
Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Luxor 3: Lotus Bloom

In Ancient Egypt, the lotus in hieroglyphs means 1000. The lotus is sacred in Ancient Egypt because it is sacred to an Ancient Egyptian god.

Okay, not enough information yet, we need to discus this map. The bugs appear from the top then move cursively then turned to another direction (notice some part cannot be seen during turning), and going to one of the pyramids indicated by the gate by going vertical then turn horizontal then turn down and do a small curve and finally reaching the pyramid by going horizontally and take a small turn.

Can be a little difficult I guess. The fireball and the colour cloud can be handy against curves. It's squiggly at the top so you need the speed shot. Since the track is short, you need the pyramid blocker. The sandstorm might be useful against the horizontal tracks and the squiggly part at the top.

Can't they use a real flower instead a lotus on the wall?

Recommended powerups: fireball, speed shot, slow, wild ball, reverse, net, colour bomb, scorpion, colour cloud, pyramid blocker, colour sort, sandstorm

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