for Obi-Wan, but he got carried away by Tusken Raiders (Sand pigs). Soon, Obi-Wan appeared, and the Tusken Raiders ran away.
Time for walkthroughs!
Instead of exploding, Obi-Wan uses the Force, which causes blocks to vibrate to the direction where you tap/click.
Level 1-5 |
Vibrate the blocks of the left structure and make them hit those Tusken Raiders!
Level 1-6 |
This level inroduces Imperial Stormtroopers (pigs). Some of them holds a blaster which shoot out laser blasts, which weakens the bird when it hit the lasers, but can be deflected. For this level, simply vibrate the blocks on the top of the main structure.
Level 1-7 |
Target the ice blocks which hold the right structure.
Level 1-8 |
Launch the blocks at the left. Why the Stormtroopers are hanging a Tusken Raider?
To be continued!
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